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Borderlands 2 |OT2| You missed the Conference Call, next time don't Bee late.

Salvador Gunzkering with 2 Double Penetrating Unkempt Harolds is basically the apocalypse :lol

Don't know why it took me until now to decide to level him


Played Borderlands 2 for the first time tonight. Finished the first boss. My thoughts:

  • Technically Borderlands 2 is much better on PC than its predecessor.
  • There are a lot of small improvements under the hood: You can mark weapons as favorite and as trash, for example.
  • Enemies act much more intelligent as in Borderlands. The difficulty is high.
  • The first boss-fight has had the same issues as some of those in Borderlands: You can stay in a safe position (here: at the shop) and kill him without getting hit. I think that’s a problem of the open world, but GAF, that is a big issue, I think.
Overall I think Borderlands 2 is just more of the same. You have to satisfy me GAF, that I finish the story-part – because just to shoot and collect loot is not my kind of thing. On the other hand I really enjoy the world of Borderlands 2. Some of the locations have a fantastic atmosphere.

I am interested to play Prototype 2 because I like to climb. Dont know if this game is worth a try.


]blacky[;76661363 said:
Played Borderlands 2 for the first time tonight. Finished the first boss. My thoughts:

  • Technically Borderlands 2 is much better on PC than its predecessor.
  • There are a lot of small improvements under the hood: You can mark weapons as favorite and as trash, for example.
  • Enemies act much more intelligent as in Borderlands. The difficulty is high.
  • The first boss-fight has had the same issues as some of those in Borderlands: You can stay in a safe position (here: at the shop) and kill him without getting hit. I think that’s a problem of the open world, but GAF, that is a big issue, I think.
Overall I think Borderlands 2 is just more of the same. You have to satisfy me GAF, that I finish the story-part – because just to shoot and collect loot is not my kind of thing. On the other hand I really enjoy the world of Borderlands 2. Some of the locations have a fantastic atmosphere.

I am interested to play Prototype 2 because I like to climb. Dont know if this game is worth a try.
Shooting and looting is the vast majority of the gameplay, so if you didn't like that part of it before, you're not going to like it now. I mean, no offense, but, what were you expecting different? :/
Storm Front is great, along with the Quasar and Chain Lightning. Shock has some dope grenades. Though I guess it depends what you're looking for in a grenade, for mob slagging the Magic Missile is awesome. If it's EXPLOSIONS you want then the Meteor Shower is what you want (or you can go for a Bonus Package as they're functionally the same but the Meteor Shower is easier to acquire along with having higher damage and child grenade count). If you use your grenades for healing then the Leech is a good bet, or the O-Negative.
I killed Bunker with one shot. It was beautiful T_T



Feels better killing Terra in 1 hit.


Profile editor. That's how I killed Vora in one hit when we played a couple weeks ago and couldn't kill him legit. That's why I normally keep my BAR turned off while playing with others. When it's on, I'm crazy OP.

I'm surprised Gearbox don't give a fuck, ah well. If I used something like that I'd feel bad and like I'm devaluing my game, but I'll be damned if that wasn't awesome to see you one shot the raid Stalker.
I'm surprised Gearbox don't give a fuck, ah well. If I used something like that I'd feel bad and like I'm devaluing my game, but I'll be damned if that wasn't awesome to see you one shot the raid Stalker.

I wish I had discovered that thing before soloing UVHM. Would have made things much, much easier.


Shooting and looting is the vast majority of the gameplay, so if you didn't like that part of it before, you're not going to like it now. I mean, no offense, but, what were you expecting different? :/
There are a lot of things you can do: More and better story, cinematics, more and better RPG-Elements …
But I tell you what: I enjoy the game. As I said before, it is an improvement over its predecessor. I possibly will finish the main quest without doing any sidequests.


]blacky[;76825311 said:
There are a lot of things you can do: More and better story, cinematics, more and better RPG-Elements …
But I tell you what: I enjoy the game. As I said before, it is an improvement over its predecessor. I possibly will finish the main quest without doing any sidequests.
Well I cant say I've ever heard of anybody playing Borderlands for the story. lol


I mean, I'm glad you're enjoying the game at least. It just seems like a weird thing to complain that it still has lots of shooting and looting, when they've never pretended the game was anything other than mainly that.

I suppose you play games for different reasons than I do. Nothing wrong with that, though!


°Temp. member
hmm, I kinda want to start & level up a Salvador to get ready for the lv 72 patch, but don't want to play through the whole game 3 more times...
hmm, I kinda want to start & level up a Salvador to get ready for the lv 72 patch, but don't want to play through the whole game 3 more times...

Yeah, that really stings. Salvador especially since he's a late bloomer. It's more like 2 playthoughs though coz you can hit 61 with Bar Room + Bunker which takes like 5 seconds with dual DPUHs
Is there a way to reset the game (quests)? I'm gone through True Vault Hunter and I've done almost all the quests. Is there a way to start at the beginning again with all the content reset? I could go to Ultimate Vault Hunter mode but I get my ass handed to me.
Is there a way to reset the game (quests)? I'm gone through True Vault Hunter and I've done almost all the quests. Is there a way to start at the beginning again with all the content reset? I could go to Ultimate Vault Hunter mode but I get my ass handed to me.

You can reset all quests but only on UVHM.


Is UVHM meant for 61 then? Because my level 50 weaponry does pitiful damage to the mobs.

Slag weapon effects are almost a must in UVHM. I believe they make enemies take x3 more damage rather than x2 in the other modes.


What are the grenades worth getting at 61? That's probably the only gap in my gear aside from getting a 61 Harold.
If you have Slag covered with a character skill, Storm Front mod is very sick. If not the Magic Missile mod from Tiny Tina's is invaluable. It hones, Slags enemies and also regenerates grenades over time. It is made to make UVHM easier by allowing you to not waste many weapon slots on Slag weapons. It does help a lot, but there always seem to be one or two strays that avoid the Slag fun. You have to pull out a Slag weapon in larger packs, but it does take out some of the tedium applying Slag on everything using a cooldown or gun.


Finally got around to playing this last night. Did co-op with my roommate. Very fun.

However... Fuck you game for deleting my character save.. Really pissed me off. Apparently doing local co-op with only using 1 account (so 2nd player, my roommate, had my username (1) etc) makes it so it only saves the 2nd player's character and not mine. You'd think they would fix something stupid like that in a patch..

So I'm going to have to restart my character tonight. Luckily I was like only level 7. But still....


When is a good level to get the DLC packs for the game? I'm only level 24 at the moment so I don't know if it's worth downloading it all yet or not?
My god, I finally got to the legendary loot midget farming in UVHM, amazing. I had the best drops last night in two hours of play than I have had with the previous 200 hours. Some highlights:
-Legendary Siren (finally!)and Commando class mod
-Unkempt Harold
-Monstrous Storm
-Conference Call w/slag. I could have shed a tear when this dropped. I have been trying to get one of these since pre bee nerf. I didn't get to experience it in its true OP glory but I feel like any BL2 arsenal is incomplete without it.
When is a good level to get the DLC packs for the game? I'm only level 24 at the moment so I don't know if it's worth downloading it all yet or not?

Just because you buy it and download it doesn't mean you have to play it right away. I personally like doing them all after the main campaign. Also since you're not in a rush to play them I'd just wait for the season pass to go on sale again, feels like it happens all the time and all the DLC have something worthwhile whether it's an actual good meaty campaign or really interesting unique gear.


Yeah, having him doing his own account worked. Too bad he had to recreate his character too.. lol.

Oh well, anyways, several playthroughs later we are fairly far into it.


Has there been any word on a GOTY edition? It was listed on amazon.de for mid-October, but was taken down shortly after that.
Some info on the upcoming DLC just hit.

You can overlevel the entire game up to 80 despite the DLC only raising your character's level cap to 72. Digistruct Peak itself is "balanced for a full team of four players and takes roughly an hour to complete". Level Cap + Digistruct Peak releases Sept. 3rd.

TK Baha’s Bloody Harvest is releasing in October. Three Headhunter packs are planned to release by the end of the year.

Also, haven't seen these posted here: a couple of teaser shots for an upcoming short film in the vein of Krieg's 'A Meat Bicycle For Two':

I wonder if you will be able to use the overpower gear outside of Digistruct Peak?

As far as I can tell, the overleveling does affect the entire game, not just Digistruct Peak. It seems like you complete Digistruct Peak to unlock each overlevel, then when you re-load your game you can choose what level you want to overlevel the game to, provided you've unlocked it. So you can use your overleveled gear outside of Digistruct Peak.


It's designed to be extremely challenging for a full party 4 players...

Are threre really that many people who play this game only playing 4 player co-op? I can't be the only one who plays solo. I guess if they're only interested in focusing on multiplayer sales.


bitch I'm taking calls.
It'll likely be possible just not right from the start. Once people figure the area out it will become more feasible with the right builds.


does anyone know if the bonus xp from Moxxi’s Endowment applys when a friend kills and enemy? or is it only when the wquip character gets the kill?


Neo Member
does anyone know if the bonus xp from Moxxi’s Endowment applys when a friend kills and enemy? or is it only when the wquip character gets the kill?

The bonus applies when anyone kills an enemy. I've powerleveled many a friends/alt with the relic.

Sofa King

Looking forward to the Gearbox PAX panel in a week. Should be fun and hoping for a loot-splosion! I know last year I missed it, but it will be the last thing I see before leaving PAX this year!


Just finished Tiny Tina's DLC. Loved it! Are the sidequests that popped up back in town worth doing, or should I move onto starting the game again with my LVL 40 char?
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