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BOF Dragon Quarter: How far am I?


Just started the frozen road, with 18% D-meter (since I wanted to experiment with it on bosses.) Can I actually make it to the end with that much meter?


YOu still have a ways to go I think. There is a bunch of bosses as you get closer to end. That game rocks best RPG of last year.


shitting in the alley outside your window
yea you can make it with that meter, but no more goofing around with it.

you still have quite a ways to go, but sadly you probably should have saved that meter for the end of the frozen road if you were planning on using it anyways :)
Considering that I beat the game with about 48% D-counter without ever using it in battle, (unless locked into it at the beginning of a battle), I'd say you're alright.

Just keep in mind that you never need to use it unless you ARE locked into the Dragon form. There's always a way. (And yes, including clearing every room of enemies.)


works for Gamestop (lol)
I still haven't beaten it, I'm still at the end of the frozen road...heh...I don't think my characters are developed that great though, around like leve 18's on all 3 characters


Wario64 said:
I still haven't beaten it, I'm still at the end of the frozen road...heh...I don't think my characters are developed that great though, around like leve 18's on all 3 characters

Mine are even lower-around level 13. I can't even kill some enemies without taking like 20 turns


shitting in the alley outside your window
im gonna throw my 2 cents in and say its one of my favorite rpgs ever. finish it :)


works for Gamestop (lol)
belgurdo said:
Mine are even lower-around level 13. I can't even kill some enemies without taking like 20 turns

Yeah man, I have a feeling I'm not doing something right. And the bosses at the end of the Frozen Road are killer



Something bad always happens, and the dungeon is always different so I get surprised.

Sometimes theres a big damn ogre looking thing, sometimes is a cute little blob with ears. Sometimes it's tons of enemies sometimes its a few enemies.


Has problems recognising girls
Use brains over brawn. The battle system seems very complex yet simple at times, one of the major hooks into playing the game I think.


Ferrio said:

Something bad always happens, and the dungeon is always different so I get surprised.

Sometimes theres a big damn ogre looking thing, sometimes is a cute little blob with ears. Sometimes it's tons of enemies sometimes its a few enemies.

All enemies early on have the potential to ruin your day, so make sure you cut them a couple of times then move outside of their movement range to keep them from fucking you up. Once you hit level 10 or so (or get Lin), you can probably lay into the tiny enemies with no problem, but the big ones are still a mother, so just shoot/use magic on them until they die, or hide Ryu behind something that obscures movement and cut away. Traps help immensly, too.

Don't even bother with giant enemy groups, since it takes ages to kill all of them and the rewards usually aren't great. Just lay a trap or (once you get Dragon power) run through them.
belgurdo said:
Don't even bother with giant enemy groups, since it takes ages to kill all of them and the rewards usually aren't great. Just lay a trap or (once you get Dragon power) run through them.



belgurdo said:
All enemies early on have the potential to ruin your day, so make sure you cut them a couple of times then move outside of their movement range to keep them from fucking you up. Once you hit level 10 or so (or get Lin), you can probably lay into the tiny enemies with no problem, but the big ones are still a mother, so just shoot/use magic on them until they die, or hide Ryu behind something that obscures movement and cut away. Traps help immensly, too.

Don't even bother with giant enemy groups, since it takes ages to kill all of them and the rewards usually aren't great. Just lay a trap or (once you get Dragon power) run through them.

Wait, you can hit them several times before the battle? I always slash them and run into them. Does that hurt them more?


Ferrio said:
Wait, you can hit them several times before the battle? I always slash them and run into them. Does that hurt them more?

You can use traps (read: bombs or rotten meat) to hurt them before the battle starts, and cutting/shooting them before the fights give you a "freebie" turn to the corresponding party member


works for Gamestop (lol)
The only way you can hurt them before jumping into battles is throwing traps at them, like bombs or whatever. I don't remember if slashing them (or hitting them for that matter) gives any effects on the battles, except you getting the initiative attack on them. How I played it is that I would try to engage into battles with only 1 monster in them, or try to seperate monsters if they're packed together. It's much easier to win battles if you only have to defeat 1 enemy. Do you even have any allies with you yet?


Well in t he beggining i'm not given much if any traps (seems random). Sometimes I'll get a trap sometimes I'll just keep getting meat.


I got to the beginning of the last series of boss fights with like 50% (Would`ve been lower if I hadn`t D-Dashed through certain areas and used my Dragon Powers on two bosses earlier in the game) meter and just ended up blowing through the rest of my meter to finish the game quick =D. You can easily go through it without the D powers though. It`s a really easy game, just a lot of gamers are weaksauce ;p.
You should be fine; I think I had about that on my D-Counter for the Frozen Road the first time through, and I was fine. Ended up with enough left to use D powers against all the last 5 bosses or so.

Don't worry too much about the increases just from walking around; it's very slight. If you simply avoid using your D-powers much, you'll have no problem getting through. (I'd recommend saving probably 50 percentage points for the last 2 areas...)
Er, does SOL Restore reset your meter or just return it to the saved value? I was under the impression you could be pretty wasteful with the % as long as you don't mind restoring (which seems to be a given to build up XP anyway)

Well, I finally slogged through the first dungeon myself. I had to use SOL restart a few times and hit the shop for a couple ten packs worth of Healing items, but I finally seem to be moving the plot forward. I have no idea how one would make it through without a lot of items, though - even with top notch trap management the monsters do a great job of ripping the team apart.
I got really close to the end of the game, but I was just too low in level. I restarted, and haven't played much since. Great game though.


BobbyRobby said:
I got really close to the end of the game, but I was just too low in level. I restarted, and haven't played much since. Great game though.

Yeah, it's really easy to be underlevelled in this game unless you SOL restore about 3000 times in the dungeons before you get Dragon Power. That's something they probably should have rectified before the game was released, but oh well

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
It shouldn't at all be THAT hard to beat the game without resorting to D-stuff, even still an SOL restart after making 75%+ progress will damn well guarantee an easy victory. Some of the abilities you discover by then (as well as the nest egg of Party XP to pimp) will really let you whip through the game in a matter of hours.

My intial run had a lot of experimentation and I reached the final few bosses with upwards 90% D-gauge(I used the dash feature stupidly quite often for the first 1/3rd of the game not realizing the repurcussions). SOL Restart + ~6 hours later...game annhilated. My D-gauge never got any use beyond the chipped percentage that cuts away from walking. D-rank 1/208 or whatever...

No need to start thinking about tedious loopholes to leveling. Just play naturally, you'll do fine.


works for Gamestop (lol)
What level were you when you got to the end of the Frozen Road? Before the 3 or so consecutive boss fights


Wario64 said:
What level were you when you got to the end of the Frozen Road? Before the 3 or so consecutive boss fights

About level 15. Almost beat the robot but ran out of healing items


Damn, I made it through the entire game w/o resorting to D-Power, knocked the last few bosses around and unleased the Dragon Breath on them just to show that I could fuck them up EVEN MORE.

This game, and Ninja Gaiden XBox have a special place in my heart, because when you finally learn the game, you'll realize that YOU, not them, are the boss creature everybody's trying to dispatch.

To all the ones who say "man I bet if I had all those powers of the last boss, I'd kick that boss' ASS", well, here you go.

DJ Brannon said:
Damn, I made it through the entire game w/o resorting to D-Power, knocked the last few bosses around and unleased the Dragon Breath on them just to show that I could fuck them up EVEN MORE.

My second time through, I made it to the last boss with like 16% D-Power. It was hi-larious.
Crazymoogle said:
Er, does SOL Restore reset your meter or just return it to the saved value? I was under the impression you could be pretty wasteful with the % as long as you don't mind restoring (which seems to be a given to build up XP anyway)

It returns the counter to the value it was at when you made your last permasave. Yes, you can keep restoring to that save and building up XP. (Doing permasaves does take away from your final ranking at the end of the game, though. But it's easier to get a better ranking on a subsequent playthrough, anyway.)

If you do SOL Restart and go back to the start of the game, the D-Counter resets to 0%, of course
Shouta said:
Had to use them since everyone was near death and I had a load of loot to sell Miss Dragon!



I need to run through the game again. It's so much fun and it's great that they give you more story with each runthrough.


This is awesome.

In a small corridor, lay down two fire glyphs on the ground and stand behind them. Enemies don't want to move foward so I just save my AP. Then I walk ryu around them and kick them into the damn thing. I didn't get hit a single time for like an hour.
Ferrio said:
This is awesome.

In a small corridor, lay down two fire glyphs on the ground and stand behind them. Enemies don't want to move foward so I just save my AP. Then I walk ryu around them and kick them into the damn thing. I didn't get hit a single time for like an hour.

They don't walk into the fire glyphs? WTF? Every enemy I've run into so far gladly walks into the fire. (still good for damage reasons, though)


Crazymoogle said:
They don't walk into the fire glyphs? WTF? Every enemy I've run into so far gladly walks into the fire. (still good for damage reasons, though)

They sometimes do, sometimes don't. I'm always surprised when they do.... idiots. Though bombs rock, never could figure how to use them. I'd lay them on the ground... and nothing. But then I was facing some huge thing, layed down two glyphs, Kicked him into it then set off a bomb he was in the radius of.
Ferrio said:
They sometimes do, sometimes don't. I'm always surprised when they do.... idiots. Though bombs rock, never could figure how to use them. I'd lay them on the ground... and nothing. But then I was facing some huge thing, layed down two glyphs, Kicked him into it then set off a bomb he was in the radius of.

Yeah, I'm kinda confused about those too. From what I could gather, bombs are activated by the "Use" option (L trigger underneath 'Pick Up') but I haven't tried that yet in fear of being damaged by the blast myself. The game vaguely alludes to them being useful as pre-battle traps, but like you mentioned, I haven't seen any remote explosion effect before combat.

The only monsters I've seen that haven't run into the flames tend to be the ones who get stuck in the environment. I've seen one particular group that always seems to get hung up around a corner the size of a treasure chest.


Crazymoogle said:
Yeah, I'm kinda confused about those too. From what I could gather, bombs are activated by the "Use" option (L trigger underneath 'Pick Up') but I haven't tried that yet in fear of being damaged by the blast myself. The game vaguely alludes to them being useful as pre-battle traps, but like you mentioned, I haven't seen any remote explosion effect before combat.

The only monsters I've seen that haven't run into the flames tend to be the ones who get stuck in the environment. I've seen one particular group that always seems to get hung up around a corner the size of a treasure chest.

You don't get hurt by the blast, and you can use them as pre battle (though I don't think it does as much damage). Trick is you gotta throw it at them (foward+square).


Just realized about the temp save, I thought it was a quick type sava ala fps games.... thats good I kept using coins to save my progress when I was getting tired of playing.
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