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Borderlands |OT| More guns than the population of the Netherlands


SuperEnemyCrab said:


... No wonder... omg..


"I’ve seen many players complain about the FOV in this game. It indeed seems to give a tunnel like feeling. You can however edit the default FOV of 85 and adjust it to your preference by editing theconfiguration file."


BobFromPikeCreek said:
Yep. I noticed the FOV instantly on 360, but I've adjusted to it. Still, if they'd pull a Bioshock and fix it that'd be mighty nice.

I knew the FOV was messed up the second I started playing :( I'm used to it now a bit but man how much better it would be if they fixed this..


Alex said:
You're glad you bought the PS3 version instead of the PC?


Dig that 15 FPS during firefights, I guess? You also realize that the PS3 version has the exact same Gamespy browser with the exact same flaws, yes?

The PS3 version is fine if it's your only real choice, but you shouldn't be a dolt like I was and bite on a 60 dollar, struggling to run version versus a butter smooth 35 dollar version with the same online faults, that'll be patched shortly anyway and a few PC specific complaints that all just stem from the console versions.
So penny pinching is now a virtue on GAF?

The fact that I am a PC gamer and will have both at some point is fine. For right now... PS3 for me since my desktop is getting sold off.

What I don't like about the game (from the official boards and here) is the glitches and hang ups over a simple steam install game, multiplayer that is requiring some of you guys to check port forwarding? ( :lol seriously?) FOV changes, not working out of the box on some RC1 installs and a UI that is so obviously ported from the 360/PS3 version that really again... the PC version is again... seemingly getting the shaft.

So while you might think your snide elitist comments are for the sake of PC gamers, those comments are exactly why there is so much wrong with PC gamers these days and why developers seeing less and less incentive to stray from consoles.
bathala said:
fucking shit. u can't skip the intro.


Crateman said:
This are some of the PC tweaks already discovered. Bolded the ones I consider a must for everyone.

Kyodan at the Gearbox forums deserves the credit.


To disable the startup movies:
Within WillowEngine.ini:


and comment out lines like so:


To adjust FOV (Field of View):
Within WillowInput.ini:
Search for "WillowGame.WillowPlayerInput". Below the chunk of bindings, add the following:

Bindings=(Name="F10",Command="FOV 90",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False)
Bindings=(Name="F11",Command="FOV 110",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False)

You can change the keys (F10 and F11) to whatever you'd like, as well as the FOV values.

To disable/adjust weapon view bob:
Within WillowGame.ini:
Search for "bWeaponBob" and you should come across the following lines:


They should be pretty self explanatory. I can confirm the Bob numerical adjustment does work.

To enable VSync:
Within WillowEngine.ini:
Search for "UseVsync" and you should come across the following line:


Change to TRUE.

To disable voice chat:
Within WillowEngine.ini:
Search for "bHasVoiceEnabled" and you should come across the following line:


Change to FALSE.

To enable console:
Within WillowInput.ini:
Search for "ConsoleKey" and you should come across the following line:


Add 'Tilde' after the equal sign to enable the console (should look like ConsoleKey=Tilde)

To disable mouse smoothing:
Within WillowInput.ini:
Search for "bEnableMouseSmoothing" and you should come across the following line:


Change to FALSE. Should improve the feel of the mouse when looking around and navigating the UI.

Enable Drop Weapon Key:
Within WillowInput.ini:
Search for "WillowGame.WillowPlayerInput". Within that section, search for "ThrowWeapon". By default, it's bound to "Underscore" - I changed mine to V, so it looks like:

Bindings=(Name="V",Command="ThrowWeapon",Control=F alse,Shift=False,Alt=False)




Jesus christ. Run from anything with badass in the name.


I think im going to change the fov back to default since im used to it. at 110, it makes the moon/sun look kinda off.
Was the default 60 or 85?


The Cryptarch's Bane
EDIT: OMG see Toku's shots above before reading! :lol

Yeah, it takes *.ini tweaks to get things looking proper.
Yeah, Gamespy needs to work on their connection management, it was hit or miss for me.
Yeah, there are interface annoyances that look basically like a halfway point being console and PC.
Yeah, the online voicechat and host-config options are barebones.

But I really can't bring myself to care all that much. I just got out of a 4+ hour all-GAF four player coop game (those guys are still going, too), and I am completely addicted. Borderlands is in my veins. I don't know when the last time a game has hooked me so quickly was. All of the problems are either minor or patchable, and the core of the game is fucking stellar. This might be a rough launch (I seem to have had far fewer issues than most, the worst was a timeout problem trying to directly join God's Beard), but I have no doubt things will okay get better. I recommend this game, and the PC version, to all who are considering it.

I think the moment I realized that I was hooked was the moment I realized I loved two of the weapons I was using (it was roughly the same time I found the "save item card" thing). I didn't expect to find that feeling until the latter half of the game, but at level 12, I have these:

Awesome early-game gun. x4 basically means that only a shot here or there WON'T light bitches on fire.

This thing is awesome, though it's obviously just a sign of things to come as its damage is really pretty weak. But it shoots five rockets in the span of a second, BOOMBOOMBOOMBOOMBOOM. Great for groups in enclosed spaces.

And I JUST got this before quitting (thanks Tyler!):

It'll probably replace the burning repeater... I think I will come to love elemental revolvers. This thing hits HARD.

My Bloodwing is just starting to show signs of Godliness. :D

Anyway, thanks to God's Beard, Tokubetsu, and Tyler for a great session (did a couple sidequests but mostly just wandering about in areas slightly ahead of our average level- highly recommended btw). I might hook back up with you guys later.

Truly my only real persistent gripe so far: I love FOV 90, and have it hotkeyed, but I'm having to tap it constantly (when I remember) because sprinting does some (cool-looking) FOV effects and then resets it back to 60 when you stop. I haven't heard anyone else mention this, is there some way around this?
Hawkian said:
EDIT: OMG see Toku's shots above before reading! :lol

Yeah, it takes *.ini tweaks to get things looking proper.
Yeah, Gamespy needs to work on their connection management, it was hit or miss for me.
Yeah, there are interface annoyances that look basically like a halfway point being console and PC.
Yeah, the online voicechat and host-config options are barebones.

But I really can't bring myself to care all that much. I just got out of a 4+ hour all-GAF four player coop game (those guys are still going, too), and I am completely addicted. Borderlands is in my veins. I don't know when the last time a game has hooked me so quickly was. All of the problems are either minor or patchable, and the core of the game is fucking stellar. This might be a rough launch (I seem to have had far fewer issues than most, the worst was a timeout problem trying to directly join God's Beard), but I have no doubt things will okay get better. I recommend this game, and the PC version, to all who are considering it.

I think the moment I realized that I was hooked was the moment I realized I loved two of the weapons I was using (it was roughly the same time I found the "save item card" thing). I didn't expect to find that feeling until the latter half of the game, but at level 12, I have these:

Awesome early-game gun. x4 basically means that only a shot here or there WON'T light bitches on fire.

This thing is awesome, though it's obviously just a sign of things to come as its damage is really pretty weak. But it shoots five rockets in the span of a second, BOOMBOOMBOOMBOOMBOOM. Great for groups in enclosed spaces.

And I JUST got this before quitting (thanks Tyler!):

It'll probably replace the burning repeater... I think I will come to love elemental revolvers. This thing hits HARD.

My Bloodwing is just starting to show signs of Godliness. :D

Anyway, thanks to God's Beard, Tokubetsu, and Tyler for a great session (did a couple sidequests but mostly just wandering about in areas slightly ahead of our average level- highly recommended btw). I might hook back up with you guys later.

Truly my only real persistent gripe so far: I love FOV 90, and have it hotkeyed, but I'm having to tap it constantly (when I remember) because sprinting does some (cool-looking) FOV effects and then resets it back to 60 when you stop. I haven't heard anyone else mention this, is there some way around this?
:lol :lol :lol :lol just wait until you get better weapons and you will really love the game


So I disabled the intro movies and enabled Vsync, and I have to say I'm starting to appreciate it a little more. The game does look really nice, especially with vsync.
Now I just have to cross my fingers that they'll make multiplayer a little more compatible so I can play with my friends.


Definitely want to change fov back to default. Just feels strange to me after playing most of the day at default. Im guessing its 60, but not sure where 85 came from.

Also mouse scroll wheel works by placing the cursor over the area you want to scroll. Left click functions same as enter.

Also you can right click to compare items.


Teknoman said:
Definitely want to change fov back to default. Just feels strange to me after playing most of the day at default. Im guessing its 60, but not sure where 85 came from.

Also mouse scroll wheel works by placing the cursor over the area you want to scroll. Left click functions same as enter.

Some website I googled lol


The Cryptarch's Bane
BobFromPikeCreek said:
Those guns are cute, Hawkian.

Yeah yeah. I'm level 12. Come on. One day I'll post sparkly orange uberweapons in here that give you a massage before ripping your face off and shooting at at another enemy.

By the way, I know I posted pics like this before, but still:

I understand that this is the first day launch night of a big release, and it'll probably be just like this for L4D2, and so on and so forth. But I've really never seen anything like this. Some of those people on the list have been on consistently since I posted the other pics, while I was still at work. o.o

Anyway, I really need to get some air now, been sitting at my PC for an ungodly number of hours. Be back!


finally got MP working after two hours by using the 'O' hotkey during SP. I was able to 'join' a friend through that menu without any trouble.

I'm level 13 now and about 4 hours in, it's fun, I dig killing stuff...

but where are these other environments? we were told that we 'hadn't seen anything yet', but there's people that have beaten the game, let me ask you guys: are there any really different environments, or is the whole game a freaking desert? I was/am really looking forward to snow/lava levels, etc.


BobFromPikeCreek said:
Those guns are cute, Hawkian.

I know :lol

Shit hasn't even gotten STARTED Hawkian. It's great in the sense though that even late on it's still awesome when you find cool new stuff.
I wants to co-op. im a level 8 Rolland. hit me up on Steam on the gaf borderlanders group, i go by Nap. Shoot me a message i might be level 9 by the time you message me ;D

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Question: Can you continue playing through your first playthrough after you've beaten everything and gotten to The Vault (aka will it end like Fallout 3's original way of ending)? Or can I just keep playing? I have some quests I still need to do in Rust Commons for the Achievement and I still have some Claptraps to locate for the Backpack upgrade Achievement.


Domino Theory said:
Question: Can you continue playing through your first playthrough after you've beaten everything and gotten to The Vault (aka will it end like Fallout 3's original way of ending)? Or can I just keep playing? I have some quests I still need to do in Rust Commons for the Achievement and I still have some Claptraps to locate for the Backpack upgrade Achievement.



Domino Theory said:
Question: Can you continue playing through your first playthrough after you've beaten everything and gotten to The Vault (aka will it end like Fallout 3's original way of ending)? Or can I just keep playing? I have some quests I still need to do in Rust Commons for the Achievement and I still have some Claptraps to locate for the Backpack upgrade Achievement.

Yes, whenever you boot up your character you can choose Playthrough 1 or 2.


Hawkian said:
My Bloodwing is just starting to show signs of Godliness. :D

Yeah once you get all the way down the tree and have Bloodwing attacking and dazing 5-6 guys he turns in to one hell of a killing machine. I laugh every time I hit the button to send him out.


I'm getting really crappy experience from every area I have available to me. I'm lv26 doing dust common west quest and enemies give me between 10 and 50 exp. Am I somehow over leveled for this area despite not grinding at all? Also, at what level are most people beating the game?


burgerdog said:
I'm getting really crappy experience from every area I have available to me. I'm lv26 doing dust common west quest and enemies give me between 10 and 50 exp. Am I somehow over leveled for this area despite not grinding at all? Also, at what level are most people beating the game?

play in co-op.

i played the game single player and felt over leveled the whole way through. in co-op the enemies are alot tougher and the game is more fun.

i finished at 36


The Cryptarch's Bane
Hawkian said:
Truly my only real persistent gripe so far: I love FOV 90, and have it hotkeyed, but I'm having to tap it constantly (when I remember) because sprinting does some (cool-looking) FOV effects and then resets it back to 60 when you stop. I haven't heard anyone else mention this, is there some way around this?

Anybody have any ideas? I can't be the only one experiencing this, are other people just not noticing? Seriously it is the only major thing about the game that is bugging me.


burgerdog said:
I'm getting really crappy experience from every area I have available to me. I'm lv26 doing dust common west quest and enemies give me between 10 and 50 exp. Am I somehow over leveled for this area despite not grinding at all? Also, at what level are most people beating the game?

Are you running them over? You get way less experience if you kill them with the Tank than if you shoot them to death.
Hawkian said:
Anybody have any ideas? I can't be the only one experiencing this, are other people just not noticing? Seriously it is the only major thing about the game that is bugging me.
Yea, I'm having the same problem, it's annoying as hell.


Hawkian said:
Anybody have any ideas? I can't be the only one experiencing this, are other people just not noticing? Seriously it is the only major thing about the game that is bugging me.

I'm playing it on PS3 and I really don't care about the FOV. Sure higher is better, but I'm still having fun. I assume a wider FOV uses more resources so that's why they stuck to 60 on consoles.


I really love this game but I can already think of so many ways it could be improved. I hope they manage to make those many improvements for Borderlands 2. At this point, I'm almost ready to say that if Borderlands 2 comes out when Diablo 3 does, I might prefer Borderlands 2.
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