Having listened to it, it's notable how disillusioned Colin seems with modern AAA gaming. Almost all of his list was remakes and indie games emulating his childhood classics.
He talks shit about journalists not playing games but this is almost as bad. His reasons for skipping games like Star Wars and the Cyberpunk DLC, when he enjoyed the previous entry for both, just come across as stubborn.
Not to mention his complete disinterest in anything outside of Playstation. He claims to love metroidvanias but e.g. won't even check out Metroid Dread.
Obviously he's an amazing analyst of the industry itself but this episode clearly shows why the hiring of Brad is necessary.
Yeah, I mean to be fair modern AAA gaming is pretty bad, but Colin has always been a contrarian and it seems like he's constantly searching for the least popular opinion.
Like when triangle strategy was announced and he got a bunch of excited messages from fans about how they were making a new final fantasy tactics (a game he talked about frequently) but he managed to poopoo that for not being the exact same thing, like cmon.
I get bored by his lack of enthusiasm, it reminds me of the downward spiral of Jeff from giant bomb. Maybe it's inevitable getting burned out running a game media business, but Colin is smart enough to keep his empire churning by hiring passionate talent that perform well.
Fuck Greg, but there was a magic to the original podcast beyond with him and Colin. They played off each other so well like a classic comedy duo with Greg as the dumb clown and Colin as the straight man. His pessimism entertains when contrasted against a boisterous shill, I miss those days.