NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

Bohemia Interactive příští týden odhalí budoucnost série Arma - INDIAN
Zatím oficiálně nevíme, co můžeme čekat, s jistotou ale uvidíme první plody nového herního enginu Enfusion, který byl formálně představen na konci minulého roku.

All we know for sure is that whatever Bohemia Interactive reveals will be the first fruits of the new Enfusion engine , which was fully introduced at the end of last year.
However, since the beginning of last year, when the first leaks occurred, there has been speculation about the existence of the Arma: Reforger project , which could be inspired by the original Operation Flashpoint , now distributed under the name Arma: Cold War Assault . After all, it wasn't hard to tell that the Enfusion screenshots we had a few months ago came from a new version of Everon Island , one of Flashpoint's main venues. In addition, a few days ago, the arrival of the modernized Everon was confirmed by Marek Španěl, the director and co-founder of Bohemia Interactive, via Twitter.
But we're not moving that a lot of fans of the series would rather see the full fourth part , which fans have been calling for for several years. After all, Arma 3 was released in 2013, and although its long-standing support is admirable, it cannot, of course, last forever.