Manders said:
wrong. star wars will destroy batman in total box office sales. watch. batman looks stupid. gimme another burton directed batman. this new one looks like utter shit.
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Sapienshomo said:
Especially if the general public's last great impression of the Batman franchise was Batman & Robin.
Tough sell.
On the flipside, the last impression left by the Star Wars franchise was Attack of the Clones. :lol
Manders said:
i never said i wasn't going to see it. at least i'm still interested in what nolan can do with this franchise. bottom line is that it still won't top star wars at the box office. that is what i originally stated. peace.
It's the other bullshit you stated that people reacted to. I'd be plesantly surprised if BB gets within spitting distance of the $250 millon mark for the domestic box office gross.
I've said this a million times, and I'm gonna say it again. Burton's Batman movies were shit. Complete shit. Huge, stinking piles of shit. Shit battles, shit character development, shit logic, boring as fuck story. It's redeeming qualities were half decent performances by Keaton and Nicholson, a terrific performance by Pfieffer, a dark setting (big fucking deal, Battlefuck Earth had a dark setting for fuck's sake), and a didlo on wheels that managed to conjure up protective sheilds out of thin air. Even the worst animated Batman movies beat these turd burgers to a pulp.
Batman Begins will demolish the Burton flicks critically, and probably commercially as well. So there.
Ninja Scooter said:
If i want to watch a skateboarding movie, i'll pop in Gleaming the Cube.
Was that the one with Slater and the kick ass chase scene at the end? I think I taped that last scene back in the day...the bit with the boarder darting under the 18 wheeler on the highway was just ridiculous.
Ninja Scooter said:
apology NOT accepted. Go to hell.
:lol You were two posts late yourself bitch!