DaMan121 said:
Months after the alleged assault? Besides Jackson admited the kid slept in the same bed - thats not in question. People have been found guilty of child abuse on testimony alone - the jurors didnt believe him.
umm.. if hackson did do it, and they waited until months after the assault to come forward and thus have no physical evidence, well, that would suck for the victim and all, BUT THAT IS REALLY FUCKING STUPID AND TOO FUCKING BAD!!
seriously, so now we are supposed to feel bad for people who's houses get robbed but they don't call the police on it until 3 weeks later? someone gets mugged and they file a report 15 days later?
as for people found guilty of child abuse on testimony alone, this isn't entirely true. usually there are consistent stories. a child's mood changes right at a specific point and there are many people to corroborate this change, as in most who know the child. in this case many official people, school officials, people who knew the family and kid, all came forward and said that immediately after the alleged dates they didn't notice any changes in the boy and the changes others did mention afterwards were mentioned by these officials to exist before the alleged incident. many times there is past evidence or testimony (in this case there was but when you have every witness who was said to have been molested and didn't receive a payoff come forward and say they weren't molested, it is hard to build a pattern).
but the biggest thing I think that many of you jacko bashers dismiss is just the flat out dates of the alleged incidents. So here is jackson, a documentary airing on the craziness of his life and showing the public how weird he is. he is now under IMMEDIATE AND VAST SCRUTINY as a result of this special, so immediate and vast that it causes him and his employees to fly into extreme damage control instantly.. during all of this, at what point do you say "now would be a good time to do what everyone thinks I am already doing anyway."? seriously.... even if you believe he molested the children in the past (the only two that didn't say he didn't molest them, you know, the two who traded their justice for a briefcase full of cash), at what point in a molestor's mind does it become rational to molest another boy now with the entire world watching you?
I can understand many of you wanting him to be a molestor to try to understand why he is as weird as he is. it makes sense to you and is simpler than trying to look at it any other way. and that's your perogative.. but seriously.. either he didn't do it "this time", or he did do it and planned out one of the biggest and most elaborate conspiracy's ever in the history of man...