Yeah, it's peculiar. I mean, I know that the Tories are very used to catering to their base for the elections but this is so wide that you need to think of the ramifications of this on the broader body politic.
Lead for bremain (had someone use that over the weekend, thought it was funny) is good though. My father has been spouting some stuff about 'well, students and hippies and young people want to stay and they wont vote on the day!' and further saying students 'wouldn't be awake to vote' then rambled something about Muslims and Christians being 50/50 now in terms of population. I did try to point out that most Muslims aren't EU migrants but he just sort of looked rattled. It's weird, he's usually quite strongly Conservative/UKIP but he's always had his head screwed on straight but everything he has said in the lead-up to this referendum is just weird. He flat-out denied that Muslims were around 5% and non-religious people were 25% and kept insisting things about our 'Christian country'.
I wouldn't like the paint the Leave campaign with this brush but seeing my Father get so peculiar in his views to the point of not even really knowing what he was voting for or against just knowing that, for some not given reason, he doesn't like immigration and will vote to stay out of the EU despite him quite liking Polish immigrants but not liking Muslims. Oh, to be fair actually he did talk about Turkey joining the EU and how he somehow thinks this would be apocalyptic (I assume because of Muslims) and how there'll be a flood of Albanians because 'they'll get in too'.
It actually worried me quite a lot, it's as though he's losing his mind and I know that people often say it happens when you get older. I do hope whatever is the zeitgeist at the time doesn't incense me with fear quite as much as it has done my aging father. Sorry if this has seemed like an ill-defined rant but it's really made me think and it helps to write it all down. I used to argue with them a lot when I was younger but I really can't be bothered these days.