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Brave Frontier |OT| No puzzles, just dragons


So, how long does this daily reward/pick your own unit event go for? I think I just now today got the fourth reward, so if I'm already too far behind, then... eff.


So, how long does this daily reward/pick your own unit event go for? I think I just now today got the fourth reward, so if I'm already too far behind, then... eff.
You need to log in for 30 days between November 4th and December 14th. Doesn't have to be consecutive
Also, if you haven't done it yet you need to register at http://woobox.com/d43isy to qualify for your unit of choice

I wish there was an easy way to change this. At least on the forum you could edit your post, doesn't look like a way to do that on Facebook.

I had Avant as my unit, but pulled him last night. In order to 'change' it, I had to log in with a dummy facebook account and submitted another entry. Hope it overwrites the older entry....


I decided to go with Meiko for my unit, since I missed out on her during the event. I couldn't care less about her stats; she's my favorite Vocaloid, and if I have a chance to earn her in BF, you bet your ass I'm gonna do it.


I decided to go with Meiko for my unit, since I missed out on her during the event. I couldn't care less about her stats; she's my favorite Vocaloid, and if I have a chance to earn her in BF, you bet your ass I'm gonna do it.
You can't choose any of the Vocaloids, unfortunately
Went with Dolk as my unit of choice since his nullifies extra elemental damage. His utility is so freaking good. Whelp, hope I pull a Chrome, Avant or Charla with the next few summon tickets.
Went with Dolk as my unit of choice since his nullifies extra elemental damage. His utility is so freaking good. Whelp, hope I pull a Chrome, Avant or Charla with the next few summon tickets.

IMO Chrome should be at the top of everyones list based on the exclusives we have.

Avant is a damage machine, but clashes hard with Gazia and Zedus. Dolk has nice utilities and I have him myself, just don't know where I'd slot him in with Gazia. Elemental damage is more or less avoidable given some of the spheres available.
dolk would be so good...if gazia didn't exist =(.

Gazia and a few of the SBS really change the meta. Avant is like a god in japan. In Global, he's good but not nearly as good.

Luckily dolk lets you run a different setup that is still very strong


Chrome is exceptionally good, but I changed my cote from Chrome to Avant. Why? Chrome will be used in the leader slot 99% of the time, so I can always use a friend instead. I already have Rhoa soi don't need Chrome plus I have Charla which gives the highest spark buff so far. She's a far better sub than Chrome.

Dual Avant leads are amazing and while he clashes with Gazia I do have Krantz And Dolk to use instead. Dual Avant is amazing for Frontier Gate farming as well.

If you don't have Rhoa or another good sparking then Chrome is amazing for you. If you do he's still good to have, but you can always use a friend Chrome. Still one of the best units in the game
I couldn't decide between Chrome and Avant for my free unit, pulled on a lark yesterday, and what do you know? Anima Chrome.

Well, that solves that question.


I haven't filled out the request for the free unit yet, but can I request the 7* version of the unit or does it have to be the lowest form?
I just need to vent, but why are people even running Estoreit in RC5 if the only thing they do is kill the goddamn body before the wings?! Seriously, the only relevant item dropping is the azure sphere which is from the wings, but everyone just kills the main body anyway. It's a miracle I even managed to get one azure sphere.
So much energy used, but finally got Xie Jing.
Gazia saved my ass several times. Will try for him later and Ark. So tired of rng bullshit from that fight haha.
The hardest part about Gazia is getting through Xie'Jang. No joke, X4 is quite easy. I made it through my second run without looking at a guide.

Ark....wasn't too bad I don't think. Some AI can wipe you if you nuke his friends too fast.

Honestly, hardest trial for me was Alfa. Between Hadaron stealth and Dongers shield screwing up the insta gib attacks, it took me quite some time.


There's a FB sharing campaign on that'll add 10 more days of login rewards to the 2nd Anniversary event. Looks like Gumi heard the complaints, there's a lot of Gems coming at us:

Day 31 - x5 Crescent Dew
Day 32 - x2 Gems
Day 33 - 5000 Merit Points
Day 34 - x2 Gems
Day 35 - x1 Imp Key

Day 36 - x2 Gems
Day 37 - x2 Sphere Frog
Day 38 - x3 Gems
Day 39 - x1 Legend Stone
Day 40 - x5 Gems

Now, the flip side is that this also moves the date of getting the free unit down the line. With the 40 day rewards unlocked, the campaign will end on December 22nd, so the free units won't come until December 29th.


The free unit gets awarded 7 days after the 2nd Anniversary event ends. So if the event goes on for another 10 days, the unit gets delayed the same.
But you had to log in at least 30 days between November 4th and December 14th anyway (40 days) with the delivery of the free unit 7 days later


But you had to log in at least 30 days between November 4th and December 14th anyway (40 days) with the delivery of the free unit 7 days later

The new set of 31-40 rewards actually lengthens the entire Anniversary campaign, they're not just dropping them into the current timeframe. Today's info says:

[Note: For days 31 to 35, login period will be extended from 40 days to 43 days (December 17, 2015)]


[Note: For days 36 to 40, login period will be extended from 43 days to 48 days (December 22, 2015)]

So if the full extra package of 10 days is earned (and I expect it will be), the Anniversary campaign will end eight days later then the current time, December 22 instead of December 14. Tack the week onto that, and we hit 12/29.


The new set of 31-40 rewards actually lengthens the entire Anniversary campaign, they're not just dropping them into the current timeframe. Today's info says:


So if the full extra package of 10 days is earned (and I expect it will be), the Anniversary campaign will end eight days later then the current time, December 22 instead of December 14. Tack the week onto that, and we hit 12/29.
Ah okay, thanks for the clarification


Medal Rush Summon is live. 6 gems, tickets do seem to be working right now but that may change. Pool of 17 units:


Definitely some bombs in there. Edea? Yuura? Gumi, pls. But there's the chance of some solid goodness, too. I pulled a Breaker Sixgear, so that's something.

EDIT: Data mining is showing that 7* Ragshelm, Reeze and Shera are imminent.
Medal Rush Summon is live. 6 gems, tickets do seem to be working right now but that may change. Pool of 17 units:


Definitely some bombs in there. Edea? Yuura? Gumi, pls. But there's the chance of some solid goodness, too. I pulled a Breaker Sixgear, so that's something.

EDIT: Data mining is showing that 7* Ragshelm, Reeze and Shera are imminent.

Edea and Yuura are still solid. Outside Hadaron, Yuura is the most consistent single target dps unit. Edea is still a good attack animation mitigator that has a cleanse on both bb and sbb. Also bring status to the party. Basically, if you don't have Krantz or Dolk, Edea or Krantz are still very viable.

Out of all of those options Lune, Duran, Quartz, and Vernil are the weakest by far.
Now that super honor summon is open, I've been on an evolution spree. Evolved my Ark, Lunaris, and Loch, leaving me with only 11000 achievement points left. So many seven stars to raise, and I'm also evolving some five stars for more CA fodder. Also did two pulls from the medal rush summon with the anniversary tickets, getting a Vernil and Quartz. Not dupes so I don't mind, and I still only own 7/17 units in it, but I don't know if I want to spend gems on it.


uh oh.. Popular Unit summons is up. Probably the best chance to get Avant and Chrome unless there's an 6 gem FH gate in the near future.
Apparently the rates are absolutely awful, so I recommend not wasting time on it. I would just wait for the FAR more reliable Frontier Hunter Summon. The Medal Rush Summon was really sweet and you're guaranteed to get seven stars that are somewhat in the meta. So yeah, don't summon.


Yeah, do not summon on this rate up if you want any from the Avant batch. Almost 1000 summons reported on Reddit and ZERO Avvants pulled. Something is definitely not working properly! (Avant batch does appear in gift boxes though)


Yeah, do not summon on this rate up if you want any from the Avant batch. Almost 1000 summons reported on Reddit and ZERO Avvants pulled. Something is definitely not working properly! (Avant batch does appear in gift boxes though)

Looks like they fixed this. Picked up a Chrome and Charla this morning


Reddit's got stats for the new batch of JPBF 7*s: Ramna, Ophelia, Lilith and Elza.

Ramna seems somewhat niche, maybe a specific Raid unit with that burst heal, Fire attack bonus SBB and Fire weakness boost UBB. Ophelia looks to be a decent BB filler for those of us who don't have Bestie yet. Elza's pretty good with the spark damage buffs, she could synergize well with a bunch of other units.

Lilith 7* is reDONKulous. Her BB self-buffs and fills the BB bar, so you can immediately start busting out the SBBs next turn. Her SBB is still infinite, and does some extra OD bar filling at the same time. Her UBB has both a single-target attack AND an AoE attack, fills everyone's BB bar, and puts out a 3-turn 200% ATK/DEF/REC buff.

Whoof. Saving a Legend Stone for her.
Is any of the bundles good? I don't need any of the units that come with it, just gems. Seem a waste of money to me.

These bundles are shit tier. Literally per gem is worse than buying packs normally. The gem/ticket packs they sell are pretty good.

I'm actually how bad some of this anniversary stuff has been.

Free Unit? Sweet....log in 30 days and you'll get it by the end of the year.

Lack of Gems for login bonus'? Ok, here are some more*......... * for 30k shares on facebook.

None of Avant Batch being pulled for Popular units? No issues here.....(stealth fixes the rate).

It's been pretty bad so far.


Yeah I'm pretty disappointed too. Gumi can't seem to do anything right. 3 gems given out for second anniversary is completely laughable when the "Summer celebration" have out 25. We had to share a post to get more gems and that delayed us getting the unit of choice. Rate ups are still awful, no God Gate. Just really disappointing second anniversary. Hopefully they can deliver some better stuff before it ends


So I rolled a Dolk (L) in 5 rolls, got my bonus unit and it was a...

Dolk (L).

What am I supposed to do with 2 Dolks gimu pls. :')
Frontier Hunter and Frontier Hunter summon are up. Used my summon ticket and got a Guardian Avant. Even though I own half the pool (9/17) I'm still probably going to pull with the discount summoning ticket that comes tomorrow. Also I did a few pulls from the CA summon and got a Vael, Douglas, and Mariudeth, along with a bunch of dupes. Vael is nice because his seven star got released but the rest are basically for collection.


FH summon being up just seems like a big FU from Gumi considering people were blowing away their gems during Popular Unit summon just two days ago (and still ongoing)
FH summon being up just seems like a big FU from Gumi considering people were blowing away their gems during Popular Unit summon just two days ago (and still ongoing)

I understand a lot of complaints about Gumi, but stuff like this is absurd.

If you didn't know FH Summon was coming after being there like 5 months running, that is 100% your fault.


I understand a lot of complaints about Gumi, but stuff like this is absurd.

If you didn't know FH Summon was coming after being there like 5 months running, that is 100% your fault.

I didn't pull on any gates this week, but it's absurd there's three gates in the span of a week with hardly a notice of them.

and since when did you become a defender of all things Gumi? Aren't you the same guy that constantly whines whenever there's a new OP unit and think it's going to break the game, only to stop bitching once you're able to successfully roll for it?
Anybody brave enough to summon for Elgifts? I feel like waiting more and seeing how the new global exclusives turn out before using my gems.


I did it with what I had left and got two Elgifts. Got a Tazer as well.

Not sure who I should use the Elgifts on. I probably will save one for Chrome when I get one but the other one is the big question.

Also, I really am enjoying Shera as a Leader, lol. Getting that BB bar filled up quick.
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