Hystzen I am now going to give feedback on your playlist..
It wont be great as im hungover as fuck, so there shall not be much detail
Living is a problem because everything dies - Biffy Clyro
Not my cup of tea, i like Biffy but this one wasnt for me
Space Dementia - Muse
Nice choice, I love this song, epic indeed
Machine Gun - Noisia
I enjoyed this, i've heard it before but didnt know what it was called or who it was by..
The River - Parkway Drive
Really good, totally grew on me with its cool riff at the start...although it does sound like that song by coldplay that i cant remember the name of... Only downside is the guitar solo for me was pretty weak... the bends with the Wah....man it kinda ruined it for me, but still, good song..probably going to learn it on guitar because it sounds fun to play
Sick,Sick,Sick - QOTSA
Interesting choice, this one is so Grohlish so i like it, really reminds me of All my life by the foo's at times, but also great song ^_^
Everytime - Yashin
Hmm, bit weird, not really a grower for me, bit cheesy
Widower - The Dillinger Escape Plan
Probably the weakest song for me, too random, kinda Mars Volta*ish but it just comes off as really messy and unorganised for me, i think the strange unpredictability just killed the flow
Bonfire - Childish Gambino
As I'm not a keen listener of rap I dont know what to say about this, dudes flow was good but after a while I got bored
MILF! - Chunk! No, Captain Chunk!
Ahaha, I like this, mainly because it's another one of them cheesy ass pop rock bands but i fucking love it none the less, love the cool synths and the guitar lines
Honeymoon Eyes - A Loss For Words
Another one.. Im okay with this, I enjoy them, I would say it's easy listening and i like it but it doesnt really get a reaction out of me, nor is it very memorable
Hole in the Earth - Deftones
Fucking yes!!!! I love this song
Quelle Surprise - Enter Shikari
The English Way - Fightstar
A Loss In The Ranks - Me Vs Hero
I like this song, really BoxCarRacer'y I was listening to this the other day, it was raining I was walking to the shop because the train was going to take ages... suddenly my mood completely changed... Ticket flew out of my hand... into a puddle, I started feeling sad about seeing a friend for the last time for a while...then towards the end I actually started to feel better about it and so yeah..this song got a pretty strong reaction outta me, so i liked it
Im not sure if that was the order they were supposed to be in because I accidentally pressed a button and they all changed and i couldn't remember how it was the first time..
Overall I really enjoyed the playlist and now have it on my phone ^_^
You have such an Emo teenage angsty outlook. The world is out to get you, nothing is ever your fault. I mean, you're annoyed because someone hoovered your posters.... really?? Posters? So you broke the Hoover in anger? I remember you saying before about breaking game controllers because you got annoyed with the game. You sound like you have anger management issues and you need to start keeping this in check before it escalates into something more serious. Grow up, and stop getting so melodramatic about miniscule bugbears.
Woah, I just have a bad temper at times, I'm usually quite relaxed, also you have not met my mother, the posters probably cost me about 50 quid in all. It was totally irrational but i know that, I'm not crying about it listening to My Chemical Romance... Ofcourse I know it's my bleedin' fault that the hoovers broken, im just annoyed that when they notice they're not going to give a shit somebody fucked up my posters, which now all but one remain (Thank god it's my Radiohead one)
I did have anger management issues when I was younger but Im over it now and when I was talking about broken controllers most of these incidents were years ago, I'm alot better than I was, I dont personally think Im being melodramatic as such, i just think you're imagining my tone as being a whiney little bitch...im not typing this with a sad face, I'm just kinda saying it how it is.. Just to make it clear
With such an in intensity henry hoovers all over the nation felt its pain <--
This bit was like a nutshell thing of what happened.
She had a massive go at me this morning on the phone, so i was pretty irritable already
she was talking about how i dont treat things well
Come home
someones done that
im the villan
<--- I guess that would look melodramatic if percieved in the wrong way
i havent helped my case though...now ive got superglue all over my hands and a still broken hoover <-- I shared this so people can laugh at my stupidity
I need to find the duct tape
I typed all of this with no aggression, I kinda find it funny in a way....
But as much as I dont wanna offend you, i feel like you misread that and are kinda giving me shit for being a stereotypical grumpy ass teenager, I'm pretty sure every is at this stage, I just vent it here (Which I'll stop if it's a problem) so I can A: See if i'm the one being a cunt and B: Not taking it out on the people I'm angry at..