It's Euros, not $$.
It's Euros, not $$.
First I have heard of it. I guess we will find out.
It's getting there!
I mean, it does have parallels to this vote. Hyper nationalists win the day despite the outcome.
Could Scotland become independent and then rejoin the EU?
My wife's prediction
Election called, Labour get into power by the 48 percent who want to remain, chaos ensues
So England is safe from Muslims and polish people now right?
The unwashed masses literally don't know what's good for them a lot of the time, what is the country's best interest and how it should behave.
Yes, too much direct democracy can be bad. As shown by this very thread.
Was there any other time when the older generation kept voting to burn it all down, or is it just the baby boomers?
Isn't voting to leave EU the antithesis of the bolded? Granted, they're still fucking over generations regardless.
It's the same bullshit in every country. Old people fucking the next generations over. Taking decisions that WE will have to live with for decades while they only have a few years left on this earth.
Fuck man democracy is the best political system we have but shit like this is infuriating. Old people fucking scared of every bit of change who want shit to always remain the same and can't fucking understand that the world is moving fast and you have to adapt or die.
That graph shows GBP vs Euroholy fuck. It was like 1.41 an hour ago
So this is going to put stress on the EU now to actually strengthen membership requirements; they won't want to go through this again...
Can we get Mike Ross over here to sort this shit out. Also bring Donna
Maybe it's West Scotland.
holy fuck. It was like 1.41 an hour ago
That graph shows GBP vs Euro
It's more likely UK will gain jobs while EU countries lose jobs because a lower GBP is great for exports.Yup. The economy is crashing hard over there. Pretty fucking hard. And the thing is, it's at an insane pace. People don't have time to react to safeguard their money because it literally happened overnight.
This sucks. Alot. It sucks a fucking lot. And people are going to lose their jobs all around the country(And outside of the country as well.)
It sucks.
Yeah right. This is the equivalent of a southern state seceding. And will likely be just as devastating.It is a good day for democracy even if the camp that won wasn't your taste.
Holy shit guys:
The Guardian: Japans Nikkei index has slumped by 7%, a loss of over 1,100 points. Worst one-day fall since Fukushima disaster
Voting for a concept is different than voting for a person who is hated by 60-70% of voters. Not to mention demographics, electoral college, fundraising, and god knows what else. It is a worthless comparison that has no meaning.
holy fuck. It was like 1.41 an hour ago
Those doing their whole "Rule Britannia" "Make our country great again!" "No more EU holding us back!" bit are in for a very rude awakening when this sets in.
He wouldn't have the balls
It was mentioned on the live BBC coverage early on. They said delay Brexit by a decade. I'm hazy right now and can't remember exactly.
Something Sturgeon can trigger due to our devolved powers.
I still can't believe we did it, in the face of all the threats from Juncker et al, our own Chancellors punishment budget, WW3 omens. So proud of the people on these islands right now. Rule Britannia!
It's the same bullshit in every country. Old people fucking the next generations over. Taking decisions that WE will have to live with for decades while they only have a few years left on this earth.
Fuck man democracy is the best political system we have but shit like this is infuriating. Old people fucking scared of every bit of change who want shit to always remain the same and can't fucking understand that the world is moving fast and you have to adapt or die.
I have no idea what this means can anyone break it down for me?
Wow, what a totally unexpected twist! Who could have seen that one coming????BBC asking leave politicians what next and what a surprise, they have no fucking clue
It is a good day for democracy even if the camp that won wasn't your taste.
Can we get Mike Ross over here to sort this shit out. Also bring Donna
Seems like this generation of old people is worse than previous ones.You will also make political decision that your future children have to live with.
Its really disgusting to me that some now insult old people for using their democratic right they are much longer here, have seen much more and have had much more experience.
In the past old people were a seen as a treasure drove of knowledge and experience today they get insults if they dont vote "right".
Market gyrations are not the same thing as the 'economy tanking.'How people can celebrate and wake up happy with the economy tanking is fucking beyond me.