I'm from Wales, but tried to lose the accent on purpose. Now I'm mainly told that I sound West Country. Someone thought I was from Yorkshire. Very few people pick up on the slight Welsh that has lingered.
My boyfriend is North London born and bred but everyone thinks he's Australian.
One of my cousins in Wales has a girlfriend with the sexiest accent in existence - she's from errrr...near Mumbles.
Torture every time I go to family stuff there.
Are you doing a mixtape, Musha?
I think we need a list of participants
Sweet, looking forward to seeing what you've cooked up.
And also, if you can't turn a movie date at home into a snog then there is no hope for you![]()
There's a few overly obvious choices on there but there are a couple of curveballs too.
I couldn't find a place for Shellac - I was obsessed with Prayer to God when my fiancée cheated on me - such a powerful song, though incredibly self-pitying & angry.
This is why I put on my ray Winstone voice on when I'm in the zone "go on suck it you slaaaaaag"
Hahaha, I'll have to verify this with Mrs. Sniv next time I see her
I am from Stockport / Cheshire so possess no accent, in fact, probably due to too many films as a kid I have an almost mid Atlantic twang. People have said I sound:
A bit posh but still Northern
Southern but hard to place where
Like I lived in the US for a while
I don't hear any of that when I hear myself on recordings, just a deep slightly Northern thing. My nickname from some friends is "Radio" as they think I sound like I should be a late night DJ playing Sad Cafe (look them up kids) to lonely drunks / truckers.
In that case, for your mixtape, I want narration. No arguments.
Yeah... In school, my friends used to laugh about how posh I was, to which I'd reply "I'm not fucking posh", leading them to taunt me with "I'm not fucking posh" in a hilarious received pronunciation accent. I can't do chavvy.
Actually that's a lie - I did a great chavvy voice for a friend of mine's drum and bass track... let me find it...
Found it!
That's MC IamMikeside on vocals, haha