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Brad Ellis (former member of Easy Allies and gametrailers) officially joins Last Stand Media


An Absolute Desaster
I guess Era and that movement isn't putting their money where their mouths are since most of those activist platforms are slowly dying.

They always bring this quote up but it's not at all transphobic to voice concerns on how this affects women, especially in sports:

I don’t know him, but he is correct. I have absolute nothing against trans people, but it’s just not fair when trans women play in women sports. It’s scientifically proven that they have an advantage. If you are allowing them to play in women sports, you are discriminating women.

I have a daughter myself and should not have to tell her, when it comes to sports: “As a born women, you will never have a chance to win competitions.”.


I don’t know him, but he is correct. I have absolute nothing against trans people, but it’s just not fair when trans women play in women sports. It’s scientifically proven that they have an advantage. If you are allowing them to play in women sports, you are discriminating women.

I have a daughter myself and should not have to tell her, when it comes to sports: “As a born women, you will never have a chance to win competitions.”.

You know these people are full of shit because if you ask the simple question of why we only see trans women in women's sports but we don't really see trans men in men's sports, they immediately call that transphobic.


are in a big trouble
crushed noo GIF


It's crazy to me how quickly some online communities are able to turn their backs on you and start talking shit about you, and how deep down they always knew you were scum, the moment your opinions stop aligning with theirs.

It makes me reflect on how some of my best friends, with whom I share more than 20 years of friendship, have gone through career, political and even religious changes in the time I have known them, and how it has never crossed my mind to stop being friends with them just because we disagree on some of our views on life, because they are my fucking friends, and I actually love and respect them.

These people who are able to dump you and cancel you in an instant just because you don't agree with them 100% in their opinions don't have friends, and I don't think they are even capable of understanding the concept of friendship. What they have is a cult.


Gold Member
These people are ill. I refuse to be believe many are adults with no mental health issues, or faculty affecting conditions. They are very successful at latching onto popular things then destroying them with ineptitude and purity control.

Stay poor and struggling Brad. Internet weirdo's will exalt you then.

Disclaimer: I have no idea who Brad is, but I know he's less of a twat than anyone over there.
To be fair, being jobless, anit-social weirdos with pink hair and septum rings will affect anyone. lol
You know these people are full of shit because if you ask the simple question of why we only see trans women in women's sports but we don't really see trans men in men's sports, they immediately call that transphobic.
FTM gets to compete, just in the women's league where their juicing puts them at the top of every competition that doesn't include mediocre men.

Trans women are women, ladies. Should have worked harder.


Is this going to be patreon only show or just patreon early?
Patreon early:
Welcome to Summon Sign: A Gaming Conversation! Unlike Last Stand's other shows, Summon Sign isn't a topical weekly news show. The show features host Brad Ellis along with two rotating members of the Last Stand crew. Going forward, the show will be released every Tuesday for LSM Patrons and on Fridays for the public.


Gold Member
idk. i heard the explanation. but i still don't understand how is this different from sacred symbols

This is basically a (very) extended version of the "what are you playing right now" segment from Sacred Symbols. It doesn't focus on the news.
Brad and each guest talk about the games they are playing right now in a more in-depth way than you'd get during a regular news focused podcast

Frame Trap, which Brad hosted before this and will be the blueprint for this new show (though I admittedly think Ben, the original host, was better), was one o my favourite gaming podcasts because it didn't focus on the news. I already get all the relevant news on GAF, there is some appeal in hearing people discuss them but I rarely feel like I learn anything from these types o podcasts. My favourite part of Sacred Symbols is probably the first hour where they just talk random shit.
With Frametrap I actually did feel like I got to know new stuff about games, sometimes the discussions would make me skip a title or buy something I wasn't originally interested in. Frametrap is how I came to play some of my favourite games last gen like Hollow Knight and Outer Wilds.


Even though I rarely listen to them (or gaming podcasts in general), I'm glad to see Colin come out of that whole KindaFunny ordeal strong. Most of the era types, in the industry or out, wanted him to fail and he built a very successful business in the gaming space instead.

Never followed Easy Allies so I've never had any exposure to Brad but will definitely listen through this new podcast this week during my workouts.


EZA used to THE place for enthusiastic game coverage. Now it's a husk of a media company. No kidding, I first noticed something was amiss when Damiani, unprompted, started referring to Slippy Toad from Starfox as "they."

Really sad, man.

But so happy for Brad and pumped to continue supporting LSM.
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Ten years and you throw a guy under the bus for taking a steady job. How do these people actually retain any friends at all?
They don't.
They retreated in the forum and maintain relationships with their online friends who agree with them.

Go there and tell them that your mother said that maybe israel is right and you will get comments telling you to cut ties and never speak with her because she is the devil. This happens regularly.


EZA used to THE place for enthusiastic game coverage. Now it's a husk of a media company. No kidding, I first noticed something was amiss when Damiani, unprompted, started referring to Slippy Toad from Starfox as "they."

Really sad, man.

But so happy for Brad and pumped to continue supporting LSM.
I've been considering replaying all the EZA podcasts going way back to see if I can pinpoint when the big shift happened. It's so sad because I loved them, thankfully my favorite Allies have moved on to new, more successful endeavors. All except Huber, wishing him all the best.


Gold Member
They don't.
They retreated in the forum and maintain relationships with their online friends who agree with them.

Go there and tell them that your mother said that maybe israel is right and you will get comments telling you to cut ties and never speak with her because she is the devil. This happens regularly.

Weird people got lucky that the internet allowed easy and free ways to keep in touch with other odd people. Before the net, they’d be hermits at home or joining obscure by-mail pen pal groups.

Nowadays, they are still anti-social awkward people even their own parents are disgusted at during holiday dinners but they use social media as their way of venting. And they can vent a lot when most have nothing going in life so it doesn’t really matter how dopey they act. You can’t cancel culture someone who has nothing to lose.
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Weird people got lucky that the internet allowed easy and free ways to keep in touch with other odd people. Before the net, they’d be hermits at home or joining obscure by-mail pen pal groups.

Nowadays, they are still anti-social awkward people even their own parents are disgusted at during holiday dinners but they use social media as their way of venting. And they can vent a lot when most have nothing going in life so it doesn’t really matter how dopey they act. You can’t cancel culture someone who has nothing to lose.

Some would say it's almost textbook.


When I left, I told the admin to wipe my account completely. I made it clear that I will never return to that cesspool of a site ever again.
I stopped posting there but got banned as I felt the need to point out that most the hosts at 'racist LSM' are not white.
LMAO, Era believes that Brad ruined his legacy and reputation, because they stopped to like him. Talking about being delusional...

Honestly, the place is nearing a stage where it should be a case study of extreme social constellations and self-feeding loop. Its ripe for research material.
Won't be surprised if they implode eventually.


Having listened to it, it's notable how disillusioned Colin seems with modern AAA gaming. Almost all of his list was remakes and indie games emulating his childhood classics.

He talks shit about journalists not playing games but this is almost as bad. His reasons for skipping games like Star Wars and the Cyberpunk DLC, when he enjoyed the previous entry for both, just come across as stubborn.

Not to mention his complete disinterest in anything outside of Playstation. He claims to love metroidvanias but e.g. won't even check out Metroid Dread.

Obviously he's an amazing analyst of the industry itself but this episode clearly shows why the hiring of Brad is necessary.
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Even if Colin is an alt right shit head, who cares?
Brad went somewhere to get paid money.

This would never have happened if EZA did not set such high expectations for their fan base (this is a safe space, we are allies etc etc) that’s not how the real world works, people have friends who are people that are not politically aligned. The reset era way of “cutting off everyone who doesn’t agree with me” leads to the massive mental health problems those people suffer. Because they feel alone due to the fact that their requirements for friendship is so damn high it’s impossible to have any real world friends……just strangers on the internet.
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Gold Member
Have listened to like half of it
It's fun, though I do think it's going to take some adjustment from Brad finding more confidence as host and maybe engaging in conversations on a slightly deeper level than the regular EZA stuff (specially when having Colin as a guest).
Also I know he said he'd probably change the names but I think it's a bit weird he is doing some of the exact same segments from Frame Trap with the exact same name. Like you'd expect it to be more of a Top Gear --> Grand Tour "same-same, but different" scenario instead of just a carbon copy.


I'll skim more of the thread, but the purple board thread about Brad Ellis has morphed into a discussion about bigotry, Nazis and Hitler. No joke.

It's ironic how these people have probably hurt the causes they claim to support by completely cheapening the meaning of words like nazi, facist, transphobe, etc. It's like the boy who cried wolf in the real world.

Like 15 years ago you told me someone was a nazi and it meant something, now when I hear someone is a nazi it's like "ok but for real? or did he make a joke about women being loud?"
You told me someone was transphobic and I'd picture someone who hated trans people possibly to the point of wanting to harm them, now it's like "ok but for real? or do they hold the reasonable belief that maybe they shouldn't compete with biological women in sports?"
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I stopped posting there but got banned as I felt the need to point out that most the hosts at 'racist LSM' are not white.

Yea, they don't give a shit about that. They'll keep calling Colin racist even though his wife is black. They'll keep calling him a transphobe even though he actually had a trans employee at one point. Those people do not live in reality and there's nothing Colin can ever do to squash their hatred for him.
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