Based on this feedback I'm going to suggest that perhaps Sanderson isn't a good fit for you. Which is totally fine! But I think based on the issues you have here, I have a feeling you will continue having the same complaints.
Actually I read the Stormlight books first and had no complaints and think they are great. I also had no complaints with book 1 of mistborn.
I tell ya what, if by the end of Hero of Ages all your concerns are answered to your satisfaction and don't still have the same complaints about Hero, I'll happily retract the suggestion. I have a feeling though you are still gonna not care for the direction. Particularly concerning:the deus ex machina critique and citation of Lord Ruler moving the planet.
I tell ya what, if by the end of Hero of Ages all your concerns are answered to your satisfaction and don't still have the same complaints about Hero, I'll happily retract the suggestion. I have a feeling though you are still gonna not care for the direction. Particularly concerning:the deus ex machina critique and citation of Lord Ruler moving the planet.
just started Mistborn - stoked to see it's part of a huge shared world! really loving the world building already, and im only a few chapters in
A question I've been turning over in my mind the past few days. Spoilers for Stormlight 1 & 2, Mistborn 1-4, and Warbreaker.
In the Cosmere, gods are usually "real", which is to say that their existence has some sort of rational explanation. The Returned have particularly-powerful god-breadths. Harmony is Sazed holding the power of two shards. It is reasonable to assume that the Almighty in Stormlight is some sort of Shard as well.
How does that work out for Jasnah as an atheist. She doesn't believe in unfounded religious teachings, but does follow logic. She knows about places like Shadesmar (the cognitive realm?) and is probably fairly Cosmere-aware in general. So does she know about who The Almighty is?
I highly doubt that Jesnah's story arch will involve becoming religious because she discovers the existence of god. I find it equally unlikely that other characters will discover Jesnah's non-belief was actually correct all along. But if The Almighty is ever going to play a larger role in the story, as would seem unavoidablehow is this contradiction going to get resolved?
Worth noting that I (notably unlike Sanderson) am coming at this from the perspective of an irl athiestto me, Gods exist only in fantasy stories, and not in the real world. It's hard to separate myself from this when writing about whether a god is "real" in a given Fantasy world.
Sanderson is a master world builder.
it certainly seems like it.
i don't want to read too much of the OP as i like the way Mistborn is slowly unraveling the world for me but i just wanted to ask -
the 2 big series' here are Mistborn and Stormlight Archives
do they take place in the same universe or the same world?
i also hear there is some sci fi books in this universe? which are those?
Hasn't it been pretty much confirmed that the almighty in SA is Tanavast who held the honor shard?
I means, there's plans for some Space Opera books. Hard sci fi is pretty much out the windowTrying to answer as vaguely as possible.
They take place in the same universe.
There are no hard sci fi books yet but there are plans for them eventually.
Trying to answer as vaguely as possible.
They take place in the same universe.
There are no hard sci fi books yet but there are plans for them eventually.
One of my favourite parts of Hero of Ages, the point where I just couldn't put it down was (Spoiler below)
Elend and Vin showing up at the ball whilst their army is camped outside the city and having them announce their names to everyone there, just strolling down to take part
To me just screamed badass.
I means, there's plans for some Space Opera books. Hard sci fi is pretty much out the window![]()
i also hear there is some sci fi books in this universe? which are those?
You could consider the cosmere's connecting factors like Hoid to be sci-fi elements, I guess.
Sixth of Dusk said there are beings in space (or at least in the sky?) So there are deffo some sci-fi elements to come. Just it'll probably be more esoteric magics (like cognitive realm world jumping type stuff) getting people to move around the cosmere than probably hard scifi space ship stuff.
Yes and No. You're correct about Sixth of Dusk having a space faring civilization. But there's more than just that. The final planned Mistborn age is to be futuristic time period with space travel.
Yes and No. You're correct about Sixth of Dusk having a space faring civilization. But there's more than just that. The final planned Mistborn age is to be futuristic time period with space travel.
I try to break up my Sanderson reads with stuff from other authors. After I finish Elantris, it's time for me to pick up something else.
I have 3 choices:
Tad Williams - The Dragonbone Chair
Connie Willis - Doomsday Book
Daniel Abraham - The Dragon's Path
That's pretty much my order of preference right now, but has anyone read these?
Regarding this specificly:the Space travelers in Sixth are in fact from Scadrial.
Daniel Abraham - The Dragon's Path
That's pretty much my order of preference right now, but has anyone read these?
Absolutely love this series. One of my favorites. Obviously I'm a huge Abraham fan. He's in my trinity of new authors that I really like (Sanderson, Abercrombie, Abraham).
For non-Sanderson stuff, feel free to come to book GAF.
Finished the first Mistborn book - SO GOOD. So good.
It hasn't unseated The Stormlight Archive, by any stretch, but I liked the book more as it went on...and I'm very intrigued at how the next book is going to go.
My current Brandon Sanderson rankings:
1. Words of Radiance
2. The Way of Kings
3. Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell
4. Mistborn: The Final Empire
5. Warbreaker
6. Steelheart (Reckoners #1)
7. The Emperor's Soul
8. Firstborn
9. Firefight (Reckoners #2)
10. Calamity (Reckoners #3)
I gave up on The Rithmatist and the first Alcatraz books.
Just finished my third reading of Stormlight stuff (since release)...guess I need to bite the bullet and jump into Mistborn.
I can't wait for the next promissed time jump into far future of Mistborn universe. Space travel and stuff.Coinshots are going to do wild things while in zero G!
Huh, why wouldn't you? SA ain't that much better than Mistborn.
Which of his series' are complete (in the way that the first MB trilogy is complete)?
I know Stormlight is 10 books long, Wax & Wayne have 1 book left... not sure on the others. I'd like to just read the stuff that's done first, thanks!
Cosmere wise? MB era 1 is the only series complete. Warbreaker and Elantris are getting sequels but really are stand alone books.
Other than that some of his younger audience series are done.
OK maybe i'll give Warbreaker & Elantris a shot next. both are on GraphicAudio and i'm loving their MB adaptation.
Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell and Sixth of the Dusk are also standalone (though apparently a Threnody novel is coming somewhere down the road)
accidentally clicked the wrong amazon link and read the first sentence of the mistborn book 3 synopsis
"still halfway through book one 😰they did it! the lord ruler is ...."