Amir0x must be a joy to hang around with.
Do most people think that Walt is a great honest dude? No. Do most people think that Walt made numerous mistakes and could have avoided most of the crap that happened to him? Of course. Sometimes people like to root for the bad guy, it's as simple as that. Maybe it's because of their immense bravado, their badassness, some type of fantasy, or just the idea that you know... it's fiction and sometimes people enjoy anti-heroes. It's a change of pace. The show isn't even all that realistic btw just enjoy the ride. Nobody here that's rooting for Walt would do what he's doing, and even if they did, they'd be in jail or dead before season 1/2's finale.
Personally I enjoy seeing Walt's life and mind deteriorate. I enjoy seeing a man that has lived a life of complete disappointed and misery, blow up and release the shackles that have prevented him from taking control of his life and destiny, for better or worse, while not giving a fuck about anyone.
People talk about how Walt could have just accepted the money from Elliot and prevented all of this from happening. But you know what? I completely understand why he did what he did. Walt essentially envies him for having the life he thinks he should have. Elliot's married to the woman he loves/loved, and in his view, Elliot's riches and success come from his research. It's a slap in the face to him and hurt his pride. Now this same guy wants to 'help' him? Not gonna happen. Not when he arbors feelings for someone like that. To contrast, Walt with a PHD and a Nobel prize is a high school teacher with students that have no respect for him, his only child is a paraplegic, his wife doesn't work and their are scrapping to pay the bills, due to this he has a second job at a car wash with an asshole boss that has massive eyebrows, his brother-in-law treats him like some type of bitch, and to top it all off he has lung cancer.
Walt was a ticking time bomb.
Hopefully Season 5 will explain what really happened between Walt, Elliot and Gretchen. I'm sure they will.