Yeah, you've got to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff, really. I can see how some of his statements can seem silly, but people were making fun of the original post, which is true. Brazil IS opening their files. If a national government is taking this seriously (and even out government has, even if they say there is no conclusive evidence in public, the fact that they've had several programs dedicated to researching UFOs means something), that should tell you something. And the Varginha incident IS pretty huge.
Does that mean any of this is true? Does it mean aliens exist? Perhaps not. But I'm tired of mainstream science eschewing the supernatural like it wasn't an issue for people. When you're not willing to experiment, your explanation is a mere "guess." I don't see the difference in validity of calling a sighting "swamp gas" beyond the idea that we already understand swamp gas.
A lot of things we consider natural today were supernatural to people hundreds of years ago. Bah, I'm ranting too much, though. I just wish more people would give research into this subject a chance. Its unfortunate that all the real crazies and hoaxers and idiots out there have to dilute the legitimate study of such phenomenon. If we could figure these things out, a lot of progress could be made. For instance, if alien abductions are a completely psychological phenomenon plaguing thousands of people around the world, then we need to figure out what's causing it and help these people out. Whether these things prove or disprove aliens, I think they're at least worth being taken seriously.