Do I do anything with the letter from Dela? It's taking up space in my inventory. I'd hate to drop it and only need it for later...
Do I do anything with the letter from Dela? It's taking up space in my inventory. I'd hate to drop it and only need it for later...
I would like to know this as well... still staring at it 8 floors later =)
And that's Ares' mode done. From Tom's post earlier I thought that the completion title thing was only based on the tick marks (which seemingly is how long you take, which rest time is incorporated into). But no, the title seems based on a number of things.
I had a ton of money at the end, and I got Wealthy Savant.
Right before the end of the game, you get significant offensive and defensive powerups, which basically makes Ares a total baller. Last bosses were a joke.
Game is definitely straightforward and not-at-all tricky. It was addicting to fill out the maps but I do wish there was a bit more difficulty. Ah well.
Will have to see what Dela mode offers.
Just got to Ruins 5. Really enjoying it so far. Can't stress enough how much I love the way the game starts. It's so perfect. My OCD has totally kicked-in and I don't proceed until I 100% a floor either. Looks like Falcom/XSEED is starting the year strong for me. Spoilers for Ruins 4....Yo, that miniature scale of the ruins with the dragon on top, what the fuck...sooooooo cool!
yea. i wouldn't say OCD, but i won't move on until i 100% every floor, that's a given!
Without spoiling cool items/backtracking abilities or whatever, is it possible to, say, return to the first floor of the Ruins (including its basement floors?) I'm on Ruins 8 now and that BF2's sitting at around 40%. Freaking me out, man!
It gets increasingly time-consuming as the game goes on (until you get, anyway, which lessens the burden a little), but it is always possible to return, yes.Warp magic
And I know exactly why BF2 is sitting at 40%. But if you don't, and you don't want it spoiled ahead of time, you won't find out for another 20+ floors.
Just got to Ruins 5. Really enjoying it so far. Can't stress enough how much I love the way the game starts. It's so perfect. My OCD has totally kicked-in and I don't proceed until I 100% a floor either. Looks like Falcom/XSEED is starting the year strong for me. Spoilers for Ruins 4....Yo, that miniature scale of the ruins with the dragon on top, what the fuck...sooooooo cool!
Yeah...they had to put that boulder near the exit that tells you you can almost break it,made me look at the map to find the steps I missed...for a health potion hehe,(that is only the first map though,I hope further rewards are better)...liking it also so far.Not sure I understand all the legend of the map on the right though,going to have to check on that(the 2 rows with the little squares with all the colors).
I don't know why some people think it's going to be really difficult. I hadn't even seen that said by anybody. Is it just because people associate dungeon crawlers with difficulty for whatever reason? Brandish itself has been around for almost 25 years, and the only legacy it's really had amongst most people is its disorienting camera system (which is a non-issue in the PSP remake).
The answer should be obvious when you see how "helpless" a lot of gamers are these days by reading other threads...
i dont know why i did this
Real Parakeetmen play dungeon crawlers.
That's not a legend, it's a palette -- you can actually make your own markings by selecting a color from there, then "drawing" it onto the map. How you use this (or even if you use it) is entirely up to you, but personally, I found it really useful to open my map and draw a red square with a dot in the middle whenever I encountered a locked door, a white square with a dot in the middle whenever I encountered one of the stone monuments, and a green square with a dot in the middle whenever I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that there was a pit trap in front of me (but didn't want to fall into it or waste an Iron Ball to open it).
Separate related topic found this video saw Tom commented on it too, but was wondering do any of you guys have like other vids you might suggest? Wanted to send something with commentary over to a friend thats interested in the title, but not sure if the vid Im linking below is exactly the best example to give...
A guy who goes by Opeb has been Let's Playing the game, and seems to be enjoying it a lot more than BlueMaxima:
I've commented on those videos, too, but mostly with tips and tricks. ;)
A guy who goes by Opeb has been Let's Playing the game, and seems to be enjoying it a lot more than BlueMaxima:
I've commented on those videos, too, but mostly with tips and tricks.
: How do I get here?Tower 6F
The first chest you can jump over, which fills out enough of the map that you can use Warp magic to get to the secluded chest. You can buy it on the next floor if I recall.
Gonna get this game soon. Playing through too much visual novel/adventure type games so I need some hardcore action. Question is should I stream it via PSP cables or through PS TV?
Gonna get this game soon. Playing through too much visual novel/adventure type games so I need some hardcore action. Question is should I stream it via PSP cables or through PS TV?
Might pick this up next month. Can't help but laugh when I see the name because of reasons.
unbeholders why are you so evil
Gonna get this game soon. Playing through too much visual novel/adventure type games so I need some hardcore action. Question is should I stream it via PSP cables or through PS TV?
Is there a good video out there talking about the game, like a mini review or something? I like dungeon crawling and have a flight on saturday. Title based combat sounds intrigued, maybe a little like Legend of Grimrock?
Not really a review but there is this guys "lets play" sorta video that Tom recommended. Was an answer to a question I had asked earlier in the thread.
So uh what's up with stacking health potions that causes them to subtract from the total?
20+3=17 what?
Read the descriptions carefully before you stack
I wish there was a chance of Brandish 2 getting a similar remake for Vita..