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Brink |OT| _/^\_


Stats site login info seems like the most obvious considering they mention Brink specifically. Bethesda forums are a single login for the entire forum system (not just Brink forum), as are Splash Damage forums, so forum logins don't seem to fit the description.

Also possible they got control of the netvars system I suppose, in which case they could make ridiculous balance changes.


Do you like my tight white sweater? STOP STARING
Apparently it's nothing to worry about; they didn't release user data (or so they claim).

And by 'nothing to worry about' I really mean 'a bunch of asshole script kiddies decided to steal the source code for a game because they think it's a radical act.'

I am so, so, so sick of hackers at this point.

For completeness, their stupid announcement (sans links to illegal content and lines and lines of shitty ASCII art):

internet shitheads said:
Greetings Internets,

This is a story all about how we made Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax
Media, and everything they own, our bitch for life.

As you should know, The Lulz Boat stores vast amounts of booty;
much of this booty we don't release as it's simply too shiny and/or
delicious. As of late, certain inferior sailing boats have discovered
flaws in Brink (brinkthegame.com), thinking themselves exciting and new.

Too late. The Lulz Boat controls this ocean, chumps.

Some weeks ago, we smashed into Brink with our heavy artillery Lulz
Cannons and decided to switch to ninja mode. From our LFI entry point,
we acquired command execution via local file inclusion of enemy fleet
Apache vessel. We then found that the HTTPD had SSH auth keys, which
let our ship SSH into other servers. See where this is going?

We then switched to root ammunition rounds.
And we rooted... and rooted... and rooted...

After mapping their internal network and thoroughly pillaging all of
their servers, we grabbed all their source code and database passwords,
which we proceeded to shift silently back to our storage deck.

Please find enclosed everything we took, excluding one thing -
200,000+ Brink users. We actually like this company and would
like for them to speed up the production of Skyrim, so we'll
give them one less thing to worry about. You're welcome! :D

Please keep making awesome games, guys, and you should
totally add an official LulzSec top hat to new releases.

But anyway, bwahahaha... >:]


i'm confused... exactly what information do they have because unless steam given them my personal details, the only thing they should have on their servers is my stats and the abilities currently equiped on my character.


Pylon_Trooper said:
Good Lord, I hope there's some sort of operation or sting to infiltrate these clowns. Grating teenage behaviour.

Fuck operations. Find them and put one between their eyes. They deserve no long drawn out jail experience. Just dead and forgotten.
zlatko said:
Fuck operations. Find them and put one between their eyes. They deserve no long drawn out jail experience. Just dead and forgotten.

All I want is them to be outed. Their one thing they love is their self-stroked enigma status, but all the hacking skills won't save you when you're in court or picking up trash beside the highway in an orange jumpsuit.

But yeah, put a bullet in 'em.


well, no one ever pm'd me so here it is. psycho pack for the ps3. hope a gaffer gets it and not a lurker. oh well.



Probably been asked a million time but I'm genuinely curious, whats the deal with this game not being available in the UK anymore?


Mr. Snrub said:
This game needs a patch, fast. I feel like it's dying. Nothing fun about hopping into a server and being mauled by Light's with Carb-9's.

unfortunately this game has needed (and has actually received some, just not the magic one) patched from the beginning. i was a big fan and defended this game but i ended up trading it in while it still had some value. i never trade in games. i just didn't feel like waiting around for a patch to fix the terrible lag in mp. with no sp to speak of it's just not worth it.
I've been playing a lot with a friend lately. Between campaign (remarkably fun) and plenty of players in standard rules freeplay - the game has been a blast. It's essentially lag free with an occasional skip for non-host players when someone joins/leaves.

I'm really disappointed that they stuffed the launch version so badly because I think it hurt the chances of an ongoing/strong community, and any chance of a successful Brink 2. Personally, I'll be following Splash Damage closely because I can see that gameplay wise, their ideas and execution are great. The art design is fantastic too, though let down by their choice of engine, or at least their handle of it. Sound design, customization, level design etc are all great.

Any word on the DLC? I read on their twitter that when they know they will announce it - yet it's getting into the last week or so of June and the likelihood of a June release is diminishing.


Hm. So my friend picked this up yesterday and we go into a bit of a discussion over why I didn't like it and why he did etc. I've checked out reviews and the general conclusion seems to be its average, but has nice moments. Assuming there is some kind of GAF tag, I may pick this up. I have a few questions:

1) Is lag still bad in this game?
2) Have the texture pop-ups been fixed?
3) Do weapons fail to differentiate themselves despite the customization options?
4) Do the maps differentiate themselves?
5) Is S.M.A.R.T. really not necessary?
5) Finally, are the glitchy aspects of the game still present?


JonCha said:
Hm. So my friend picked this up yesterday and we go into a bit of a discussion over why I didn't like it and why he did etc. I've checked out reviews and the general conclusion seems to be its average, but has nice moments. Assuming there is some kind of GAF tag, I may pick this up. I have a few questions:

1) Is lag still bad in this game?
2) Have the texture pop-ups been fixed?
3) Do weapons fail to differentiate themselves despite the customization options?
4) Do the maps differentiate themselves?
5) Is S.M.A.R.T. really not necessary?
5) Finally, are the glitchy aspects of the game still present?
I've not played in the last week or so, but..

1) Yes
2) No but at least when they're loading they're not as ugly as in many games.. art style has a lot to do lol.. still a big issue.
3) Sorta, yes
4) I think they differentiate themselves, the problem is the amount of maps is ridiculously low.
5) You don't need it, but it feels good...
6) Uhm.. what glitches? But I guess yeah, sorta?.. dunno

On the other side, the game just has (had?) so much potential. Making your own player is a lot of fun but it lacks parts. The art style is great, the game is very objective-based instead of just kills which is always a good thing. But.. yeah, after playing 20 times doing the same objectives with 4 humans and the rest bots, it's not all that much fun.

At least on PS3, dunno about PC (heard it's better over there, but even then...).
1) Is lag still bad in this game?

Nope, nothing worse than you would experience in COD and the like - depends on host.

2) Have the texture pop-ups been fixed?

Nope, still pretty poor. That said, it's still a good looking game and it's only apparent in some areas.

3) Do weapons fail to differentiate themselves despite the customization options?

Nope - weapons look very different, feel different, sound different - plenty of customization and resistance/security skins.

4) Do the maps differentiate themselves?

I think so. Ultimately you will end up doing the same maps over and over - but they're all very different and play very differently depending on which side you are on.

5) Is S.M.A.R.T. really not necessary?

Depends entirely on your playstyle. There are plenty of shortcuts and routes that SMART allows for medium and light bodytypes. A light practically vaults over any obstacle in the way and loses next to no speed.

5) Finally, are the glitchy aspects of the game still present?

Not really - I can't think of any glitches off the top of my head and I play the game very regularly. The biggest issue was lag and the extremely shitty animation in-game. The lag fixes seemed to cure both of these issues.

Good game, at least give it a substantial try.


I kinda stopped playing it because all matches seem to be one big spawnpoint shootout. The maps dont' get used to its fully potential, it just feels unbalanced.
So i got this game through the buy 2 for $50 sales from toys r us, and i must say WTF is this crap why is the lag so freaking bad. Are they even going to bother fixing it, cause out of the 6-8 games I've played not a single game plays well.
derFeef said:
I kinda stopped playing it because all matches seem to be one big spawnpoint shootout. The maps dont' get used to its fully potential, it just feels unbalanced.

Couldn't even connect to servers when my friend and I wanted to play yesterday. Hung at "Joining" for each one.
JonCha said:
Hm. So my friend picked this up yesterday and we go into a bit of a discussion over why I didn't like it and why he did etc. I've checked out reviews and the general conclusion seems to be its average, but has nice moments. Assuming there is some kind of GAF tag, I may pick this up. I have a few questions:

1) Is lag still bad in this game?
2) Have the texture pop-ups been fixed?
3) Do weapons fail to differentiate themselves despite the customization options?
4) Do the maps differentiate themselves?
5) Is S.M.A.R.T. really not necessary?
5) Finally, are the glitchy aspects of the game still present?

Well suffice to say I wouldn't recommend it. The maps are terribly designed. I'd love to see some stats, but since I don't have those, I'll just say the maps heavily favor one side. Most matches you'll find yourself dominating from a particular position as you gun everyone down repeatedly, or you'll be throwing yourself into the meat grinder over and over again.

There are other problems, but that's the main one that prevents almost every match I play from being satisfying, since either the victories feel unearned, and the defeats feel cheap.
Patch deployed on Steam!
• Fixed invisible players sometimes (dis)appearing
• Combat Intuition no longer gets triggered by disguised players
• Flash Bangs no longer affect spectators
• Fixed being able to collide with grenades as a spectator
• Fixed drag-to still applying when enemies respawned
• Enabling cheats now disables character saving and stats reporting for that session
• Team switch delays now get reset on map restart
• Vsync is now enabled by default
• Fixed 3rd person animation when hacking as an Operative
• Fixed server/client aim issues
• Fixed dark shadow-band on narrow FOVs
• Fixed potential crash during map load on client if heavily lagged right before a map change
• Fixed potential crash if disguising on a dedicated server
• Fixed odd line appearing during some cinematics
• Fixed overtime when repairing the crane on Shipyard
• Fixed overtime not ending when Hackbox is removed on Reactor
• Fixed Container City lab door sometimes appearing closed for clients
User Interface
• Added better chat support for match results and during midtro/outros
• Added improved Stopwatch mode end-game review screen
• Added options for VOIP volume in settings menu
• Fixed navigation issues on menus with password fields
• Disabled chatting when in solo mode
• Added support for up to 4 deployable icons
• Fixed being able to click invisible filter buttons when the filters panel is collapsed
• Tweaked several weapons (full details below)
• Added body type health to Netvars for future tweaking
• Added map spawn timers to Netvars for future tweaking
• Optimized networking to reduce snapshot sizes
• Optimised light-rendering
• Minor performance improvement to static AO rendering
• Added conditional to sun-rendering to speed it up slightly in case of all shadow
• Fixed sunlight when indoors in Security Tower
• Added support for dummy files to improve loading times
Dedicated Servers
• No longer disconnect server if Steam connection is lost and grace period ends
• Added listClients server command
• Disabled missing mesh/sound/image warnings on servers
• Disabled character compositing on servers to reduce server size
• All pistols: Knockdown accuracy increased
• Tokmak spread reduced to be more even
• Tokmak recoil reduced
• Tokmak pistol reload time slightly reduced
• Kalt spread is tighter
• Kalt recoil increased
• Kalt pistol reload time slightly reduced
• Sea Eagle slightly less accurate
• Sea Eagle spread made more even instead of being tight
• Sea Eagle pistol reload time slightly increased
Sub Machineguns
• Kross max spread slightly increased
• Tampa max spread slightly decreased
• Tampa slightly more jittery when fired
• Tampa SMG damage slightly increased
• Carb-9 SMG damage slightly reduced
• Carb-9 has even spread, instead of clustering towards the centre
• Carb-9 recoil slightly increased
• Carb-9 slightly less accurate

Assault Rifles
• AR base ammo + 1 magazine, except Rockstedi
• Gerund recoils more quickly under sustained fire
• Rhett recoil now more manageable under sustained fire
• Frkn3k damage increased
• Frkn3k refire rate increased
• Frkn3k triple burst recoil changed to make the weapon behave better
• Frkn3k accuracy changed to act similarly to that of the other ARs when moving/not in ironsights
• Euston max spread increased for some stances (crouch, standing, walking)
• Euston spread rate slightly reduced overall
• Rokstedi slightly more accurate in ironsights
• Hjammerdeim heavy shotgun heavy shotgun damage increased
• Hammerdjeim heavy shotgun magazine increased from 8 to 12, where the modulo is 3. Ammo count changed to reflect new magazine size
• Hammerdjeim recoil reduced
• Hjammerdeim reload time slightly reduced
• Hjammerdeim refire rate increased
• Mossington spread is now more even, along with the Hammerdjeim (used to be almost ring shaped)
• Mossington initial spread is increased but doesn't grow as much per shot
• Mossington has slightly more recoil
Grenade Launchers
• EZ-Nade splash damage radius significantly increased Lobster grenade punt damage significantly increased
• Lobster reload time increased
• Lobster splash damage radius increased
• Lobster running accuracy reduced to be the same as walking/crouch/ironsight
Heavy Machineguns
• All HMGs: Minimum spread while running reduced to be the same as that for walking
• Chinzor HMG damage slightly increased
• Chinzor HMG recoil slightly reduced
• Maximus HMG damage slightly increased
• Maximus HMG recoil slightly reduced
• Gotlung minigun damage significantly increased
• Gotlung minigun reload time slightly increased
• Gotlung Minigun minimum spread increased to work in line with its damage increase


I need another update for the 360 version, the lag has made freeplay mode unplayable for me. Coop gets old really quick.
The_Player said:
You forgot to bold the CARB-9 nerf. :3

Yes, and what? How can it be compared?

Whoa, I thought I did! That's the best thing about the patch


• Sea Eagle slightly less accurate
• Sea Eagle spread made more even instead of being tight
• Sea Eagle pistol reload time slightly increased

Guess I'ma use the Richie now.
Grayman said:
• Sea Eagle slightly less accurate
• Sea Eagle spread made more even instead of being tight
• Sea Eagle pistol reload time slightly increased

Guess I'ma use the Richie now.
Use Kalt for the great justice. It's awesome!


So sad that this game didnt hit the amount of "quality" needed to have a steady south american community and put up a server. We get really few servers here and for that reason we ussually get ones for the most played games.

First Lead and Gold and now this.. oh well.


I'm curious as to where that DLC is.

I need to get back to playing this one of these days. I just sort of stopped once we were unable to get people into the gaf server.


Only 2 weeks? That's ridiculous. They are going to kill whatever small part of the community remains on the PC side. PC DLC should be free. Maps packs don't sell, unless your game is Call of Duty.


Uriah said:
Only 2 weeks? That's ridiculous. They are going to kill whatever small part of the community remains on the PC side. PC DLC should be free. Maps packs don't sell, unless your game is Call of Duty.

I agree. Having it free for 2 weeks is just....... >_> weak...

I do see the other point; the people actively playing can take advantage of this. But still. :-/ Not cool.

Shot in the dark here, but anyone playing on 360? I know a lot of you are Steam guys, but wondering if there's anyone still out there for the 360, as that's the current platform that can run the game for me (POS computer is POS).
Strange choice with the DLC, this certainly won't help growing the community if that's what they're intending. Barrier of entry should be as low as possible imo if you're not a super-popular game (CoD).

Mr. Snrub said:
PC is already dying. Starting to regret my purchase. When it comes to launch, speed of patches > size of patches.
Huh? Still having no problems finding populated servers with good pings (Europe). This game was never bound to have a huge active community to begin with, similar to other SD games.


Phife Dawg said:
Strange choice with the DLC, this certainly won't help growing the community if that's what they're intending. Barrier of entry should be as low as possible imo if you're not a super-popular game (CoD).

Huh? Still having no problems finding populated servers with good pings (Europe). This game was never bound to have a huge active community to begin with, similar to other SD games.
RTCW and Enemy Territory were pretty big :p
Mik2121 said:
RTCW and Enemy Territory were pretty big :p
Really? Never felt to me that way. More a dedicated, small fanbase. Certainly not as big as Q3 back in the days for instance and most certainly not comparable to CoD and the likes.


Genesis Knight said:
With Brink being bomba on all platforms, I wonder what the outlook is for Splash Damage. I haven't touched my 360 copy in weeks. :(

I was able to trade my 360 copy off for $30 bucks here on Gaf, and I'm lucky to even get that. I got my PC version for free for review code, but honestly died off putting in any hours into it a long while ago. This was my most hyped FPS this year, but Splash Damage dropped the ball big time.

R.I.P Brink.
Not digging this game (single player). Having to take out 8 enemies, huddled around the objective, when my idiot bot teammates are off having tea and crumpets somewhere else, just plain sucks. And of course you can't even use a grenade really since it doesn't kill anyone.

Disappointing, very disappointing. Some basic squad commands might have made it work but oh well.

I might try again with some friends against the bots some day, I think it would probably make a huge difference.
Well, I still continue to enjoy it. Seems to be a nice group of gamers on the Japanese PC servers that I roll with whenever I jump into it for a few hours a week.

Really looking forward to the DLC.


Neo Member
Neuromancer said:
Disappointing, very disappointing. Some basic squad commands might have made it work but oh well.

I might try again with some friends against the bots some day, I think it would probably make a huge difference.

Game is pretty much a nightmare solo if you are attacking. Even 2-3 humans with bots can be annoying as hell. Nothing better than be in the last min or so trying to finish a hack and your 5 teammates leave the area to go cap a command post.

Anyway, i am very disappointed with the DLC. SD should have been trying to going overboard to make up for a weak release and all the trouble. Think there should have been a min of 5 maps with a mini campaign.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Was there ever a solution for this issue? I tried to google but I don't know how to call this and looking for words like "lines" and "seams" didn't work well. I got the game over Steam and I'm using a GTX285 with the latest drivers.

My thoughts on the game so far are based mostly on the single player as I haven't played online much (from what I played, being on the attacking team seems almost futile, but maybe my team and I sucked), I wanted to play all the levels through once offline to get how it all works together. I just finished the campaign with both sides vs bots. It's fun but doesn't do much that stands out. The parkour alone don't make it special as the levels don't really seem designed to take advantage of it too well so it's just something that you do without thinking of it, as it happens so naturally and commonly. Normal jumping and crouching in other games has a similar effect in the end. Other than that it's like Team Fortress 2's crazy graphics and unrealism mixed with Call of Duty's iron sight shooting and rank based unlocks for abilities or equipment bits and pieces.

It feels somewhat barebones, as if they hoped it would become the consoles' true Team Fortress 2 to profit from via DLC. You either hack, blow something up, or escort something in every level, or try to stop others from doing these. The various classes don't have too many special tricks, especially since you can choose any weapons with any class (only restricted by the body type, but I only use the medium so far), but maybe that's because I haven't unlocked all their abilities yet, I've opened the general tree and the soldier's skills. Still, I've only seen the expected stuff like deployed turrets, revives, and damage or ammo buffs alongside a couple special grenade types and the spy's disguises. It feels like a step back from Quake Wars' crazy huge deployables and vehicles and still similar infantry gameplay.

I feel they should have made it as a sequel to Quake Wars rather than the original Enemy Territory as it essentially is now. Objective and class based fast infantry play is nothing new and it's not like they can hope to compete against Call of Duty or Team Fortress 2 (now free...). With large scale warfare with vehicles they'd have a more arcadey and crazy looking version of Battlefield that would be easier to stand out as unique, especially with the crazy stuff they had in Quake Wars such as the snipers calling in air strikes and the engineers deploying massive artillery weapons, all mixed in with futuristic and alien versions of vehicles.

I'm also not very happy with the performance. Even when it runs good it doesn't seem smooth and there are frequent frame rate dips. The image quality is bad too, almost regardless of settings and AA (so I turn it off for the performance boost). My PC is outdated, especially on the CPU side, but Brink doesn't do much noteworthy to require that much better. There's no excessive use of physics, no gigantic maps or vehicles, and there are few players per match which means there's little action on screen at any given time. It's just about Team Fortress 2 level technically, save for the use of megatextures and some nice, but not too nice, post processing effects. Is it another case of a bad, unoptimised console port? I don't know, though there are precious few settings to choose from. In short, for how it looks and for what it offers, it shouldn't run like this, which is on par with how the Crysis games run for me. I doubt they'll fix it, as people don't expect new games to run well on older systems, whether said new games look like they should require a better system or not, but it still sucks.
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