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Brave Frontier |OT| No puzzles, just dragons


Starting to have "first world" problems in Brave Frontier. Way too many 7 star units and no idea who to actually spend time on.

Units I regularly use:

Selena, Kira, Ultor, Sefia, Griel, Deimos, Elimo, Edea, Tridon, Kanon, Aaron, Yuura, Feeva, Oulu, Tree, Diana

Units I have to work on but no idea if it's worth it:

Michele, Medina, Libera, Melchio, Exvhel, Shera, Will, Alice, Lunaris, Hadaron, Lava, Fadahl

Obviously this is great for running multiple 7 star teams, but I have no idea who's better for Arena/regular quests and raids since so many of these units do the same things. Particularly when units like Michele and Melchio require me to spend points on evo items.
Damn the Achievement store spheres are really expensive. Should I be prioritizing Prized Light or Prized Mercy?

Prized Light IMO is far better than Prized Mercy.

Having said that, I'm not sure either is worth the points in a world where people are starting to get Occult Treasures.

I hate swapping spheres so I bought Prized Light, but I already kind of regret it.


I have too many units that I've just started chucking ones that aren't essential or I personally like. Doesn't make sense to keep them since most don't magically get much better just because they have a new form, Shida notwithstanding.
Beat Ark. The hardest part of the trial with global units is the first wave when he summons the 6 allies.

I killed Yuura and Dion early and just revived the people he killed in retaliation. I never survived when I tried to deal with all 7 at once.

2nd and 3rd form seemed pretty trivial with Tridon outside of the big kill near the end of wave 3. Used second team Deimos, so I could UBB him immediately and get full party SBBs. Worked like a champ.

First party:

Second party:

Good lord are the global exclusives ridiculous. Would have been so much harder without them.


The current FH gate is really good. 17 unit pool. Six gem pull, but tickets usable. All 7* units!



Did three pulls in the FH gate hoping for Libera or Rhoa. Got Lord Raaga, Anima Feeva and Breaker Rhoa! Awesome!!


Hmm I only need Feeva, Bestie, Libera, Rhoa, Toutetsu, and Iris from the FH gate, not sure if I should seeing as I have limited gems

Any advice? :/
Did a couple of SHS and finally got an anima Vargas. Got all the starters of that type now.
Don't have anyone from Touketsu batch and onwards. I own 6 out of the possible 17 units for that Frontier Gate and I don't think its worth it.
Ended up at rank 4893 for my +4 HR. Really cut it close there. Better than last season where I got pushed down to +3 at the last second.


Just started the game last night.

Lv. 20 best units I have currently are.

Dark Snake Kafka
Holy Knight Will
Clavier Kagamine Len
Dark Curse Lunaris
Twins LL & Mina

few other 3 stars and healers until I have enough points to put DCL in my group. Enjoying the game so far.

ID: 7205277419
Just started the game last night.

Lv. 20 best units I have currently are.

Dark Snake Kafka
Holy Knight Will
Clavier Kagamine Len
Dark Curse Lunaris
Twins LL & Mina

few other 3 stars and healers until I have enough points to put DCL in my group. Enjoying the game so far.

ID: 7205277419

Keep Kafka, Will and Lunaris. Will is still good and lunaris has a 7* evo next patch. Kafka is niche but at your level she is still really good due to her light/dark buffs.

Right now I think the optimum team is something like

Tridon lead
Zenia friend
Krantz/Edea pending on what you want/need.

you can sub out libera with Nidora (whatever her name is this coming batch)
you can sub zedus for Michele since tridon would give her the 20% crit to make her buff cap
you can sub Aurelia for Melchio

Rhoa got instantly replaced by zenia but if you don't have zenia then he is still good

Glyph is a great lead too.

So far the great units you need for raids/trials are imo

Leads Survival: Tridon, Glyph, Bestie, Delmos
Leads Damage: Zenia, Glyph, Zedus, Rhoa, Raaga, Reis,
Leads Frontier Hunter (non mid/end farming): Ruby, Zenia, Raaga, Rhoa, Feeva
Mitigator: Edea, Krantz, (soon shera 7*) and Aaron (by far the worse due to his weak defense buff out of all the 7*), Elimo
Crit Buffers: Hadron, Glyph, Michele, Reis, Zedus, Colt, Kira
BB buffers: Zenia..forgot if Zedus does this or not, Nemethgear,
Attack buffer: Zedus, Michele, Shera, Hadron ( IIRC)
Defense Buffer: Kanon, Tridon, Elimo, Aaron (weaker), Aurelia (converter), Balgran (converter), Delmos
Receive BC when attack; Bestie, Libera, Medina, Kikuri, Diana
Receive BC on spark: Zenia, Rhoa, Raaga,
Cleanser: Edea, Aurelia, Krantz, Sagaravel (whatever his name is), Melchios, Kanon, Andaria,
Elemental Buffers: Glyph (fire/water), Krantz/Kafka/ (light/dark), Michele (fire/dark), Quaid (fire/water/lightning/earth), Libera (earth, lightning)
Increase BC drop rate (less useful in trials due to nerf to bc drop rate): Feeva, Sagaevela, Andaria, Griel
Attack down debuffers: Ruby, Griel, Kira, Zedus,

There are more roles but these are the important ones off the top of my head. Theres also BC cashback units like Bestie, and BC fill on turn (which is not nearly as useful on a lot of encounters due to bc wipe).

There are also some other good units like Balgran (debuffs + def boost that doesn't clash with pure def boost)
Basically a summary of important units. I know theres a few I'm missing.

Important roles that are basically required imo:
BC when attacked
Def buffer
BC fill on spark

and then some boost in dps like BB attack booster, Attack booster, Crit, elemental buffs.
So far the great units you need for raids/trials are imo

Leads Survival: Tridon, Glyph, Bestie, Delmos
Leads Damage: Zenia, Glyph, Zedus, Rhoa, Raaga, Reis,
Leads Frontier Hunter (non mid/end farming): Ruby, Zenia, Raaga, Rhoa, Feeva
Mitigator: Edea, Krantz, (soon shera 7*) and Aaron (by far the worse due to his weak defense buff out of all the 7*), Elimo
Crit Buffers: Hadron, Glyph, Michele, Reis, Zedus, Colt, Kira
BB buffers: Zenia..forgot if Zedus does this or not, Nemethgear,
Attack buffer: Zedus, Michele, Shera, Hadron ( IIRC)
Defense Buffer: Kanon, Tridon, Elimo, Aaron (weaker), Aurelia (converter), Balgran (converter), Delmos
Receive BC when attack; Bestie, Libera, Medina, Kikuri, Diana
Receive BC on spark: Zenia, Rhoa, Raaga,
Cleanser: Edea, Aurelia, Krantz, Sagaravel (whatever his name is), Melchios, Kanon, Andaria,
Elemental Buffers: Glyph (fire/water), Krantz/Kafka/ (light/dark), Michele (fire/dark), Quaid (fire/water/lightning/earth), Libera (earth, lightning)
Increase BC drop rate (less useful in trials due to nerf to bc drop rate): Feeva, Sagaevela, Andaria, Griel
Attack down debuffers: Ruby, Griel, Kira, Zedus,

There are more roles but these are the important ones off the top of my head. Theres also BC cashback units like Bestie, and BC fill on turn (which is not nearly as useful on a lot of encounters due to bc wipe).

There are also some other good units like Balgran (debuffs + def boost that doesn't clash with pure def boost)
Basically a summary of important units. I know theres a few I'm missing.

Important roles that are basically required imo:
BC when attacked
Def buffer
BC fill on spark

and then some boost in dps like BB attack booster, Attack booster, Crit, elemental buffs.

This helped me a ton even after I've been playing for quite a long time, Thanks!

Picked up Krantz during PRU and....damn. As good as I was hoping he'd be. My Raid team right now is Rhoa (L), Donger, Krantz, Hadaron, Bestie, Zenia (L). Putting out way more damage than I did with Deimos/Kaito lead.

Survivability is still an issue with some of the super nukes in R5, I might sub Aurelia for Bestie and see how my BC gen does.
O yeah. Do NOT summon for this batch outside of Nadore. There is nothing special about this batch out of Nadore (don't know her English name since that is the name japan has).

Even then she is basically equiv to Libera if you have her.

The next 2 batches aren't anything special. The next meta units will be in 2-3 months with the introduction of Avant's batch.
Got Alfa Dilith.

Tried Xie'Jing and she bb drains me so much at 30% hp. This fight is freaking ridiculous with the RNG.


Tried Xie'Jing and she bb drains me so much at 30% hp. This fight is freaking ridiculous with the RNG.

If you've got Nemethgear, it's possible to otk her with all light units and kira/kira leads or kira/eriole. Or you can use your first team to reduce her life to just before she casts her shield and then burst her with the second team.
If you've got Nemethgear, it's possible to otk her with all light units and kira/kira leads or kira/eriole. Or you can use your first team to reduce her life to just before she casts her shield and then burst her with the second team.
Sadly, I don't have Nemethgear. Closest would be Lava since I got no unit that ups bb damage. Don't have Will either, but I got all the other units that Ushi listed in his video on OTK attempt. Well, gotta kill Fei on the 3rd turn every time to avoid that ultimate attack.


So is Nemethgear a better unit than Zenia in regards to BB atk? I recently got Nemethgear but I'm out of the loop with these new units.
Apparently the bug where Raid bosses did increased damage got fixed. Hopefully that's true and then I can delete the space hog that is Brave Frontier off my phone and completely move over to PC.


Did some pulls now that the full batch is out. I am really satisfied! TWO Anima Duran, Lord Quartz, TWO Anima Libera (!) and a Breaker Dion. Also got a level 100 Exwhel lol :p

Crazy that I got two Anima Quartz and Libera. All I really want now is Krantz.


Anybody else playing the EU version, Brave Frontier RPG?
For any of you who need a lvl100/full sbb Inferno Elza or Thief Zelnite (I'm switching back 'n forth), my ID is:
I pretty much accept anyone, no matter their leader/level... as long as I have space on my friendlist :]

Saved up 15 diamonds for my chance to get any of the new Mad Max inspired characters to be released sometime this weekend.
Time to test my luck, get duplicates and feel bad that I didn't invest them into expanding my unit/item storage...
Anybody else playing the EU version, Brave Frontier RPG?
For any of you who need a lvl100/full sbb Inferno Elza or Thief Zelnite (I'm switching back 'n forth), my ID is:
I pretty much accept anyone, no matter their leader/level... as long as I have space on my friendlist :]

Saved up 15 diamonds for my chance to get any of the new Mad Max inspired characters to be released sometime this weekend.
Time to test my luck, get duplicates and feel bad that I didn't invest them into expanding my unit/item storage...

I'm on the EU server as well. Spent about 40 gems on the new exclusives and got Crash Belt and Gazolina, pretty happy with that. Also pulled Shera so it worked out pretty well.


It's been really hard to keep up with this recently. Power Inflation has really gotten bad and my units keep getting worse. They also occasionally make older units hard powerful so it's a lot of unit management, ooof.


It's been really hard to keep up with this recently. Power Inflation has really gotten bad and my units keep getting worse. They also occasionally make older units hard powerful so it's a lot of unit management, ooof.
Yeah, I went and checked the stats of the units I had and it turns out the 6* forms of those starter heroes are pretty dang bad.
But ofcourse they'll be the first to get their 7* at some point so I can't just keep 'm underleveled. Hmm...
I'm on the EU server as well. Spent about 40 gems on the new exclusives and got Crash Belt and Gazolina, pretty happy with that. Also pulled Shera so it worked out pretty well.
I started of with an old duplicate, then got a guardian Gazolina and anima Blink. Hell if I know if they're any good, but I'm feeling lucky either way :p
(Gazolina seems pretty handy for a defensive team though!)


I know the Jewels are for selling, but what about their elemental equivalents? Especially the crystals which do hit pretty hard.
I checked out the Dragon Blaze OT and was directed here. Is this game newbie friendly, or is it more focused towards established players at this point? I've been craving a new gatcha type game but I realized a big problem with most of them is that it's really hard to catch up if you didn't start earlier on.


I checked out the Dragon Blaze OT and was directed here. Is this game newbie friendly, or is it more focused towards established players at this point? I've been craving a new gatcha type game but I realized a big problem with most of them is that it's really hard to catch up if you didn't start earlier on.

It's pretty newbie friendly right now because gumi has been doing a lot of rate ups and is pretty prone to doing special events that put all of the vortex events up at the same time, allowing you to evolve units more readily. They also do a super friend gatcha that gives only good stuff like XP, Gold, or special boosting items for a limited time and it's been regularly common as of late.
It's pretty newbie friendly right now because gumi has been doing a lot of rate ups and is pretty prone to doing special events that put all of the vortex events up at the same time, allowing you to evolve units more readily. They also do a super friend gatcha that gives only good stuff like XP, Gold, or special boosting items for a limited time and it's been regularly common as of late.

Cool, thanks! I'm gonna be trying this out, Dragon Blaze and Terra Battle. See which one sticks.


Also, Brave Frontier's second anniversary is coming up in November so expect some really good stuff for beginners
So I've been casually playing the game for a couple days now, and I have no idea what all these items are for. Also I got a bunch of "gods" and "crystal" ball like characters. What are they for?
So I've been casually playing the game for a couple days now, and I have no idea what all these items are for. Also I got a bunch of "gods" and "crystal" ball like characters. What are they for?

Metal/Light/Earth/Water/Fire/Thunder units greatly boost XP of a character when fused with them. Each one boosts units of that type by even more, with Metal counting as the Dark version. So like fuse a Thunder King into a Water unit and get a large burst of xp. Fuse a Thunder King into a Thunder unit and you will get an even larger boost of XP. From weakest to strongest it's Ghost->King->God->Crystal.

Anything tagged "Jewel" is worth more money than normal, and should be sold.


It looks like we will be getting the Second Anniversary free-unit-of-your-choice promo in the US after all.

You do have to go through a sign-up on Facebook (Player ID, what unit and type you want, and e-mail address), and log in at least 30 days during the 40-day Anniversary period, which lasts from November 4th through December 14th. The free unit will be given out a week after the event ends. There are some caveats, though:

No Vortex Arena units.
No collaboration (Deemo, Hatsune Miku, or Chain Chronicle) units.
No Frontier Hunter, Raid, Grand Quest or Trial units.

So everyone can't just get a free Gazia.

I'm torn between Tridon and Zenia, both of which I sorely need.


Get Tridon. Gazia clashes with Zenia and Rhoa or Chrome are better than her in my opinion. Tridon is amazing and one of the best defensive units both as lead or sub.

I went for Chrome myself
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