Mine gave me an error message, but in the Shift menu it said that it worked and gave me a key. Guess I'm good.I just got the 360 code to work.
Dem 65.000 followers. And last week he had 15.000. Lulz.
Okay, so 2 questions:
1.) how important is accuracy on a shotgun? Say you have one shotty doing 1108x6 @ 71% accuracy...and another 1180 x 8 @ 52% accuracy...which one is better? The game is telling me that the one with 52% accuracy is the more valuable but I've rarely used shotguns, so I'm not sure how accuracy affects shotty play.
2.) how do you guys decide which shield to go with when the you're given 4 choices of equal value but decidedly different stats? For example, I'm currently stuck analyzing this scenario:
For shotguns, I used to look at accuracy and clip size. Now I'm all about the raw damage.
As for shields, it's preference. Would you rather be a tank, but when your shields go down, you have to lay low for awhile? Or would you rather have shields that don't last as long, but you can get back into the fight easier?
tis helpful. thank you, gents.I mainly use shotguns up very close or against large enemies so all I really care about is damage, amount of pellets, and mag size.
For shield I usually go with fastest recharge delay unless I have skills that benefit from having an empty shield then I'll go with higher shield capacity or other goodies like melee damage boost instead of focusing on delay.
I wish I could just delete Hyperion weapons from the game. The 500% initial kick makes weapons so stupidly useless that I loathe when my 'upgrade' for that weapon type is of that brand.
Why does my guy only reach everybody's chest? And can't even see into mid height crates. It drives me crazy for some reason. Why is my guy child height?
Why does my guy only reach everybody's chest? And can't even see into mid height crates. It drives me crazy for some reason. Why is my guy child height?
Is the camera difference only on pc? My friend who plays sal on xbox doesn't have a crotch high camera.Why does my guy only reach everybody's chest? And can't even see into mid height crates. It drives me crazy for some reason. Why is my guy child height?
Why does my guy only reach everybody's chest? And can't even see into mid height crates. It drives me crazy for some reason. Why is my guy child height?
Is the camera difference only on pc? My friend who plays sal on xbox doesn't have a crotch high camera.
"What is your height symptomatic of?"
"Taking 'roids as a kid. And as a teenager. And all the time."
Salvador is short and his in-game camera reflects that. It's a nice touch, compared to Borderlands 1 where Brick's eyes were in his chest.
dat magazine size
That's cool that there's actually an explanation and it's not just some weird over sight. He's the only character I've really used so i don't have another point of reference for height.
I found this out in the world, it's pretty rad as a fallback weapon if I run into something that needs to be killed ASAP.
Hahaha, goddamn incredible.
TVHM is fun but I'm not a fan of how the creatures are pretty easily killable but the humans are godlike.
Then again I'm playing solo (forever alone 360) and my shield is shit.
Er...just loaded up my game on 360 and all of my talent points were reset.
What are the odds Terramorphous will drop a good class mod for my zer0 instead of the two I've already got that are about 95% melee tree of which I've specced NOTHING?