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Brink |OT| _/^\_


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Darkshier said:
Never ran out of supplies as a medic? Really? I don't even throw frags as a medic because of the precious supply that it takes up. Sometimes a medic has to ignore fallen teammates though, I know I do. I would rather heal someone who is fighting than revive someone who is downed, especially when I am always low on supplies.
I revive people who are mission critical such as a guy defusing, hacking, or planting. I make sure I have a supply for those people. I see NOT reviving as giving up field position. Healing one guy who is still up is not as valuable as reviving one or two who can add to the fight.


DenogginizerOS said:
Last night, I was hacking/defusing, got shot, medic arrives, walks around, does not heal me, gets shot, revives himself, still doesn't revive me, and then gets promptly shot again. I could only laugh.
I was playing Medic last night and there were two (TWO!!) other medics on my team for Security in Security Tower. Why in god's name was I the only one doing any goddamn healing? They weren't great shooters either...luckily I had a good soldier next to me as well as an engineer, so we just kept pinning down the resistance and I just concentrated on healing them two.

Goddamn I hate people who play support roles and don't, you know, support.

EDIT: And on another note...in those same games we had several players running straight into the middle of the enemies and dying, then continually spouting shit about medics not healing. I won't rage-quit in the middle of a game, but I left that server pretty quickly after the match ended.
Phife Dawg said:
That's the thing about playing medic in my eyes: Efficient use of supplies, buffing health randomly doesn't cut it. You should always leave a couple of pips for reviving. Also revive strategically if you don't have enough pips on you, some classes are just more useful in certain situations (not even counting the obvious stuff when hacking/defusing etc. is involved).

Yeah, you can't just buff someone who has full health already. I wait until someone has taken a few shots before I throw a health buff their way. It's hard for me to conserve my supplies and leave that last pip for a revive or something. I am just too used to using what I have, when it is available and then waiting for more.

DenogginizerOS said:
I revive people who are mission critical such as a guy defusing, hacking, or planting. I make sure I have a supply for those people. I see NOT reviving as giving up field position. Healing one guy who is still up is not as valuable as reviving one or two who can add to the fight.
That's a good point. Keeping the objective critical people in the fight is important. In the heat of battle though, it's hard to tell who is who and where my priority should be and it usually ends up being the guy next to me that needs health.

I also will heal myself above all else as a dead medic does nobody any good.
DenogginizerOS said:
I have played medic many times and I have never ran out of revives. I can't be 100% sure about the supply level of the medic I cited in my story, but there have been multiple times when I have witnessed medics ignoring downed teammates.

That's why I never use Adrenaline, Speed, or Metabolism Boosts as a medic. You need the supplies to heal/life-buff.
Darkshier said:
Yeah, you can't just buff someone who has full health already. I wait until someone has taken a few shots before I throw a health buff their way. It's hard for me to conserve my supplies and leave that last pip for a revive or something. I am just too used to using what I have, when it is available and then waiting for more.

That's a good point. Keeping the objective critical people in the fight is important. In the heat of battle though, it's hard to tell who is who and where my priority should be and it usually ends up being the guy next to me that needs health.

I also will heal myself above all else as a dead medic does nobody any good.
The class will be represented by an icon when you aim, if in doubt revive the guy closest to the objective :). I only buff health if it's a firefight and they are on their last legs or if I have lots of pips to spend, otherwise as Denog said: Putting more guns on the table is always better and usually there's always someone incapacitated lying around.


derFeef said:
I never played with bots and never had rubberbanding, maybe the game is more popular in Europe.

Aaanyway, I hope they throw out balances soon as some things are going on my nerves.
Heavy bodytype needs racidal health buff.
AR's dmg need a boost in some ways.
Take away self-heal from medics so that they are enforced to HELP THE TEAM! ;)

Hey now, some of us Medics do our job. Then again, I also go after and upgrade command posts.

Does anyone know if the level five ability to shoot while incapacitated gives you less health than normal? I think the descriptor says that you will not last long. In normal gameplay it seems you have a fair amount of health if you're down and waiting on a medic.
Slermy said:
Does anyone know if the level five ability to shoot while incapacitated gives you less health than normal? I think the descriptor says that you will not last long. In normal gameplay it seems you have a fair amount of health if you're down and waiting on a medic.
Yeah you have much less health, I think that also includes your health before you get to pull your gun out.

I've never used it myself though.
Danne-Danger said:
Yeah you have much less health, I think that also includes your health before you get to pull your gun out.

I've never used it myself though.
It's not bad, it has a warm up period before you can use your weapon but I actually did manage to kill some people with it. It's more useful for big firefights of course when you may not have the time to kill someone good.
Game is fucking awesome since the patch. Besides the fact that I have experienced no slide show matches since (on 360) - spectator mode, parkour and general gameplay are far more smooth. I was getting skips and jumps, particularly in third person/spectator cam that were very distracting and sloppy. It's been smooth as butter for me. That said, the downside seems to be the netcode change to something far more similar to COD. Constant issues of moving around a corner out of fire - yet still catching a few bullets etc. It's certainly not bad and I'll take it over the prior netcode anytime, but it's still frustrating at times.

The userbase in Australia must be tiny or very confined to the standard rules - because big team is a wasteland - I've yet to find someone else in that mode. Standard rules are fine - I have no issue getting into a match with plenty of humans. Also the bots have been vicious since the patch - I have difficulty breaking down their defenses once they form up in an area.


Phife Dawg said:
That's the thing about playing medic in my eyes: Efficient use of supplies, buffing health randomly doesn't cut it. You should always leave a couple of pips for reviving. Also revive strategically if you don't have enough pips on you, some classes are just more useful in certain situations (not even counting the obvious stuff when hacking/defusing etc. is involved).

Yeah there is an art to managing pips as medic and I am gradually starting to get used to it. Early on I was always out of pips. It takes some adjustment to one's play style (and attempts at prescience) to avoid being low on pips at key junctions.
Shnookums said:
Yeah there is an art to managing pips as medic and I am gradually starting to get used to it. Early on I was always out of pips. It takes some adjustment to one's play style (and attempts at prescience) to avoid being low on pips at key junctions.

Very true. I'm finding that when my pips are full - I am a whore medic. I give out metabolism and sprint boosts, health buffs and constantly buff myself whenever danger is near. However lately I've been buffing others until around 3 pips - and then I try to keep one or two for revives/health and one for adrenaline boosting the mission objective class nearest to danger - such as an engineer close to the bot. I'm certainly not as safe as many other light medics I see constantly healing themselves. However I'm a far bigger help to the team and am keeping the pressure on as I revive the frontline over and over. Lots of fun.
Well, sadly, this game is in the envelope, ready to go back to Amazon (360 version). When I pre-ordered, they gave me $25 in credit back, and as of now they're paying $31 for it in good condition, so I'm going to go ahead and cut my losses now. I reached level 20, and had a good time doing it, but the shitty matchmaking and consistently laggy play overshadowed everything. It's a shame, really. This had such a good premise, but such mediocre execution on the console port. If the community is still around when I finally buy my new computer, maybe I'll pick it up on Steam, but it's not worth it to me to stick it out on 360.
divisionbyzorro said:
Well, sadly, this game is in the envelope, ready to go back to Amazon (360 version). When I pre-ordered, they gave me $25 in credit back, and as of now they're paying $31 for it in good condition, so I'm going to go ahead and cut my losses now. I reached level 20, and had a good time doing it, but the shitty matchmaking and consistently laggy play overshadowed everything. It's a shame, really. This had such a good premise, but such mediocre execution on the console port. If the community is still around when I finally buy my new computer, maybe I'll pick it up on Steam, but it's not worth it to me to stick it out on 360.

Did the same thing. Got Dirt 3 out of it. Shame, this game could of been great. After about 20 hours of playing, I just got tired of the lag and playing the same objectives for the 100th time got really boring.


divisionbyzorro said:
Well, sadly, this game is in the envelope, ready to go back to Amazon (360 version). When I pre-ordered, they gave me $25 in credit back, and as of now they're paying $31 for it in good condition, so I'm going to go ahead and cut my losses now. I reached level 20, and had a good time doing it, but the shitty matchmaking and consistently laggy play overshadowed everything. It's a shame, really. This had such a good premise, but such mediocre execution on the console port. If the community is still around when I finally buy my new computer, maybe I'll pick it up on Steam, but it's not worth it to me to stick it out on 360.
The community on the 360 really seems dead.

I feel like I got burned.


It seems like a lot of the console players got burned pretty badly on this game.

Tonight I played with using a pistol a lot more. Regardless of effectiveness it is a lot more fun to use one than to use one than the Carb or Baud.


well not really...yet
Gonna trade this in at Best Buy, they're still giving $30 credit for it. Can't stand playing with 75% bots and 25% humans...
PC wins again - see you on the other side ;).

In all honesty I never expected the console communities to last, even if the game didn't have the problems it had at the beginning (and apparently still has on the console side). I don't expect a huge following on PC but a relatively small and dedicated userbase will probably stay for a very long time, for Europe at least.
It's a shame about the issues as the gameplay is near perfect as far as I'm concerned. The objectives, classes, weapons, abilities, supply system, parkour etc - all extremely well thought out with only some minor tweaks required. I hope the userbase sticks around, and more importantly I hope it boosts when the DLC hits. It'd be a shame to see this game die an early death, particularly when the patch improved the game quite a bit.


I think I'm done with the console version as well. The patch helped a bit but it's still pretty broken. I don't think the game is that great either, nowhere near as fun as Enemy Territory. Still okay though, when it works.


well not really...yet
The patch definitely helped A LOT with the lag, at least as far as my experiences have gone, but the community is barren. It feels like im playing skynet.


Stripper13 said:
It's a shame about the issues as the gameplay is near perfect as far as I'm concerned. The objectives, classes, weapons, abilities, supply system, parkour etc - all extremely well thought out with only some minor tweaks required. I hope the userbase sticks around, and more importantly I hope it boosts when the DLC hits. It'd be a shame to see this game die an early death, particularly when the patch improved the game quite a bit.
The gameplay itself is really good ya.

Aside from weapons the things I dislike are all ones that could be easily fixed over time.
-The use key is really finicky, the engies weapon buff toss works the best but even it can cause weird movement.
-The in world hud can cover up targets, especially as a medic.
Grayman said:
-The use key is really finicky, the engies weapon buff toss works the best but even it can cause weird movement.
I agree, I mean I can understand that they're trying to show you that you actually did throw it but I want to throw on the go without finding myself running in the opposite direction (if you run past someone while throwing). Throwing animation would enough of a hint for me.
will this game ever get patched properly for ati cards? that or 11.6 drivers? I love this game, best online shooter since killzone 2 but i cant enjoy it the way it runs on my 5770

makes me want to weep everyday


Grayman said:
It seems like a lot of the console players got burned pretty badly on this game.

Tonight I played with using a pistol a lot more. Regardless of effectiveness it is a lot more fun to use one than to use one than the Carb or Baud.

Kinda expected that to happen after Team Fortress 2 and Quake Wars died on the consoles pretty fast compared to PC.
fuzzyreactor said:
will this game ever get patched properly for ati cards? that or 11.6 drivers? I love this game, best online shooter since killzone 2 but i cant enjoy it the way it runs on my 5770

makes me want to weep everyday
It runs OK now on my 5850 and quad core. Does not run smooth when turning the bells and whistles on but as a former Lego Quaker™ that's not how I usually run it either. There's still some quirks here and there and it's not super smooth but it's playable.

But after playing Crysis 2 I must really say it's running a lot worse than it should be in general regarding the difference in gfx quality - and Crysis 2 runs smooth on extreme.
Dead said:
The patch definitely helped A LOT with the lag, at least as far as my experiences have gone, but the community is barren. It feels like im playing skynet.

Yeah I played a few matches today. It really sucks, the best I did was a game with three other people vs. like...three people. I managed to slog through and finish the Security campaign, but some of the missions are not fun with the bots running around with their heads cut off. And since the bots will never do main objectives, when they suck at defending you're basically screwed.

I'm gonna push through and try and finish Resistance and the What-Ifs, mostly just to get the achievement score (I've finished every mission in Versus so far, so if I keep tough I may make it) but it's sad. I love the game when I'm playing with people because it fires on all cylinders...but when it's a bot-fest it's a bloated mess.


Teknoman said:
Kinda expected that to happen after Team Fortress 2 and Quake Wars died on the consoles pretty fast compared to PC.
The thing is, Console players are hopeful. If we weren't, Brink wouldn't have gotten so much coverage, so much hope, so much rush to these threads, and then so much disappointment. We want a TF2 like game that will be sustained on 360. So far we haven't gotten one. The Halo and CoD games do a much better job at keeping their communities alive, although CoD is a bit of a special case.
I had hope for Brink despite TF2 and Quake Wars because TF2 didn't get updated and fell behind the PC version and Quake Wars was a shitty port that wasn't handled in house. Brink suffered from neither of those issues in theory.
Still have a ton of love for Brink. Been playing a few matches an evening for the past week or so, really finding the weaponry a gorgeous crate of firearms with, er, real personality, if that makes sense.

Now my go-to shooter on PC.
Even though I sold back Brink, I figured I'd go ahead and check out the stats site.

What a disappointment. It only tracked data from Freeplay matches; most of my matches when I had the game were Versus campaign matches.
divisionbyzorro said:
Even though I sold back Brink, I figured I'd go ahead and check out the stats site.

What a disappointment. It only tracked data from Freeplay matches; most of my matches when I had the game were Versus campaign matches.
Well still doesn't work for the PC version, so be grateful ;).

I think it's strange it isn't ready yet, seeing that they have experience in QW, which had quite extensive web stats.
Still can't play this game. Sad state of affairs.

Real kick in the balls that I paid half price for this game, haven't had fun with it yet.. and now it's half price.


I think I'm enjoying this because with no ui (and 90fov) it provides a lush experience for me. I enjoy playing as a light class, using the shortcuts to get behind the enemy.

I have no doubt however, that its going to loose its appeal as soon as everyone has worked out all the maps, or when DLC comes at a premium.


i also have a psycho pack code for the ps3. first person to pm me for it gets it!

edit/warning: may be a couple of hours before i respond.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Danne-Danger said:
It is, and all the saves/char data is supposed to be on steam cloud.
So, I assume they are going after the website where people on console have signed up for the Stats feature.


DenogginizerOS said:
So, I assume they are going after the website where people on console have signed up for the Stats feature.
I don't know how that works but yeah, sounds plausible. Either that or it's just a forum dump.

Those two might be intertwined, though, doh.
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