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Book of Henry, the latest film from Colin Trevorrow (Ep. 9), is reviewing poorly.


Let's not forget that the people in charge of Star Wars now don't share George Lucas's aversion to creative collaboration, nor are they surrounded by yes men.

Star Wars is a team effort again. Ep. 9 is going to be fine.
After Jurassic World, I entertained the idea that Trevorrow directed the bad parts for irony. After all, who could sincerely directly a movie with a scene where the bad guy, played by a borderline-orgasming-every-other-line Vincent D'Onfrio says to good guy just-your-every-day-dude-yo Chris Pratt: "We're not so different, you and I..." in the year of our Lord 2015 without at least a little self awareness.

Reading the spoilers for this would almost confirm it if it didn't end on exactly the wrong note:


Naomi Watts doesn't kill her neighbor, rendering what could've been a potent satire of the *magical sick child* genre entirely moot
Let's not forget that the people in charge of Star Wars now don't share George Lucas's aversion to creative collaboration, nor are they surrounded by yes men.

Star Wars is a team effort again. Ep. 9 is going to be fine.

Maybe they'll let Rian do some rewrites. And directing.

Maybe they'll just give it all back to him.
Jurassic World was all the bad cliches you'd want to avoid put into a single movie at the same time and completely missed the appeal of the original film in every way except for the fact that it included dinosaurs.

I've been nervous ever since he was attached to Ep9. This doesn't help.
Eh. I don't doubt that The Book of Henry truly sucks, but this wouldn't be the first time an otherwise competent director made a shitty movie. I don't think this is a reason to sound the alarms for Star Wars. Unless I guess you hate his other movies too.


Beat EviLore at pool.
Doesn't episode 9 start shooting soonish?

Here is another

THE BOOK OF HENRY really is Razzie-level bad, and a serious misfire for Trevorrow, who’ll still probably bounce back without too much effort once he plunges into STAR WARS: EPISODE IX (and he’ll do an OK job - one bad movie - even one as bad as this doesn’t automatically signal doom). It’s an awful curio that probably belongs on a “shelf of the dammed” next to movies like WINTER’S TALE and JUPITER ASCENDING. Hopefully it’ll get by without much notice, because this is truly one of the worst films I’ve seen in a good, long while.
All of this may be true, but every white dude is still competing with a boatload of other white dudes who share the same privilege. A white director doing a bad job can be replaced by another white director. This doesn't contradict the thesis that women and POCs don't get a fair shake.

And the same failed white director will have another opportunity waiting for them in the wings. Definitely can't be said for POC/women.

Then on the other side of spectrum you have white directors who do heinous shit, what should have been career ending for the likes of Mel Gibson and Polanski for example. These fuckers getting their second chances, applauds at award ceremonies and shit.

Hollywood is weird as fuck.
And the same failed white director will have another opportunity waiting for them in the wings. Definitely can't be said for POC/women.

Then on the other side of spectrum you have white directors who do heinous shit, what should have been career ending for the likes of Mel Gibson and Polanski for example. These fuckers getting their second chances, applauds at award ceremonies and shit.

Hollywood is weird as fuck.

Victor "I plead guilty to child molestation and owning child pornography" Salva still works in Hollywood. But if you're a woman or minority, good luck!
Acting like Star Wars isn't going to be committee directed.
VII and VIII weren't, why would IX be?

Unless you're one of those nuts that thinks Disney scripts every word that comes out of the writers', directors', and actors' mouths, at all times, and Bob Iger secretly is controlling everything, and thus everything indicating the directors have enormous freedom and control is all tightly managed PR lies.
Safety Not Guaranteed was fantastic. Jurassic World was fun. Having seen this last night, this was pretty damn awful.

Despite this, his track record is fine. I'm not worried about Episode 9 in his hands.


Well, it's not like this changes anything. Episode IX will just end up being yet another mediocre movie in the Star Wars saga.

It can't be any worse than TFA that's for sure.
Some of the reactions on here are pretty overdramatic I'd say. Treverrow is not going to be fired from Episode IX, unless he pulls a Josh Trank and is unprofessional on the set.

Nobody's going to see The Book of Henry too, so in the long run it probably doesn't matter either.


She's a woman though, everyone knows women can't do stuff or something.


This narrative doesn't really work though. She said she didn't like the movies she got offered and then went to tv for the easier schedule when she wanted kids

The whole "give an indie director a franchise" is a very recent phenomenon


Disney isn't going to switch out Trevorrow six months from the start of filming Ep9, because a no-budget side film that he did (after directing the fourth highest grossing film of all time) is reviewing poorly.



Looked up the trailer for Birdemic: Shock and Terror... 😂

Godspeed, Episode IX!


If Guy Ritchie is still directing Aladdin after the critical and financial failure of King Arthur this guy isn't gonna go anywhere.

These are the perks of being a white dude in Hollywood.

Anybody reasonable person would say "this guy should not have this job." Especially when it's the big emotional closer on your legendary multi-billion dollar franchise.
How do you go from JJ Abrams and Rian fucking Johnson to Colin Trevorrow? I liked Safety Not Guaranteed but I credit Mark Duplass's influence for a lot of that. Jurassic World was thoughtless and dull.


Maybe they'll let Rian do some rewrites. And directing.

Maybe they'll just give it all back to him.

Johnson will be spending the rest of this year finishing post and then promoting The Last Jedi. Episode IX starts shooting the following January. They would need to delay production if they wanted Johnson back, and they'd probably need to delay it by about a year just to give him some breathing room.



Anybody reasonable person would say "this guy should not have this job." Especially when it's the big emotional closer on your new multi-billion dollar franchise.

There's definitely the "white dude" argument to be made about Trevorrow getting Jurassic World from Spielberg in the first place, but I don't think it applies at all to Episode IX.

Jurassic World made close to $1.7B. The franchise name definitely helped, but industry expectations were around half of what the film ended up doing. Anyone would be getting other big opportunities after that. Even if you argue that a large number of directors could have turned in an equivalent or better film (and I would agree), Trevorrow was the one in place, so he gets some of the kudos.

Book of Henry is a $10M film that is starting off with a limited release and very light marketing. No one at Universal will give a shit how it performs. It's basically a thank you for the JW money.
And the same failed white director will have another opportunity waiting for them in the wings. Definitely can't be said for POC/women.

Then on the other side of spectrum you have white directors who do heinous shit, what should have been career ending for the likes of Mel Gibson and Polanski for example. These fuckers getting their second chances, applauds at award ceremonies and shit.

Hollywood is weird as fuck.
Theres nothing weird about it. Polanksi and Mel Gibson have both made a lot of people a lot of money. This is why they are allowed to continue making movies.


Disney should just pay good cash for Patty Jenkins so they can get some cred and also cockblock DC.


Theres nothing weird about it. Polanksi and Mel Gibson have both made a lot of people a lot of money. This is why they are allowed to continue making movies.

Polanski makes his movies in Europe and Gibson was persona non grata in Hollywood for over a decade.


Makes sense, we all know how difficult it is for Star Wars films to make money.

I'm just saying, if you make a movie that makes a lot of money, people will want you to make other movies that make lots of money

Never mind that the IP did all the work. It must have been the director's "vision." And by "vision" I mean "Caucasoid phallus."


Twitter is too over the top from time to time. The Book of Henry is more than those few people are able to see.
I never doubted Colin. And he never disappointed me.

The Book of Henry combines art with a vision.

See it for yourself in the cinema.

Is this a serious post? Cause if it is I might have to indeed watch it in the cinema
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