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Book of Henry, the latest film from Colin Trevorrow (Ep. 9), is reviewing poorly.


Mice wrote that.
That's just sad.

That seems a bit unfair.

"We took my daughter, who's four, ... to see 'Wonder Woman.' My wife and I, and my son, we all loved it. It's a great movie, but something else happened with her. ... She had a very profound reaction to it. We thought it was a little long for her, and we weren't sure if she was going to be a part of this, but she came out and was like, 'I'm going to want to watch that every day, and I am Wonder Woman now.' It was pretty stunning to see it happen. It's important, that movie. It really is."

"Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Princess Leia were all characters that we were able to identify with in various ways, and especially with the character of Rey and what she means to young girls right now, and the challenges that she's up against. It is extremely crucial that I understand what actual children are feeling about these stories that we're telling them, and I think it's important that I have kids, and if filmmakers don't have kids, they should go talk to them because they don't see things the same way that we did when we were kids."


That's just sad.

Oh, come on... Is the hate so real that everything Trevorrow says must be turned against him? What he said is actually pretty on point, and you have to go trough some hoops to interpret this as 'hey, this guy never thought female-centric stories are important'

And lol, I'm feeling like I'm a defence force for the dude now, without being a fan of his work, just because I'm so annoyed by all the hyperbole surrounding him.


That's just sad.

I hope you are talking about the guy that tweetet not Colin?

There is nothing wrong with the quote, he just told a story of experiencing the importance first hand, now that his daughter is becoming old enough to get effected by it.

That doesn't mean he didn't realized the overall importance before. I remember him talking about this in the very first interview i heard from him shortly after the release of VII.

I know that you guys don't like him, and i also would prefer someone different. Doesn't mean you have to go all bully on him.


Frozen 2 is scheduled for Thanksgiving 2019, IIRC. Disney's not gonna let Star Wars cut out Frozen's legs like that (to be fair, they are letting it cut out Avengers 4's legs).
I doubt Star Wars and Frozen 2 would conflict. They have pretty different audiences. People are not going to be choosing between SW or Frozen.

That seems a bit unfair.
Great that his daughter had that reaction, but why the hell are people taking 4-year olds to a violent World War 1 film? Jesus America. That it's not rated R doesn't mean that it's suitable for everyone.
That seems a bit unfair.

You mean people on Twitter conflate and over-react to things in part to solicit hits, retweets, and e-popularity? :O

I don't doubt The Book of Henry is pretty mediocre. Even the logline seems far-fetched at the very least. But people extrapolating this to mean that his iteration of Star Wars is inherently doomed is silly. While the director may be the ones pulling the reigns, it's normal for producers and executives to still weigh in, offer feedback, and help sculpt the film in other ways. Some people have such a hate hard-on for Trevorrow that the mention that he wanted to film some actual space segments in space elicited more dogpiling by some people even though I'm sure the opposite reaction would be the case if Cuaron, Nolan, or Villeneuve announced the same.

Jurassic World was a dumb film, but it was fun "dumb" to me. Safety Not Guaranteed wasn't an amazing debut, but it was still pretty solid. Directors have misfires every now and then. And Star Wars - as important as a franchise as it is - isn't some cinematic distillation of all things great in film, at least in its current form anyway. At least wait to see how the film is shaping up before all the doom and gloom.
You mean people on Twitter conflate and over-react to things in part to solicit hits, retweets, and e-popularity? :O

I don't doubt The Book of Henry is pretty mediocre. Even the logline seems far-fetched at the very least. But people extrapolating this to mean that his iteration of Star Wars is inherently doomed is silly. While the director may be the ones pulling the reigns, it's normal for producers and executives to still weigh in, offer feedback, and help sculpt the film in other ways. Some people have such a hate hard-on for Trevorrow that the mention that he wanted to film some actual space segments in space elicited more dogpiling by some people even though I'm sure the opposite reaction would be the case if Cuaron, Nolan, or Villeneuve announced the same.

Jurassic World was a dumb film, but it was fun "dumb" to me. Safety Not Guaranteed wasn't an amazing debut, but it was still pretty solid. Directors have misfires every now and then. And Star Wars - as important as a franchise as it is - isn't some cinematic distillation of all things great in film, at least in its current form anyway. At least wait to see how the film is shaping up before all the doom and gloom.

This. Don't get me wrong, Book of Henry sounds deliciously confounding, but Star Wars, even with full creative control, still has its tone, setting, and style all set in stone.


I've called it before around here I think, but there's no way IX's not getting delayed until 2020.

(Edited my reply as I read it wrong originally.)

There is absolutely no chance IX is being delayed into 2020, which would be at least a 12-month delay.

At the most, it could be delayed until holiday 2019, which many people have already predicted simply because December has worked so well for Star Wars.


No, he may have written a treatment at one point but that was ages ago, and they essentially started over in January after Carrie Fisher passed away anyways. Trevorrow and Derek Connolly are writing IX.

*Looks up Derek Conolly's filmography*

We're fucked
i was gonna skip this movie entirely but the plot breakdowns and fervent response to this film's awfulness have me convinced I should definitely check it out when it hits netflix. sounds hilarious.


Neo Member
This guy is awful and talentless and unfortunately, has been failing upwards for a while now. Sometimes Hollywood just likes a guy and doesn't care if his movies work. Looks like we're getting another Return of the Jedi!


Junior Member
I find it sad to see how people are hating on a guy because they didn't like a movie he directed. What the fuck it's not like he set your house on fire. Ep9 will be fine. You don't need OMG best director evah to make a competent star wars movie. They're just silly space movies. Nothing less nothing more.
Movie failures are, more often than not, a result of executive/production failures rather than directorial ones.

I've seen it happen myself, as an art director.
I find it sad to see how people are hating on a guy because they didn't like a movie he directed. What the fuck it's not like he set your house on fire. Ep9 will be fine. You don't need OMG best director evah to make a competent star wars movie. They're just silly space movies. Nothing less nothing more.

Here's some shocking news for you, some people really love Star Wars. So, letting the new trilogy end with a director who has put out nothing but shit movies sucks.


Bad for Star Wars, but great for me if it really is like The Room. I live for this kind of stuff.
I think you'll have a really good time if you go into Book of Henry with that mindset. Otherwise, if you try to judge it as a traditional film you are going to be incredibly frustrated and probably hate it or walk out. lol.

It's uncomfortable to think Episode IX will be directed by this guy... what a time to be alive
Starting with "who greenlit this script"

I'd say it starts even before that, with production teams that don't have proper scoping, that haven't nailed a focus and a vision. That usually ends up in a cascade of bad decisions mounting over bad decisions that can make even the best director look like an amateur idiot (e.g Alien³).
In no way was this the worst film of the year, by a long margin. Despite some nonsensical plot directions, poor acting, and the kid playing Henry being hugely annoying, I kinda enjoyed it.
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