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Breaking News on MJackson on ABC right now

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Smells faintly of rancid stilton.
Msnbc is playing the jury is to stupid card and Fox New 's Shepard Smith is going to give himself a heart attack he is so pissed off...


Ninja Scooter said:
Michael Jackson should come out now and have a press conference where he speaks in a normal, deep voice that nobody knew he had and be all like "YEAH WASSUP NOW BITCHES!? IMA GO HOME TO NEVER LAND NOW AND GET MY DICK SUCKED BY A LITTLE KID! YEA YEA!"

:lol :lol The "YEA YEA" made me literally lol.
He should close neverland and stop being 'friends' with kids other than his own. While he's at it he could be a real friend and stop the whole mask wearing, dangling out of windows shit. It'd solve his money problems and erase one source of these allegations. You can't erase the other source - because that's who he is.

I really hope justice has been served. It's sad to see people questioning the integrity / intelligence of the jury. People seemingly would prefer trial by media.
I love you guys. Honestly, I don't know what's more precious:

1) the fact that, for the hour or so that I watched it today, Fox News had two legal analysts who were rabidly in favor of "not guilty on all counts" and one ("Teflon Molester") who was looking for guilty verdicts on some counts... and you guys just jump on the one out of the three who you thought was right-wing, or

2) the concept that wanting an obvious child molester to go to jail is somehow the conservative right-wing party-line viewpoint.
Kobun Heat said:
2) the concept that wanting an obvious child molester to go to jail is somehow the conservative right-wing party-line viewpoint.

Here we go...Even after you're proven innocent you're still guilty.


BBC News:

"there were times on the stand where it was clear that Janet Arviso lied under oath while on trial..."

Wouldn't that mean she she would be charged with perjury? I hope they chase her up and tear this woman to pieces.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Kobun Heat said:
2) the concept that wanting an obvious child molester to go to jail is somehow the conservative right-wing party-line viewpoint.

Innocence under the eyes of the law and actual innocence are two very different things. To name a rather belabored example: OJ killed his wife and her friend, but he was found not guilty.


Kobun Heat said:
Innocence under the eyes of the law and actual innocence are two very different things. To name a rather belabored example: OJ killed his wife and her friend, but he was found not guilty.

You'll find people who honestly believe OJ is innocent here. Not a good example to make.
Kobun Heat said:
Innocence under the eyes of the law and actual innocence are two very different things. To name a rather belabored example: OJ killed his wife and her friend, but he was found not guilty.

unless you were in the room when Michael Jackson was sucking off 12 year olds, you don't know that they are two very different things. The case presented against MJ was largely a joke, and thats all we, the jury, or anyone else has to go on.


Smells faintly of rancid stilton.
Hell , He has to be guilty , because he is so weird, everyone knows that if they had MJ's money, they be banging chicks all day long, not having freckin sensor under their bed...fry him......It is a sad day for justice, now the MJackson can never be convicted of child molest in California now, because he got off.......................................................................................................................

.................................... :lol


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Kobun Heat said:
Innocence under the eyes of the law and actual innocence are two very different things. To name a rather belabored example: OJ killed his wife and her friend, but he was found not guilty.

Great comparison Einstein.



Exclusive Pictures from MJ "Not Guilty" celebration.



themadcowtipper said:
Hell , He has to be guilty , because he is so weird, everyone knows that if they had MJ's money, they be banging chicks all day long, not having freckin sensor under their bed...fry him......It is a sad day for justice, now the MJackson can never be convicted of child molest in California now, because he got off.......................................................................................................................

.................................... :lol


There is no definition of double jeopardy in the U. S. Constitution, but the concept is simple enough: A person cannot be tried twice for the same crime. And it makes no difference whether he was convicted or acquitted at the first trial. The state or the United States gets only "one bite of the apple", as lawyers are fond of saying.

So if another 14 year old comes along and accuses Jackson, Sneddon can't put him up for the same crime in the same court.
Wow, Kobun, you're a fucking idiot. I'd bother to make that nicer, but I don't honestly think there's more than 3 people on the forum right now that aren't thinking the same sentence verbatim.

"So if another 14 year old comes along and accuses Jackson, Sneddon can't put him up for the same crime in the same court."

No, No, No, No, No, NO. Manabyte. Shut up. The same crime meaning the same instance of a crime. AKA, I rob a bank on May 13th of 2001 and get acquitted, I can't be tried for the robbery on May 13th of 2001 again. If I rob a bank on June 6th, 2003, I *CAN* be tried again.

Now, please go away.
ManaByte said:

So if another 14 year old comes along and accuses Jackson, Sneddon can't put him up for the same crime in the same court.

same crime=molesting the same boy in the same instance. He cannot be tried for that again. You think you just figured out some magical loophole in california law that nobody has noticed for past 20 years? Who do you think you are, Ashley Judd?

SHHH, nobody tell OJ about this, he'll kill all of us. ALL OF US!


ManaByte said:

So if another 14 year old comes along and accuses Jackson, Sneddon can't put him up for the same crime in the same court.

For the same crime. Meaning, the same criminal act in terms of time, place, and violation. Double jeopardy protects Michael from being prosecuted in the event that new evidence is presented that he did, in fact, molest this specific boy.

Hell, if Jackson molested this kid tomorrow, he could be dragged back into court.

Think. What you're suggesting is that a bank robber can be acquitted, then walk across the street and rob a bank again with no repercussions.


typhonsentra said:
Most political analysts predicted Kerry would win after exit polls. Nearly all game industry analysts thought the PSP would dominate the DS. How many of them have been fired again?

The difference being that political analysts can at best give an opinion based on polls, game industry analysts are acting mostly on their own perception, legal analysts however have the law and the facts to work with. With those two things they should at least be able to render an opinion based on the actual facts of the case - not their opinions, which is obvious what they were using. The folks on Fox News and MSNBC are hilarious.... the discussion on CNN has actually been about the case, talking with jurors, the evidence and what more would have been needed to convict.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Manabyte's watched Double Jeopardy a few too many times. Not only does it suck and rot the brain, but it misrepresents law.

aoi tsuki

Kobun Heat said:
Innocence under the eyes of the law and actual innocence are two very different things. To name a rather belabored example: OJ killed his wife and her friend, but he was found not guilty.
i take it you fall under the third group -- innocence (or the lack thereof) under the eyes of public opinion.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Kobun Heat said:
So... do you guys have actual positions you'd like to stake out here, or what?

If you read the damn thread you'd see what my position was earlier in it.
SolidSnakex said:
Here we go...Even after you're proven innocent you're still guilty.

He wasn't proven innocent, he was not found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Not the same thing.

I think Jackson's a child molester. I dont think anyone should go to jail until it's proven though, and it wasn't.
DMczaf said:
Jordan just got the call! PARTY AT THE RANCH!


is he gonna bring the body double?


"Haha, you're gonna have to stay home for this one, honey. Remember what
happened the last time i took you to one of Jacko's parties and got drunk..."
Oooh Nancy Grace, you never fail to impress

"Others are also disappointed, because now it seems like the only way you can win a verdict in a US courtroom is to have a deep pocket to be going up against a little boy."


The guy is a social recluse, has no girlfriend, hangs around with children, had children through a mock marriage etc All of which are NOT crimes. Its funny that he is being compared to Peter Pan, because as we know the writter of it was accused of the same crimes. Sexual assault is pretty much always a he said- she/he said thing. It must have been tough for the jury, cause both sides have zero credibility.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
DaMan121 said:
The guy is a social recluse, has no girlfriend, hangs around with children, had children through a mock marriage etc All of which are NOT crimes. Its funny that he is being compared to Peter Pan, because as we know the writter of it was accused of the same crimes. Sexual assault is pretty much always a he said- she/he said thing. It must have been tough for the jury, cause both sides have zero credibility.

Is sexual assault pretty much always a he said she said?

That's weird cause I thought in some cases of sexual assault there was you... this thing called... physical evidence.....
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