The amount of stupidity I read here:
"Why didnt they just jump out." Do you even know how planes work, what cabin pressure is? This isnt your skydiving tin can, you cant open the door mid flight due to pressure and wind going in your direction. Also, you know what happens when there is a blowout in the fuselage. Its not like in the movies just gushing of wind and everyone is concious. Your body internals turn insdie out, you shit yourself, you vomit, you get massive nose bleed, if you have no access to oxygen you will be brain dead in 3 minutes. So please explain to me, how will you in that situation make a Rambo move such as, let me just get myself to the door when your body is falling apart every second. Not to mention most people would pass out in less than a minute.
"Why doesnt Musk make a eject button seat". REALLY? 300 seats to be able to eject? That means the whole top fuselage needs to be removable which will make the strength of the cabin even worse. Thats suicide, nothing to do with regulations, its just plain stupidity. Eject to where? Do you realize thjat fighter jet pilots have special training just for the eject situation, because of the massive g-forces it takes to pull you out. You think a mother with a child knows how to tens her body up so it can be able to take it without passing out...and how does she explain that to a 2 year old that might as well jsut fly off from the seat. And after that what do they do, do they know how to steer or do they just float like lemmings all over the place...300 people, one hits a building, other crashes on top of a tree, the other goes right back into the fire of the crashed plane etc. You watch way too many movies.
Boeing and Airbus exist for over 100 years, they know their shit. Like anything, it can fail and we learn on mistakes and try to improve for the next one. Didnt self driving Tesla AI crash and kill already some people? How long did it take for SpaceX to make a successful landing for the very first time? As far as regulations go, they are 99.9 pro safety for the people on board as well as on ground. Imagine people ejected from a plane, so what happens to the top of the plane, that huge chunk of metal just falls in the middle of the city killing even more people? You know planes dont just crash on the water or some bare land. San Francisco airport for example is in center downtown. The Concorde was the future, instead we went backwards and still fly almost same speed as we did 25 years ago. Only difference is now you can fit in more people. But due to regulations, the noise The Concorde was making was intense, it was blowing peoples windows out, animals were getting scared or dying, people were complaining. All it took was one crash and it got canned for good.
Airline industry is the safest out of all transportations. You dont realize how many airplanes taske off in a day from a single airport. London Heathrow or Dubai Airport...thousands a day and not a single crash. As far as I know you can also be just a regular innocent passenger in a car and a drunk car driver ploughs into you and kills you and your family. And when shit goes down, it doesnt take the plane 10 minutes to crash, its like 1 or 2 minutes. You dont have time to react, you wont feel helpless like its a Die Hard movie where you have time to calculate all your options. You are in shock, the plane most of the time is rushing to the ground, some people already lost consciousness way before that, you just hold on and accept. Same as you being in the car and see a guy driving at you on a single lane and you have nowhere to turn.
Just look how many planes, you literally cant see Europe because of how heavy air traffic is. And this is every single day 24/7. AND its during Covid where half the airlines dont even run at full capacity. So yes, sometimes unfortunately there is a plane crash but its like 1 in a year and we arent even talking about big airlines but something smaller/older/cargo etc. Airline statistic are fucking golden compared to car, motorcycle, bus transportations where there are daily hundreds.