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BritGAF |OT| Mad Stacks Beyond Thunderlord

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You've never seen us in the same room at the same time. Think on that.

I've got another new bike arriving next week, I'm catching him up!

Well maybe when we pop up to Nottingham next, you and Mrs Smoky can join us for a bite in Hooters?

Oh dear. I am sorry Mrs Smoky. Are you at the stage yet where you can't have people round to stay because the bikes have overtaken the spare room?


Katie Holmes is not only beautiful but also the better actress...


...Didn't break character from her role as Mrs. Cruise for 6 years.



Maggie Gyllenhaal is one of the very few 'famously attractive women' that I find straight-up ugly. Not 'quirky' or 'unconventionally beautiful', straight-up ugly.

Still, takes all sorts.
Considering the porn trailer trash I've seen you go hubba-hubba over, that is saying something.


alas, we lose another member of englandgaf to londongaf.

as long as me, cheezmo, kentpaul and greenscar have a bag of cut down mkat then we dont need anyone else.


Oh yeah, where abouts? Does this mean we'll see you at a meet up one of these days? Your mix of anime-love and non-virginity has us transfixed, we need to meet you and learn from you.
Follow my ways and you'll be able to watch anime while having sex (with a WOMAN!!!) at the same time, maybe. I'll get the non-London collective to bring the MKAT.

But no, still Plymouth. Company wouldn't do a transfer to the London office so I simply have to stay put for now. Sucks, but what can you do?


Maturity, bitches.
I'm sure it depends on the anime. If it was JoJo you would be so transfixed by the fabulousness on screen you wouldn't have time for anyone else.


I love the idea of animé, but everytime I try to watch one, I just can't get into it for some reason.

I think part of me is always expecting demonic tentacle porn or something.

Any suggestions on slightly grounded animé which might help me get into it?


Any suggestions on slightly grounded animé which might help me get into it?

Here are my two favourite anime of the last 8 or so years. They're very different but both great in their own way.



1980s Germany. Dr Tenma, a young prodigy in the field of brain surgery, rapidly becoming disillusioned with his director, takes the decision to operate on a 10 year old boy, rather than the city mayor he was assigned to. The boy, the adopted son of a political refugees from East Germany, is saved, but soon disappears without a trace.

10 years later, the Berlin Wall fallen, a string of murders are committed with Dr Tenma the chief suspect. Innocent, Dr Tenma witnesses another murder and sees the real killer: the little boy he saved the life of, now a man, now a monster.

The series follows Dr Tenma, a man running from the law, desperately trying to track down the boy he saved and kill him.

There is no magic, sci-fi, moe girls or drawn out fights. The show is about the unfolding mystery as Dr Tenma pieces together the mysterious past of the killer he saved while dodging the pursuit of the law. It is driven by character and dialogue, not plot and action. I consider it good enough to be counted as a fantastic crime drama, not just a crime drama anime.

It's 74 episodes long.

Give it 4 episodes and you'll won't want to stop watching.

Give it 9 episodes and you won't be able to.

Avoid the dub if you can. Unfortunately, I can only find that on YouTube.

Also, creepiest ending credits ever.


Hataraki Man

Do you have a job? Great. You can immediately associate with this show.

It follows the trials and tribulations of professional woman working as a writer for a weekly magazine.

And that's kind of it, really.

It focuses on how she balances a great workload, her relationship with her boyfriend, and her goal to always do work she can be proud of, even if that work seems to take over her entire life.

The characters are very anime at times, yet somehow are incredibly truthful. You'll recognise the archetypes that clutter workplaces, especially offices, and you'll empathise all too knowingly with the lead as deadline after the deadline hit her. It's also incredible funny, colourful, and has the single most accurate depiction of what ordinary people get like when drunk ever.


The only anime I can digest is cyberpunk/scifi stuff.

EDIT: Didn't manage to watch the anime version of Hatakari man but found the live action version instead and I thought it gave intriguing insight into Japan's workplace. If the anime version is exactly the same then that's worth checking out.

Jedeye Sniv

I love the idea of animé, but everytime I try to watch one, I just can't get into it for some reason.

I think part of me is always expecting demonic tentacle porn or something.

Any suggestions on slightly grounded animé which might help me get into it?

Oh god now you done it! All the nerds come out of the woodwork with their animus.


I think my favourite anime is Planetes.


It's a really great and fairly realistic sci fi series about junk collectors in space. High speed debris is really dangerous so these poor sods have to go out and pick up all the crap in Earth's orbit. Wonderful cast of characters and really great zero g animation.

I also really love the two Gunbuster miniseries from Gainax -


It's really a series of two halves. The first was made back in the 80s and is a weird mix of mecha, motivational sports-style and super hard SF. A lot of the story is about the time dilation effects of light speed travel and it packs a surprising emotional wallop.

The second series was made in the 00s and is the epitome of ridiculous modern mech anime. Tons of crazy robots, a stupidly massive scale (although it has nothing on Gurren Lagann), tons of fanservice and some beautiful animation. And again, the ending kicks you so hard in the nuts, even describing it might make you cry.

Oh! And FLCL - I have those on DVD, I'll have to lend them to you.

erm, did I just out myself as an even bigger nerd than you guys already thought I was? See, I'm not the only britgaffer who like anime and gets laid :p I don't think I'd want to do both at the same time though, I get annoyed when I miss story beats, and you can't read subs while you're banging.

Jedeye Sniv

Morning BritGaf and happy Friday!

So, what's everyone up to this weekend?

My weekend is all topsy turvy, got band practice tomorrow instead of subday with rather fucks with my weekend of videogames, podcasts and onanism. But sunday the missus is out skating so I get a bit of me-time in there too. Very important for me to have several hours with no human interaction on a weekend.

Have to go out on monday for a friend's birthday as well which tbh I really can't be arsed with. It's the middle of january, I'm totally brassic and she wants to go for a meal on a monday. I don't even really like those guys any more either, they're right boring gits. bah!


Maturity, bitches.
Upotte is pretty grounded.
Hail the Unian Flog!

If you want to watch something current that is grounded, check out Space Brothers. Basically about a pair of brothers who want to be astronauts. One kept up the dream and is going to the moon whereas the other went a different route. After losing his job he finds his old dream rekindled so he seeks to join his brother as an astronaut.

Oh yeah, and happy birthday bee gee bee dubya

Jedeye Sniv

I can't help but feel this is a well executed troll, that "ticket" could easily be faked.

It would have to be the world's greatest troll though, there's years of set up on that account of a nerdy kid who falls in love too quickly. I love the way he talks about da bitches in his posts though. If a guy like that can have such insane self confidence then there's hope for all of us.


It would have to be the world's greatest troll though, there's years of set up on that account of a nerdy kid who falls in love too quickly. I love the way he talks about da bitches in his posts though. If a guy like that can have such insane self confidence then there's hope for all of us.


It's the "don't need condoms she works in a lab!" stuff, like he can't be that stupid?

I know of people who met via WoW so that's not that weird, hell Totalbiscut lives in the US with his wife he met online now, it's the "here's some money, I am clean!" stuff...

like how did her being tested even come up?

Jedeye Sniv


It's the "don't need condoms she works in a lab!" stuff, like he can't be that stupid?

I know of people who met via WoW so that's not that weird, hell Totalbiscut lives in the US with his wife he met online now, it's the "here's some money, I am clean!" stuff...

like how did her being tested even come up?

holy crap I missed that bit! I wondered why everyone was talking condoms, I thought they were just being good. She works in a lab wtf lol. Does that mean she's sterile or non contagious?

The money thing is hilarious though. The thread isn't enough, I need a sit-down, hour long interview on camera to satiate my curiosity.


holy crap I missed that bit! I wondered why everyone was talking condoms, I thought they were just being good. She works in a lab wtf lol. Does that mean she's sterile or non contagious?

It's probably his misconception that because she got a job that requires her to be consistently clean then she MUST be STD-free. I used to think that way during my younger years until I knew about a pre-reg pharmacist that had chlamydia. Let that sink in...
Everyone makes mistakes regardless of who you are or what profession you do. Hell, the current South African president thought that taking a good shower after sex without a condom would reduce his chances of getting HIV. Not to say that a person with an STD is a stupid/bad person (they aren't) but you just gotta be careful and protect yourself.

Jedeye Sniv

It's probably his misconception that because she got a job that requires her to be consistently clean then she MUST be STD-free. I used to think that way during my younger years until I knew about a pre-reg pharmacist that had chlamydia. Let that sink in...
Everyone makes mistakes regardless of who you are or what profession you do. Hell, the current South African president thought that taking a good shower after sex without a condom would reduce his chances of getting HIV. Not to say that a person with an STD is a stupid/bad person (they aren't) but you just gotta be careful and protect yourself.

lmao OP is crazier than I thought then! It's a wonderfully twisted tale.

And that para about the SA president is terrifying. We really did a number on that continent, didn't we?

OK I do too, just not in public where I can get banned :p


I regret nothing.

Big ol' wobbly tits + Vita = Purchase.

Well maybe when we pop up to Nottingham next, you and Mrs Smoky can join us for a bite in Hooters?
Yeah, that'd be cool!

Oh dear. I am sorry Mrs Smoky. Are you at the stage yet where you can't have people round to stay because the bikes have overtaken the spare room?
The spare room, the front room, the cellar......


Usually I'd be in that thread with all the optimism in the world, but seriously... Even if they get on great and fall in love, are they really going to make it work? Most of us can't even make a relationship work within the limits of our own freaking postcode. Seems like a lot of time, money and emotional investment for a night of balls deep action followed by disappointment and heartache.


Usually I'd be in that thread with all the optimism in the world, but seriously... Even if they get on great and fall in love, are they really going to make it work? Most of us can't even make a relationship work within the limits of our own freaking postcode. Seems like a lot of time, money and emotional investment for a night of balls deep action followed by disappointment and heartache.

Totally agree with you man.


Usually I'd be in that thread with all the optimism in the world, but seriously... Even if they get on great and fall in love, are they really going to make it work? Most of us can't even make a relationship work within the limits of our own freaking postcode. Seems like a lot of time, money and emotional investment for a night of balls deep action followed by disappointment and heartache.

Yup, but at least he is being paid for the balls deep action, kids living the dream!
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