How about the bullshit that the EU is pulling with regards to E-Cigs and the Tobacco Products Directive (guess what, there is NO tobacco in E-cigs so it shouldn't even apply).. Here in the UK we want to encourage smokers to quit and E-Cigs are a fantastic way of getting people to quit (worked for me and I was a heavy 40 a day smoker) so the UK government is taking a more laid back attitude to E-Cigs. Hell we even have the NHS and Doctors recommending them
Not the EU, nope they are bringing in moronic restrictions and heavy handed regulation based on little or no actual scientific evidence whatsoever. They are bringing restrictions on the amount of e-liquid being sold (maximum limit will be 10ml). I believe the reason for this is because it is a poison, hm yeah so is bleach which you can buy in LITRES. They are bringing in restrictions on the E-Cig devices which are almost impossible to meet again based on no real scientific evidence whatsoever. The EU is going to heavily damage the fledging E-Cig industry and it's restrictions could end up reducing the E-Cig's ability to help people quit smoking.
You can read more about it here :-
The UK government wants to take a more relaxed approach to E-Cigs but will have to implement this bullshit directive.
Mom-hmm and when's the last time you inhaled bleach exactly? You know, the product which is pretty damn clear about how dangerous it is and not suggesting you should boil it up and stick it in your lungs?
Right now I can see vaping becoming the new smoking in that people will be led to believe it's safe but decades later we'll start to see the cracks forming. So the smoke may be gone but there's still the nicotine (which is the addictive part remember) and god knows what's in those flavourings, I think the EU is right to be concern with e-cigs and the U.K. Government should be doing more to investigate the long term effects of the products and enforce regulations to make sure companies disclose what is inside those capsules and put restrictions on what they can use.