Bit of an alternate universe pondering...
I've been thinking about running a Mistborn Adventure Game campaign for my friends for a long-ish time.
The problem is, i love the original setting and second era setting equally. The former has a bit more compelling setting, i think, one that better provides me with story ideas and the like. But the latter offers perhaps awesome gameplay, and magic with guns is rare-ish so it is also extremely interesting, but other than some set pieces (train-top battle, of course!), i'm not sure what kind of story i could run there.
So, i'm thinking, why not combine them?
Take the Final Empire, yet advance its technology somewhat, so that trains and guns are used, and the cities are industrialized. Full Mistborn and Feruchemists might also exist, with Mistings, Ferrings and Twinborn. And Hemalurgy, of course, offering player power in form of Hemalurgy should be interesting.
The problem here is, would the Final Empire work with industrialism and guns? Lord Ruler is strict about controlling technology, because that allows him to control people better.
I mean guns, even just crossbows would make training an army easier. There are big reasons why those weapons supplanted others. This might make the setting a bit more war-prone, and would require the Lord Ruler's forces to be better... or perhaps an increase in amount of Steel Inquisitors (though i guess they could be supplemented with lesser "Iron Inquisitors").
Economically, industrialism sounds a bit problematic, in the sense of "who the heck buys all the mass produced stuff?". Noble population would need to be larger, to allow for an existence of a middle class, i think. Though i guess i could keep guns and trains and some stuff like that even without real industrialism... can i?
Justifying this setting, from historical perspective, should be easy enough. I believe Sanderson actually mentioned somewhere that gunpowder was developed before the Final Empire but presumably it hadn't spread and was suppressed. Indeed, the old Scadrial was pretty advanced world, something remarked upon in Arcanum Unbounded.
End of random middle of night musings.
I've been thinking about running a Mistborn Adventure Game campaign for my friends for a long-ish time.
The problem is, i love the original setting and second era setting equally. The former has a bit more compelling setting, i think, one that better provides me with story ideas and the like. But the latter offers perhaps awesome gameplay, and magic with guns is rare-ish so it is also extremely interesting, but other than some set pieces (train-top battle, of course!), i'm not sure what kind of story i could run there.
So, i'm thinking, why not combine them?
Take the Final Empire, yet advance its technology somewhat, so that trains and guns are used, and the cities are industrialized. Full Mistborn and Feruchemists might also exist, with Mistings, Ferrings and Twinborn. And Hemalurgy, of course, offering player power in form of Hemalurgy should be interesting.
The problem here is, would the Final Empire work with industrialism and guns? Lord Ruler is strict about controlling technology, because that allows him to control people better.
I mean guns, even just crossbows would make training an army easier. There are big reasons why those weapons supplanted others. This might make the setting a bit more war-prone, and would require the Lord Ruler's forces to be better... or perhaps an increase in amount of Steel Inquisitors (though i guess they could be supplemented with lesser "Iron Inquisitors").
Economically, industrialism sounds a bit problematic, in the sense of "who the heck buys all the mass produced stuff?". Noble population would need to be larger, to allow for an existence of a middle class, i think. Though i guess i could keep guns and trains and some stuff like that even without real industrialism... can i?
Justifying this setting, from historical perspective, should be easy enough. I believe Sanderson actually mentioned somewhere that gunpowder was developed before the Final Empire but presumably it hadn't spread and was suppressed. Indeed, the old Scadrial was pretty advanced world, something remarked upon in Arcanum Unbounded.
End of random middle of night musings.