Dave now says the price of the average family holiday will go up by £200 if we leave the EU.
I need to ask my dad, when we joined the EU did the price of the average family holiday fall by £200.
Only thing I will say is, the pollers haven't been that accurate in the past......
Must be a demographic thing.
Only thing I will say is, the pollers haven't been that accurate in the past......
Dave now says the price of the average family holiday will go up by £200 if we leave the EU.
I need to ask my dad, when we joined the EU did the price of the average family holiday fall by £200.
This is constantly trumpeted but it's still as silly as if was a couple of months ago.
A simple national referendum is magnitudes easier to poll for than a GE with an incredibly complicated electoral system, swings, etc...
Dave now says the price of the average family holiday will go up by £200 if we leave the EU.
I need to ask my dad, when we joined the EU did the price of the average family holiday fall by £200.
Polling is a bit of a strange one, how are they conducted?, who are they targeting?.
If you're sincerely interested, start reading and following http://ukpollingreport.co.uk/ They say more on the matter than we could ever cover here.
You've also got to assume that those polled actually bother to turn out.
Note that this poll is now adjusted for likelihood to vote, using ComRes’s turnout model based on socio-economic factors, like age and class (the changes are adjusted to reflect this). Note that adjusting turnout based on ComRes’s model has marginally increased support for Remain (before the adjustment the figures would have been 51 and 41).
What I am saying is, that I think it's not wise to assume a result is going to go one way simply because the polls say so.
You've also got to assume that those polled actually bother to turn out.
What I am saying is, that I think it's not wise to assume a result is going to go one way simply because the polls say so.
I don't think that is "silly"
I think the writing is on the wall, and I think the shift has been caused by the wholey negative spin the remain campaign has put on everything, they've shot themselves in the foot.
....no? They're just as bad as each other.
Must be a demographic thing.
Only thing I will say is, the pollers haven't been that accurate in the past......
They are, it's been a pretty toxic referendum overall.
As for polls, I have, do, and always will question the validity of them, almost to the point where I think they are a complete waste of time and resources.
Then you are just shutting your eyes and denying reality
Leave.EU have gone on some bizarre campaign, posting the private numbers of Douglas Carswell, Suzanne Evans and others and have gone on a rant about tory ministers hijacking the referendum from Nigel Farage.
They really are showing themselves up to be the fruitcakes and loonies that Cameron said they were. They are fighting Vote.Leave because they didn't get the designation rather than fighting the EU campaign. I mean, what the hell do they think they are doing?
Don't get me wrong, Farage should have a place in the campaign. He has spent years campaigning to leave the EU and has shown that he can do very well in debates, such as the two against Clegg in which he battered him really. The problem is he only speaks to the 4 million UKIP voters, most of which will vote leave regardless. The leave campaign needs to speak to the 20 million tory and Labour voters. This is such a blindingly obvious thing I can't believe they don't get it. Actually I'm not sure they don't, the cynic in me almost believes UKIP/Aaron Banks/Farage want to lose the referendum, otherwise UKIP would be irrelevant and UKIP wouldn't be able to claim EU dosh.
I'm at a loss now really, this whole campaign has been one major embarrassment. Both side are peddling utter bullshit to the point that I just want it over now, one way or another.
And to think we can just look forward to decades more of UKIP and EU-scepticisms poisoning the well... In a month time we will all be exactly where we started a couple of months/years ago... It's quite depressing and part of the reason I wouldn't mind an out vote...
Vote Leave should put that as their new official slogan; 'Vote leave to kill UKIP'.
And to think we can just look forward to decades more of UKIP and EU-scepticisms poisoning the well... In a month time we will all be exactly where we started a couple of months/years ago... It's quite depressing and part of the reason I wouldn't mind an out vote...
Vote Leave should put that as their new official slogan; 'Vote leave to kill UKIP'.
Nah. It's the Scottish Referendum all over again- small-c conservatism, stoked by doom-saying, will keep the status quo.Any one else think Sturgeon is right when she said painting everything as "doomed" if we leave the EU could back fire?
Any one else think Sturgeon is right when she said painting everything as "doomed" if we leave the EU could back fire?
I mean this statement infers that the leave campaign has been putting on a great positive campaign..
....no? They're just as bad as each other.
I don't think they have been as bad as each other. You can dislike that remain have run a campaign based on projections of the potential negative outcomes of leaving the EU, but it's another entirely to fill a campaign with flat-out lies and dog whistle racism.
Objectively remain can't do an effective positive campaign when there is quite a big negative sentiment in relation to the status quo and EU.
Remain have run a campaign based on projections, but it is their own projections which are complete and utter bullshit.
Are we really meant to believe that a chancellor that has not hit a single deficit target in 6 years and has even today been shown to miss his last borrowing target by another £2 billion can accurately predict GDP figures in 15 years time? Of course not. It's nonsense. Fantasy. Claptrap.
But what really pisses me off is that it's working. When all is said and done it all comes down to the money. If the government tell us we will be poorer, people will believe it and they will vote remain.
I trust big business about as much as the government on this one.
If the government tell us we will be poorer, people will believe it and they will vote remain.
I trust big business about as much as the government on this one.
Bank of England
LSE think tank
Open University
But why waste time on predictions when you can use real fucking life:
FTSE and pound fall amid fears over economy and Brexit
I trust big business about as much as the government on this one.
So who do you trust to give you an informed opinion? Or do you sit down and do your own study on the subject matter?
I'm the same. To me both sides have just been swept up in worse and worse spin. I will be voting to stay, not because of all the doom coming from the remain camp. But because the leave campaign have said nothing of substance. Both sides are as worse as each other but it is the leave campaign that had to show stats etc. For me it's better the devil you know.
Big 4 and banks and big companies are not on any side though.
Big 4 and banks and big companies are not on any side though.
That's the problem with this whole debate, it's difficult to know who to believe/trust. Everyone has their own agenda, we have politicians taking a side which we know they don't agree with in the hope their careers will be furthered. We have lies and spin coming from all angles.
Banks and big companies etc will always pick the side they can get less taxed or make more money.
I'm the same. To me both sides have just been swept up in worse and worse spin. I will be voting to stay, not because of all the doom coming from the remain camp. But because the leave campaign have said nothing of substance. Both sides are as worse as each other, but it is the leave campaign that had to show stats etc. For me it's better the devil you know.
Will they get less taxed in EU or outside EU?
As for more money, big 4 will do huge amounts of money out of a Brexit,
We have no idea do we?
Well, they're likely to be on the side that benefits them, in some fairness; it's not surprising that particularly large companies and banks would argue in favour of market integration.
So why even use that argument against their analysis?