I was just watching an interview where Sanderson says the '80s era Mistborns are gonna be spy thrillers about a female programmer, and man I hope he sticks with that idea because that sounds incredible.
First person to give me their best bad metaphor gets a #Steelhunt code with some bonus content from The Reckoners series.
Calamity came with all three cards for 3 different characters and 3 different codes that essentially lead to the same content (I tried two).
I will check back in the morning for a winner.
Is the Wax and Wayne story of Mistborn over? I've been waiting for it to complete before I start it.
Uncle Edwarn wasn't the in the room. The only thing there was a boxy device on the table in front of Callisina.
My favorite is definitely "I mixed with people like paint and a bag of gerbils"
Winner, check your PMs
I read the 2 Stormlight books back to back and then started reading the Mistborn Trilogy (just finished the first book). God, this guy is amazing.
I still can't believe I chose to read the SA series cause someone on Gaf posted the cover, and I thought it looked cool. I'm going to try and read all of Brandon's books to pass the time till the third book in SA comes out.
Yeah, Sanderson really lucked out with the WoK cover art.
I just finished Words of Radiance.I don't think I can even say whether I liked WoK or WoR more. They're both tied for first place.I refuse to believe I'll read anything better than the Stormlight Archive series. Especially WoR. That ending with Jasnah coming back made me feel great. I always figured she had escaped and was losing hope with Brandon mentioning it in WoR. The part I loved the most was definitely Amaram being caught lying to Dalinar about stealing the plate and shard from Kaladin. I ended up pulling an all-nighter the day I read that part. I had to try and read as much as I could before work when I got to that part.
I still can't believe I chose to read the SA series cause someone on Gaf posted the cover, and I thought it looked cool. I'm going to try and read all of Brandon's books to pass the time till the third book in SA comes out.
Yeah, Sanderson really lucked out with the WoK cover art.
True, most fantasy cover art either looks like a bad romance novel or looks like it's afraid to be recognized as a fantasy book. The WoK cover is unabashedly epic fantasy AND it looks gorgeous.
So I read Warbreaker and it got me interested in more Cosmere. I bought the Mistborn trilogy and read through the first book in a week. Started Well of Ascension today and I'm already 120 pages in.
His magic systems just draw me in. What really gets me is the perfectly paced drip feed of info - slow and steady with the occasional exposition dump. I love it.Man, what a masterpiece that is.
I'm like 140 pages into Bands of Mourning and all that happened was themtaking a train
I adore Steris though.
Note of caution: the following is based on the cited 140 pages, but as counted in the hardcover. If you are reading an eBook format that plays with page numbering the spoiler may go slightly further than where you are.
Admittedlythe first hundred pages or so is a lot of character work, but I would say quite a bit happens, between the ruined wedding, the introduction of VenDell and his information,and the train ride, which becomes an action packed train robbery that you are right in the middle of![]()
щ(ºДºщI have already read Stormlight, Mistborn, and Elantris and this is the first I've ever herd of the Cosmere.
The name Hoid sounds familiar but I can't say I know for sure who he is in each.
(Super real spoilers following, don't click unless you read the books)One of my brothers did, too. Another one liked WoR better, as did my dad and one of my friends. I go back and forth. Can't really decide.
WoK's finale however had two of these scenes.
1. Kaladin saves Dalinar from Eshonai while he watches in awe
2. Dalinar hands his Shardblade over to Sadeas (made me flip my shit)
щ(ºДºщI have already read Stormlight, Mistborn, and Elantris and this is the first I've ever herd of the Cosmere.
The name Hoid sounds familiar but I can't say I know for sure who he is in each.
One thing about WoR's ending that irked me quite a bit was.Adolin killing Sadeas. Despite being a little too Disney villain-y I found Sadeas to be an incredibly intriguing villain and I'm sad he's gone as I would've loved to see more of him.
One thing about WoR's ending that irked me quite a bit was.Adolin killing Sadeas. Despite being a little too Disney villain-y I found Sadeas to be an incredibly intriguing villain and I'm sad he's gone as I would've loved to see more of him.
I feel like Sadeas would have become a distraction going forward had he remained alive. We already have so many forces competing against each other.
The Apocalypse Guard series is set in a world parallel to that of the Reckoners, and an organization of superpowered individuals is at its center. Their collective objective is to save doomed planets, until the day something goes horribly wrong and it is up to one young member of the guard to fix things before time runs out for her and the planet she calls home.
Publication of the first book in the series is planned for spring 2018.
Why announce two years early? Seems pointless and just disappointing to be so far out.
Why announce two years early? Seems pointless and just disappointing to be so far out.
Man, how fast does this guy write? Seriously does anyone know?
Bands of Mourning Chapter 15:
...Was the audio quality really that good? Because christ, modern speaker phones today don't sound nearly good enough to be mistaken for a real person. A Skype call might, and then only if you have a really good connection and a really nice pair of speakers.
That part bummed me out a bit. I can see why it happened, but I don't agree with it.
Another one. I shouldn't be surprised that he's making more series. lol
I always need to have something new to be working on, if only in the back of my mind, to help prevent burnout.
I feel like it all happened so quickly almost throwaway that I just bust out my tinfoil hat. It can't be the end.
From Brandon himself.
Is there a recommended reading order for Cosmere books?
I remember him mentioning "The publishing order I suppose" somewhere. But I can't remember on what forum. Could've been reddit or facebook.