and rocket ammo, but I'm nitpicking.
Is the Digistruct peak / level cap increase out today?
It is supposed to be, but good luck finding any indication of its existence on Steam.
and rocket ammo, but I'm nitpicking.
Is the Digistruct peak / level cap increase out today?
and rocket ammo, but I'm nitpicking.
really? How the hell have I never noticed this? :lolWhen you're playing with other people, any ammo you pick up will first go to whoever picks it up, any left over gets distributed to the rest of the group. (i.e. I need 55 rounds of pistol ammo, I pick up 100, 45 rounds go to the group)
I make it a habit to just hold down X when picking ammo up so that I'm constantly replenishing my group's ammo, regardless if I'm full of a certain type or not.
The only thing you can't pick up to distribute are grenades.
and rocket ammo, but I'm nitpicking.
Is the Digistruct peak / level cap increase out today?
I assume you can still buy the season pass. May as well. The third dlc (big game hunt) was meh, but I liked the others.I've played the main game when it was released almost a year back. Now we want to get back into it.
What are the essential DLCs we should acquire? Or is there a "get everything" DLC?
I still have my char, but his is lost when he wiped his HDD, so I dunno if we'll start anew or if I can somehow grind him to level 50 (my level).
I assume you can still buy the season pass. May as well. The third dlc (big game hunt) was meh, but I liked the others.
Welcome. It is strange, some are reporting it gives you 5 keys and others have said they only received 3 keys. It gave me 3 keys personally, but the text did say 5 golden keys were awarded. Either way, 14 or 20 golden keys in one day is not a bad deal.I only used one of those PAX codes, but it gave me 5.
I've beaten this by playing purely splitscreen and I'm halfway through UMVH. I pressed continue to solo a bit, to farm, and it's saying I'm on normal. I don't really have to go through this again, do I? My Siren is on lvl 59.
Where did you find them? I'm not getting anything special from the LLM in the wildlife preserve.The new pearlescent pistol is fun, but does very low damage over time, and the bullets take awhile to hit your target. It's nice that they're homing projectiles though.
However, the Torgue shotgun is the tits. It might replace my double penetrating unkempt harold.
Can't wait to get the other two weapons.
Bunch of keys for anyone who still need them. It is a quick 14 keys. No idea how long they will last, but they were working less than an hr ago 1am est.
Borderlands 2 Ultimate Vault Hunters Upgrade Pack 2 PC
Borderlands 2 Ultimate Vault Hunters Upgrade Pack 2 Mac
Gamersgate seems to be selling the mac version 50% cheaper than the PC version
Sorry if this has been covered before, but what's the easiest way to get a quest reward you want (on PC) without having to replay the mission all over again? That is, is there any easy way to "reroll" your reward?
Sorry if this has been covered before, but what's the easiest way to get a quest reward you want (on PC) without having to replay the mission all over again? That is, is there any easy way to "reroll" your reward?
Save and quit as you're about to turn in the quest (after returning to Sanctuary for example) to create a save point. Load the game and check the quest reward for the first time and if you don't like it, ALT+F4 to exit the game. Turning off Steam cloud lets you jump back into the game a bit faster
Haven't seen many folks talk about the overpowering process itself in this thread yet, I wanted to contribute my two cents (for those on the fence about purchasing the DLC).How is the new level cap DLC? Worth slugging through for?
I've only played digistruct peak solo. When you die, you start over completely. In coop, are you able to rejoin your squad, or do you get locked out?
What's the fastest way to go from level 61 to 72? I don't want to reset my progress in UVHM, and doing sidequests hardly seems worth the effort.
What's the fastest way to go from level 61 to 72? I don't want to reset my progress in UVHM, and doing sidequests hardly seems worth the effort.
I would but I'm on PS3.Does anyone on Xbox want to play? Level 52 Psycho here, trying to beat UVHM.
I would but I'm on PS3.
I've just started UVHM and I find it pretty shitty playing solo. I played about half of my original playthrough and almost all of TVHM solo but I think I'm going to stick with online for UVHM. Just way better and Ruin is just godlike for slagging, ruining shields and helping the team focus-fire enemies down.
Was playing my Cataclysm Siren with another Siren, Zer0 and Axton. Trading off phaselocks with the other siren combined with tactical turrets drawing fire and Zer0's debuff meant we were cutting through tough encounters like a hot knife through butter. I still died a lot but they never felt like cheap deaths and it stayed just the right amount of challenging.
I really need to upgrade my gear. I have a 50 bee shield but that's basically the only legendary I have despite being 52. What should I be running or doing to gear up a bit more? Should I play some of the DLC in TVHM? I tried farming the Warrior but I only ever really got Eridium from him. I do have Slayer of Terramorphous at least.
Any idea whether GOTY edition will carry over savedata? I presume it would but you never know.
Ugh, so I've had this since launch on pc with season pass. I started as Maya and got to level 15. This week I've tried 3 times to get back into it because I really want to enjoy this game but everyone is just kicking my ass even though I do quests rated as "normal." Any help or advice? =[
What skills are you using? At the early levels you are especially weak if your gear is not up to date since it's too early to set up skill synergy. Maybe try doing as many quick side quests as you can even if it means going back to a previous level.Ugh, so I've had this since launch on pc with season pass. I started as Maya and got to level 15. This week I've tried 3 times to get back into it because I really want to enjoy this game but everyone is just kicking my ass even though I do quests rated as "normal." Any help or advice? =[
Thanks for the Torgue advice, Ranger. Been doing Bar Room Blitz with large groups and its given me a good amount of experience, cash and tokens. Hoping to grab an unkempt harold and possibly a slow hand at some point.What skills are you using? At the early levels you are especially weak if your gear is not up to date since it's too early to set up skill synergy. Maybe try doing as many quick side quests as you can even if it means going back to a previous level.
Look for a good SMG & high capacity shield and invest points in Accelerate & Ward. Should increase your survivability in the short term. Pepper enemies with the smg and when phaselocked switch to a sniper or pistol so you can get as many crits in as possible.
You also want to pick the right elements for encounters just like Pokemon. Red health bar (bandits)? Fire. Yellow health bar (robots)? Corrosion. Shock is good against everything but especially shielded units and stalkers.
Don't discount a gun straightaway if it has slightly lower damage. Try it out first, you might find it fits your playstyle better, is more accurate or has a special effect you didn't account for originally.
This is solid Maya advice. Although Slag in Normal difficulty is not as necessary as it is in UVHM+, I still suggest slagging enemies on easier playthroughs. It makes the experience a whole lot more easier. If you get a hold of a slag grenade, regardless of how bad the dmg is on it, take it and slag as many baddies as you can as they take 2x the dmg when slagged. (I believe it's 3x the dmg in UVHM+)
Once you get Ward and Accelerate, you may focus on the Cataclysm tree for awesome AoE Elemental dmg. (Too bad this tree starts to suck later on due to horrible scaling)