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BritGAF |OT| Mad Stacks Beyond Thunderlord

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Mebbe we should go for EuroGaf next time round? We'd have one hell of a party if Clegg and the Baron and Onkel are playing too (yeah, I know Clegg is kind of officially in, being Irish and all, but he ain't been around since the title change).

What, each time we have a new topic we expand a little? Commonwealth-GAF, here we come


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Speaking of lasagne. We were having a discussion about this over lunch... how come, the size of trays you'll make lasagne in - they must be pretty consistent, there can't be that many variants. Yet lasagne sheets never match either side in size, you always need to snap them and it's a pain. Then it's not properly covered. And you can't risk having it overlap.

We decided we should start a business in laser-cut-lasagne. You measure your baking tray, upload the details, and buy packs of perfectly-sized-laser-cut sheets of lasagne personalised for you.

You know where it says "no need to pre-cook" on the packet? That's a lie. Or at least a misdemeanour.

Pre-cook the sheets everytime (in a big pan of water with a thin layer of olive oil on top to stop them sticking together, and only one layer at a time). That way, the pasta expands in all directions, is easier to fit to the tray, is floppy so easier to cut, and absorbs flavour. the result is astonishingly better - though it takes about an extra half-hour to do it.

Even the supermarket ragus are massively improved by (a) precooking the lasagne and (b) making your own cheese sauce. Doing your own ragu makes it truly awesome, but takes about 6 hours - so I don't do it all that often.


Maturity, bitches.
The compulsory wedding reception songs are the YMCA, the Macarena (soon to be replaced by Gangnam Style no doubt) and New York, New York.

No YMCA at all! That intro is the perfect call to the dance floor for anyone afraid to get on it. DJ has failed me.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Rocket Scientis and his real account are fucked. He's been called out in the drunk thread.



Unconfirmed Member
Bought an external HDD and dropped it taking it out of the box. Still works but I feel like a right tit.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Well Brit in BritGAF is short for British Isles.

So the whole of the British Isles.



NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Well Brit in BritGAF is short for British Isles.

So the whole of the British Isles.

Trouble is, it doesn't come across that way to our Irish cousins (or, for all I know, to our Manx & Channel Island cousins either, EDIT: not mention Shetland & Orkney mostly because I had forgotten them). We seem to have lost the Irish since the title change, though doubtless we'll meet up again come the next Six Nations thread (Feb 2nd).


Trouble is, it doesn't come across that way to our Irish cousins (or, for all I know, to our Manx & Channel Island cousins either). We seem to have lost the Irish since the title change, though doubtless we'll meet up again come the next Six Nations thread (Feb 2nd).

I know that Brit is a four letter word in a lot of places, but the British Isles includes all that lot too. They could have just asked.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
I know that Brit is a four letter word in a lot of places, but the British Isles includes all that lot too. They could have just asked.

The British Isles does, but Britain doesn't. Gotta be sensitive to these things (got relatives in the Middle East where it is all even more murky and sensitive).


EuroGaf meetup in the Netherlands? I'm so in.

'ang abaaat, is that a 'muuurica flag in the background of his avatar!
I think he's a spy sent by those red names!

01000101011101100110100101101100011011110111001001100101 is on to us man. Its gone all 1984/V for Vendetta up in this muthafucka.


Isn't this where we come to get away from the sorts of people who worry about the differences between petty and small things?

Let's just call it CrumpetGAF and be done with it.


Isn't this where we come to get away from the sorts of people who worry about the differences between petty and small things?

Let's just call it CrumpetGAF and be done with it.

I agree.
Although however it comes out I don't think the Netherlands fits in.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
The logo was changed accordingly. I see no problems.

It's the same thing as the Welsh being referred to as English, or the Scots (some years ago) being referred to as the "North British". Or the law of England and Wales being referred to as the law of England, or the representative cricket team of England and Wales being referred to as England.

Like the middle bit of the Austro-Hungarian Empire (according to Robert Musil) comprised the Austro-Hungarians (all Austrian) and, well, the Hungarians.

It's an age-old problem of identity that we won't fix here. But I guess if you see no problems you're English, or at least not Irish?

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
how was Pompey?

edit: sorry, should have just edited in the first place
Still here breh :D still looking around for work, i tried the milton arms the other day...but i didnt feel like dumping all my belongings in a plastic tub and being searched after 5 or 6 pubs i ended up in sir loin of beef? lol

It is good though, your survival guide proved very handy :p
EuroGaf meetup in the Netherlands? I'm so in.

01000101011101100110100101101100011011110111001001100101 is on to us man. Its gone all 1984/V for Vendetta up in this muthafucka.

Fuck this shit, the time for revolution is upon us


Maturity, bitches.
A MAME Cabinet is one of those idea that I think is cool, read up a bit on and then forget about until the cycle starts again.


A MAME Cabinet is one of those idea that I think is cool, read up a bit on and then forget about until the cycle starts again.
Same. The stopping point for me is usually looking into getting an arcade monitor and then reading warnings that they carry enough of a voltage to kill you.
Same. The stopping point for me is usually looking into getting an arcade monitor and then reading warnings that they carry enough of a voltage to kill you.

I've heard enough stories about this on the Bombcast to ward me off ever even thinking about getting one. :lol


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Same. The stopping point for me is usually looking into getting an arcade monitor and then reading warnings that they carry enough of a voltage to kill you.

A damn toaster carries enough voltage to kill you. But you still like toast, yeah?


A damn toaster carries enough voltage to kill you. But you still like toast, yeah?
A toaster doesn't typically have its electronics exposed to the point you have to have the thing switched off for two days before handling it. Arcade monitors have zero shielding.


Unconfirmed Member
I stuck a knife in a toaster once to see what would happen. Knocked the power off, didn't get superpowers.
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