Spike Spiegel
To be fair, they did end up serving jury duty.DarienA said:Holy Shit the female MSNBC prosecutor commentator just called the jury simple... wow.
To be fair, they did end up serving jury duty.DarienA said:Holy Shit the female MSNBC prosecutor commentator just called the jury simple... wow.
Ninja Scooter said:Michael Jackson should come out now and have a press conference where he speaks in a normal, deep voice that nobody knew he had and be all like "YEAH WASSUP NOW BITCHES!? IMA GO HOME TO NEVER LAND NOW AND GET MY DICK SUCKED BY A LITTLE KID! YEA YEA!"
Kobun Heat said:2) the concept that wanting an obvious child molester to go to jail is somehow the conservative right-wing party-line viewpoint.
Kobun Heat said:2) the concept that wanting an obvious child molester to go to jail is somehow the conservative right-wing party-line viewpoint.
Kobun Heat said:2) the concept that wanting an obvious child molester to go to jail is somehow the conservative right-wing party-line viewpoint.
SolidSnakex said:Has Gloria Allred surfaced yet? She was gunning for him early on.
Kobun Heat said:Innocence under the eyes of the law and actual innocence are two very different things. To name a rather belabored example: OJ killed his wife and her friend, but he was found not guilty.
Kobun Heat said:Innocence under the eyes of the law and actual innocence are two very different things. To name a rather belabored example: OJ killed his wife and her friend, but he was found not guilty.
Kobun Heat said:Innocence under the eyes of the law and actual innocence are two very different things. To name a rather belabored example: OJ killed his wife and her friend, but he was found not guilty.
themadcowtipper said:Hell , He has to be guilty , because he is so weird, everyone knows that if they had MJ's money, they be banging chicks all day long, not having freckin sensor under their bed...fry him......It is a sad day for justice, now the MJackson can never be convicted of child molest in California now, because he got off.......................................................................................................................
.................................... :lol
There is no definition of double jeopardy in the U. S. Constitution, but the concept is simple enough: A person cannot be tried twice for the same crime. And it makes no difference whether he was convicted or acquitted at the first trial. The state or the United States gets only "one bite of the apple", as lawyers are fond of saying.
ManaByte said:http://www.csp.state.co.us/academy/ar797.htm
So if another 14 year old comes along and accuses Jackson, Sneddon can't put him up for the same crime in the same court.
The Faceless Master said:and i can't believe carly married alcazar!
ManaByte said:http://www.csp.state.co.us/academy/ar797.htm
So if another 14 year old comes along and accuses Jackson, Sneddon can't put him up for the same crime in the same court.
typhonsentra said:Most political analysts predicted Kerry would win after exit polls. Nearly all game industry analysts thought the PSP would dominate the DS. How many of them have been fired again?
ManaByte said:http://www.csp.state.co.us/academy/ar797.htm
So if another 14 year old comes along and accuses Jackson, Sneddon can't put him up for the same crime in the same court.
Willco said:According to ManaByte, OJ and Robert Blake can go on a killing spree! Killing for everyone!
themadcowtipper said:the Question is who would win in a "Kill OFf"
themadcowtipper said:the Question is who would win in a "Kill OFf"
ManaByte said:Blake. He uses a gun. Can get more kills per minute than OJ.
ManaByte said:Blake. He uses a gun. Can get more kills per minute than OJ.
DarienA said:Great comparison Einstein.
Teknopathetic said:Wow, Kobun, you're a fucking idiot.
i take it you fall under the third group -- innocence (or the lack thereof) under the eyes of public opinion.Kobun Heat said:Innocence under the eyes of the law and actual innocence are two very different things. To name a rather belabored example: OJ killed his wife and her friend, but he was found not guilty.
Kobun Heat said:So... do you guys have actual positions you'd like to stake out here, or what?
SolidSnakex said:Here we go...Even after you're proven innocent you're still guilty.
DMczaf said:Jordan just got the call! PARTY AT THE RANCH!
DaMan121 said:The guy is a social recluse, has no girlfriend, hangs around with children, had children through a mock marriage etc All of which are NOT crimes. Its funny that he is being compared to Peter Pan, because as we know the writter of it was accused of the same crimes. Sexual assault is pretty much always a he said- she/he said thing. It must have been tough for the jury, cause both sides have zero credibility.