I found the first box. Can someone please tell me where the other boxes are? I don't want to miss them.
I don't think you will. They're pretty out in the open, like the first one was -- and you won't be getting the second for a long time yet (they're spaced out so that you get them right when you most desperately need them), so you're at least good for the moment.
If you go for 100% floor runs, even casually, you can't possibly miss them. But if you still really want to know where they are, I can look it up via Japanese walkthroughs for you. The one thing I do remember off-hand (with like, 90% certainty) is that
the second is in the Tower, and the third is in the Cave.
Maaaan, I wish we'd get the sequels. There's a certain mystique about old Japanese PC games that I love, and of course they never get re-released.
Well, you never know. Have you heard the story of how Dark Revenant came about? Basically, Falcom held a magazine poll asking fans which of their franchises they'd most like to see continued or updated -- and rather than just picking the top response, Falcom picked the top *four* responses, which were Kiseki, Zwei, Brandish and Vantage Master (not necessarily in that order).
Kiseki kind of went without saying -- it was pretty definitively Falcom's flagship series by this point and was making them money hand over fist, so of COURSE they were going to continue it, making it almost pointless to vote for -- but the other three were series that Falcom hadn't touched for years (and Zwei wasn't even a series, since at the time, there was only one game!)... but after the magazine poll, true to their word, the next few non-Ys non-Kiseki releases from them were Vantage Master Portable, Zwei!! and Brandish: The Dark Revenant on PSP, and Zwei II on PC.
I'm not sure any of these games sold particularly well for them (Zwei II, in fact, wound up being Falcom's last original PC title and famously underperformed despite being an absolutely outstanding game), but the fact remains that they listened to the fanbase and gave the fans what they wanted (or claimed to want, anyway!).
So if Brandish fans are vocal enough next time Falcom puts out a poll like this, who knows? Brandish 2: The Planet Buster DX could be a reality.