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Brit-Gaf: [Threads should be SFW and inviting.]

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SteveWD40 said:
No excuses, I am new too and you don't see me crying!

Plus your GF won't mind, you are only meeting other guys at a guess, unless she already has her fears...Dave giving a homoerotic physical description in the thread won't help...
Homoerotic? I'm flattered :)

Monkeylord said:
It's just nice to have a thread where I can state that "I'm off to smoke a fag" without any awkward repercussions.

... also, I'm off to smoke a fag. BRB, lol.
Bum me a fag while you're at it chap :)

Oh, XBL/PSN/Steam - SmokiestDave


CHEEZMO™ said:
Paging Vox-Pop!

You never need to page Vox. He knows.

Will be in Oxford and Knightsbridge earlyish next year if anybody wants to be bought a pint. Links in the OP are good work.


Obsidian fan
Your Excellency said:
Except Cheezo, that guy keeps PMing me every two minutes being angry that I made this group before him, but he's cool.
If you don't want people to PM you then don't send them nude pics. You'll give them the wrong impression.


Edit: My XBL Gamertag - Protivnik

Add if u wnt 2 cyber, pls


I get the feeling that this thread is gonna die because it's in the community section. Can we get it moved to OT or is it not allowed there?


Alright UK-GAF, I've got £400 to spend on a brand new laptop, any suggestions?

I want it to be gaming capable, futureproofed for about 2 years, but largely geared to being used for studenty stuff
just kidding love

I don't want a Mac.

Sorry to ask but I'm retarded when it comes to hardware, I always just got my mum to buy them for me because she was a lead IT Tech at a school for years and knows fucking everything about computers.


Apparently the body of a 15 year old girl was found in an alley 200 metres from my house this morning. Rather than being in shock, the community is more bothered by the bus having to be diverted to assist police forensics.

Welcome to NottGaf :/


Meadows said:
Alright UK-GAF, I've got £400 to spend on a brand new laptop, any suggestions?

I want it to be gaming capable, futureproofed for about 2 years, but largely geared to being used for studenty stuff
just kidding love

£400 for gaming capable for 2 years?

What kind of gaming? I doubt you will get much that can run anything current, I spent about £700 for one with a graphics card that can run BC2 on medium / low at acceptable frame rates...


Meadows said:
I get the feeling that this thread is gonna die because it's in the community section. Can we get it moved to OT or is it not allowed there?

Nope, it's not allowed there. I raised the same issue when AusGAF thread got moved in community but to no avail. I don't think it's had much effect though since the AusGAF thread still moves pretty quickly and has a good amount of people posting in it.

It's up to you guys to let your fellow Brit-GAF users know that this thread exists and build up the community.
Meadows said:
Alright UK-GAF, I've got £400 to spend on a brand new laptop, any suggestions?

I want it to be gaming capable, futureproofed for about 2 years, but largely geared to being used for studenty stuff
just kidding love

I don't want a Mac.

Sorry to ask but I'm retarded when it comes to hardware, I always just got my mum to buy them for me because she was a lead IT Tech at a school for years and knows fucking everything about computers.
This thread may be of use to you. But a £400 gaming laptop is going to be very hard to find, if the main priority is to play PC games then at that budget then I would suggest you build your own desktop.


anonnumber6 said:
This thread may be of use to you. But a £400 gaming laptop is going to be very hard to find, if the main priority is to play PC games then at that budget then I would suggest you build your own desktop.

Thanks a lot for the link! I'd build a desktop (get my Mum to do it!) but I spend so much time moving from place to place that it isn't really practical for me.


Gamertag/PSN/Steam ID: PSN - scotcheggz / Steam - scotch_egg
Age: 29
Hometown: Brighton
Current residence: Brighton
Occupation: I run a small graphic design studio
Favourite place to eat, and what to order there: Open House (roasty on a sunday YES)
University (Past/Present/Future): East London for a bit then Brighton Uni
Favourite TV Show: Spaced
Post picture of your favourite british girl: Louise Wener 4 eva


OP I am sad there is no Shane Meadows films in your top 10 :(

Meadows said:
Alright UK-GAF, I've got £400 to spend on a brand new laptop, any suggestions?

I want it to be gaming capable, futureproofed for about 2 years, but largely geared to being used for studenty stuffwatchingporn....just kidding love.

I don't want a Mac.

Sorry to ask but I'm retarded when it comes to hardware, I always just got my mum to buy them for me because she was a lead IT Tech at a school for years and knows fucking everything about computers.

Depending on what you mean by gaming, my mum recently bought a Toshiba laptop from PC World for about £350, she likes games like settlers and Anno, it plays both of them on native resolution and most everything set to low or medium. I don't think I'd bother, but if you've got a PS3 or 360 for most games and just want a PC for RTS or indie, things like that, something like that could probably do it (barely). Laptops really aren't great value for money, you get a lot more these days, the one my mum bought was suprisingly well featured for £350, but compaed to a desktop, just not worth it.


Alright...basically I just want a laptop with a decent amount of RAM, one that's gonna run smoothly and preferably has a good battery life. It seems laptops are way more expensive than I thought.
Guerrillas in the Mist said:
Travelling down south to London in a few days time with some mates. Any suggestions when it comes to drinking establishments, LondonGAF?

North, South or Central? What do you expect from a drinking establishment.


Guerrillas in the Mist said:
Travelling down south to London in a few days time with some mates. Any suggestions when it comes to drinking establishments, LondonGAF?
I want to know this as well.

I go to London a lot, but I'm generally curious if there's some hidden gems I'm missing.


Age: 22
Hometown: Shipley, West Yorkshire
Current residence: Gansu, China
Occupation: English Teacher
Favourite place to eat, and what to order there: Drakes, Leeds. Fish & Chips of course.
University (Past/Present/Future): University of Leeds


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Age: 20
Hometown: Bonnybridge Scotland
Current residence: maddiston
Sports team of choice: Glasgow rangers
Occupation: Job centre go getter
Favourite place to eat Weatherspoons
Favourite TV Show: The wire


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
First time I've ever visited the community section of GAF.

Gamertag/PSN/Steam ID: Steam ID: gave up online gaming via PSN/XBL my Steam ID is Jibrilwyl ( though I don't play games at all any more.)
Age: 22
Current residence:Bristol
Occupation: (upcoming) Project Manager at some huge IT organization.
Favourite place to eat, and what to order there: You know, I've always been fond of cornershops. Never really liked to go to restaurants and whatnot.
University (Past/Present/Future): Huge but crappy university that no one should be proud of.
Favourite TV Show: Game of Thrones
Post picture of your favourite british girl:

Naomi Watts.

I'm not gonna lie. England is the only place I have ever wanted to actually live And the UK is by far, the best place to live in the world. Eurocup/World cup season is the greatest time to be here.
I've lived in some places, from the most wartorn country in the world, to the most stable country in the world ( Holland.)
But the UK is just so fucking awesome. I'm just in love with the place. So glad to live here. I don't think I'll change citizenship, but my children will definitely have dual citizenship.

OMG Aero

Xun said:
What's stopping us from having several GAF meetups?

London-GAF represent!
Clearly the only option is to have a northern-GAF meetup and a London-GAF meetup.
Then both groups meet halfway and have a fight to determine the rulers of BritGAF.


Obsidian fan
OMG Aero said:
Clearly the only option is to have a northern-GAF meetup and a London-GAF meetup.
Then both groups meet halfway and have a fight to determine the rulers of BritGAF.
Sounds like a plan.

NorthGAF would surely win because we're not a bunch of Southern fairies. They'd be scared of chipping a nail or tearing their skinny jeans.
Salazar said:
Links in the OP are good work.

Take that, Cheese-man. Salazar - fucking Salazar, widely considered to be our generation's Hemingway, said that my thread was, and I quote, "good work". That's vindication, not just for this thread, but on my standing as the founding father of Brit-Gaf.
Gamertag/Steam ID: AJ4Seven(although my 360 just red-ringed so won't be getting another until xmas)
Hometown: London
Current residence: London
Occupation: Between jobs at the moment
Favourite place to eat, and what to order there: At the moment anywhere that does Pulled Pork.
University (Past/Present/Future): UMIST (yes I'm so old the uni I went to doesn't exist anymore)
Favourite TV Show: The Wire/ Seinfeld
Post picture of your favourite british girl: Layla


Your Excellency said:
Take that, Cheese-man. Salazar - fucking Salazar, widely considered to be our generation's Hemingway, said that my thread was, and I quote, "good work". That's vindication, not just for this thread, but on my standing as the founding father of Brit-Gaf.

The founding father of Brit-Gaf needs to man up and come for some snakebite with us ;)
Guerrillas in the Mist said:
Probably Central, but other than that, I'm open to any suggestions.

If you're after proper boozers that aren't too touristy, you can't really get better than any of the Sam Smiths in central London. No music but usually a good atmosphere, less than three quid a pint as well. Handy map here.

For more upbeat, I'd be pretty much at a loss as being on the wrong side of thirty means that quiet boozers tend to be where I go. Depending what you like Vibe bar in Brick Lane is ok, as is Old Blue Last on the corner of Great Eastern Street and Curtain Road. Both hipster central.
CHEEZMO™ said:
I was the one who suggested making a BritGAF thread in the first place >_>

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”

Theodore Roosevelt
"Citizenship in a Republic"
Speech at the Sorbonne, Paris, April 23, 1910


CHEEZMO™ said:
I was the one who suggested making a BritGAF thread in the first place >_>

You're Brit-GAF's Rab Butler, CHEEZMO. Could have been a contender. Notable achievements. Some strong supporters, some staunch enemies. But, by the unfeeling whim of history, not a leader.

Edit: This does not necessarily make Your Excellency Churchill.
I like to think of Cheezmo as the Natalie Portman to my Jean Reno. There may be intense sexual tension between us, but ultimately he must understand that his pussy is still too tender for me to fuck.


Obsidian fan
Your Excellency said:
I like to think of Cheezmo as the Natalie Portman to my Jean Reno. There may be intense sexual tension between us, but ultimately he must understand that his pussy is still too tender for me to fuck.
Bitch, please!

You couldn't get all up in this if you tried.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
I'm a fan of English weather. It's hilarious to watch everyone run out at the slightest sight of sunshine though.
Rain for the win.


I'm in ridiculous humidity and 35C heat you lucky shites. Industrian feels my pain (although the North of Taiwan is way cooler!).

My parent's house in Wales which I live in for about 3 months a year is up a mountain (the great orme!) and it gets to -7C daily in the winter (in cold spells). In York (where I live for about 7 months a year) it got down to -15C for about a week last winter. It was fucking glorious. I love winter.


Number45 said:
Aside from the obligatory "fuck icy roads", I love all weather conditions.

Oh you fuckers never fucking tip me when I deliver you pizza in -10C conditions with icy roads. If you don't want to tip me normally, fine it's my job, I don't expect them, but if I'm hauling myself around icy deathtrap roads to get you a pizza because you can't be arsed then I think a quid is a fair reward.
The last lot of snow in December was great fun for me, as now I live near the city centre I could go for a nice little walk in to town, have a look around, it was all pretty and didn't need to worry about the roads.

If I was driving, that'd suck.
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