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BritGAF |OT| Mad Stacks Beyond Thunderlord

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Maturity, bitches.
Only plan I have is seeing Wreck It Ralph on Sunday.

Oh and I'm attending a charity event at work this evening.
I have to go to a DIY store after work today to get the bit of the flush in the toilet tank that lets more water in, ours is bust, but I plan on fixing it myself with my superior DIY skills.

Tomorrow general housework, going to see Skyfall, then going to meet the boyfriend's parents to watch fireworks. Will be wrapping up very warm.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
phisheep, if you don't mind me asking, what prompted the change to this job from the one I'm presuming (based on your tag) you had before?

Just to set the story straight, I never was a lawyer. I was a sort of corporate hatchetman for many years, and of course spent a lot of time with lawyers and so on. Chucked in the job to retrain in law, spent all my money (including house) and about 4 years on that only to find that there's absolutely no demand for 50-something trainee lawyers around these parts, or indeed anywhere. Kept losing out to 20-year-old twits.

Eventually gave up the attempt and sank all (and I mean all - this is knife-edge stuff) remaining capital into the shop.

EDIT: Should maybe add that pretty well every lawyer I have met is damn good at law but bloody awful at litigation tactics. Probably wasn't a good idea to tell 'em that at interview though!


I just read that in Walter White's voice there. Fucking ageism. You're too young with no experience = no job. You're too old with lots of experience (or not) but you're not young = no job. Seriously, something's messed up right here. Still, this explains why you like to dish out legal advice on Britgaf. thanks!

Right, Skyfall time. See you on the other side.
Just to set the story straight, I never was a lawyer. I was a sort of corporate hatchetman for many years, and of course spent a lot of time with lawyers and so on. Chucked in the job to retrain in law, spent all my money (including house) and about 4 years on that only to find that there's absolutely no demand for 50-something trainee lawyers around these parts, or indeed anywhere. Kept losing out to 20-year-old twits.

Eventually gave up the attempt and sank all (and I mean all - this is knife-edge stuff) remaining capital into the shop.

I see. Sorry to hear about the earlier difficulties but it sounds like you seriously know what you're doing now, so hope it all goes well!


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Heading to the Union after my next lecture. Friday afternoon drinking ftw, especially when this is my last lecture for a week.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
I just read that in Walter White's voice there. Fucking ageism. You're too young with no experience = no job. You're too old with lots of experience (or not) but you're not young = no job. Seriously, something's messed up right here. Still, this explains why you like to dish out legal advice on Britgaf. thanks!

Right, Skyfall time. See you on the other side.

Its to early to see a movie, Nothing more magical than walking out the cinema into darkness.
I just entered the Ballot to see PSY speak at the Oxford Union.

Seeing as every other eligible student in the city has done the same, I'm not entirely hopeful. :p
Its to early to see a movie, Nothing more magical than walking out the cinema into darkness.

Absolutely right. Preferably, there should be snow on the ground.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
I see. Sorry to hear about the earlier difficulties but it sounds like you seriously know what you're doing now, so hope it all goes well!

Difficulties are just difficulties. It's largely a matter of proportion and context. Must have sank about a quarter of a million into not being a lawyer, and £25k into being a successful shopkeeper. Maybe I should have done it the other way round?


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
I don't think that would quite work here.

And can I ask, why beads?

Woefully underserved market, that's why. Most of our customers cotton on straight away and realise we're (a) the best and (b) the cheapest around. Only one customer said they know a better bead shop than us, and it's in Egypt - so not really direct competition.

As to why we started it, it's one of those things that started out as a hobby in September, an obsession in December, a business plan by February and a shop by May. Kind of inexorable really.


Woefully underserved market, that's why. Most of our customers cotton on straight away and realise we're (a) the best and (b) the cheapest around. Only one customer said they know a better bead shop than us, and it's in Egypt - so not really direct competition.

As to why we started it, it's one of those things that started out as a hobby in September, an obsession in December, a business plan by February and a shop by May. Kind of inexorable really.

Do you make enough to support your old life style (pre- trying to become a lawyer) and going repay your loans?


Woefully underserved market, that's why. Most of our customers cotton on straight away and realise we're (a) the best and (b) the cheapest around. Only one customer said they know a better bead shop than us, and it's in Egypt - so not really direct competition.

As to why we started it, it's one of those things that started out as a hobby in September, an obsession in December, a business plan by February and a shop by May. Kind of inexorable really.

I love meeting people who are dead into extremely niche, utterly awesome interests like this or even better when they work with them.

My favourite thing is learning the in-jokes and puns. Any good 'uns?


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Do you make enough to support your old life style (pre- trying to become a lawyer) and going repay your loans?

To be honest the old lifestyle wasn't all that much shakes. Spent way too much time on aeroplanes and in soulless hotels all over Europe and, importantly, away from family. It's actually really nice to be able to stroll along the beach to work (at least when it is not pouring down with rain like this summer). Sure, I had a biiger income, but it all went on bigger outgoings and the net effect is about the same only with less bosses. Which is a bonus. A helluva bonus.

EDIT: So far as loans go, I've smaller loans now than I did in the previous life, and they are a lot more manageable too.

I love meeting people who are dead into extremely niche, utterly awesome interests like this or even better when they work with them.

My favourite thing is learning the in-jokes and puns. Any good 'uns?

None so far, but I'll get to work on it!


I don't think I'd realized how all-encompassing NaNoWriMo would be for this month, but it just clicked that my several hours of writing last night... that's not a one off, that's the minimum participation badge if I want to get this thing done.

Both terrifying and extremely exciting. Even if I don't 'win', I'm glad to be getting my book written finally.
Not that I'm entertaining the notion of not winning yet.

8,000 words by Monday is my plan, am hoping for 10,000.


To be honest the old lifestyle wasn't all that much shakes. Spent way too much time on aeroplanes and in soulless hotels all over Europe and, importantly, away from family. It's actually really nice to be able to stroll along the beach to work (at least when it is not pouring down with rain like this summer). Sure, I had a biiger income, but it all went on bigger outgoings and the net effect is about the same only with less bosses. Which is a bonus. A helluva bonus.

EDIT: So far as loans go, I've smaller loans now than I did in the previous life, and they are a lot more manageable too.

None so far, but I'll get to work on it!

Cool, one day I would like that. However, right now I couldn't take that kind of cut and live the life style I live. I think if I got to the point where I saved enough then I could do that when I am older and not have the worries.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Cool, one day I would like that. However, right now I couldn't take that kind of cut and live the life style I live. I think if I got to the point where I saved enough then I could do that when I am older and not have the worries.

I wish now that I'd done it years ago. 20-30 years ago. If I had, then I'd be sitting in clover right now (not that sitting in clover is my idea of a good time - allergic and all that).

So don't leave it too late.

Hardest thing is children. Easy to have 'em, not all that hard to bring 'em up right (at least not as hard as it is sometimes claimed), but it is damn difficult to get rid of them! And trouble is children are a longer-term commitment than a mortgage is , and it tends to lock you into whatever career you are in at the time for fear of change/consequences/difficulties.

Jedeye Sniv

I don't think I'd realized how all-encompassing NaNoWriMo would be for this month, but it just clicked that my several hours of writing last night... that's not a one off, that's the minimum participation badge if I want to get this thing done.

Both terrifying and extremely exciting. Even if I don't 'win', I'm glad to be getting my book written finally.
Not that I'm entertaining the notion of not winning yet.

8,000 words by Monday is my plan, am hoping for 10,000.

Awesome! Just remember in a week's time that it doesn't have to be good, you just need to get the words down.

For my first year I had a pretty thorough plan that fell apart very quickly as I was writing. I bought in new characters, wrote myself into exhilarating corners, went way over the top and had a blast with it. Looking back at it I'm really going to need to do some hefty rewrites but it was fun trying to keep up with myself. A plan is not immutable and it's way more interesting to go with the flow.

For my second year I got really stuck and had a hard time with it until I came to a realisation: really, I was writing it for myself, so the challenge became to entertain and surprise myself. So I broke every rule I'd established, went super meta and started to destroy my universe, throwing everything and the kitchen sink in there. It was terrible but at least I won!


Awesome! Just remember in a week's time that it doesn't have to be good, you just need to get the words down.

For my first year I had a pretty thorough plan that fell apart very quickly as I was writing. I bought in new characters, wrote myself into exhilarating corners, went way over the top and had a blast with it. Looking back at it I'm really going to need to do some hefty rewrites but it was fun trying to keep up with myself. A plan is not immutable and it's way more interesting to go with the flow.

For my second year I got really stuck and had a hard time with it until I came to a realisation: really, I was writing it for myself, so the challenge became to entertain and surprise myself. So I broke every rule I'd established, went super meta and started to destroy my universe, throwing everything and the kitchen sink in there. It was terrible but at least I won!

I think the problem is that the story I'm trying to get written is more important to me than NaNoWriMo, so I'd rather keep it how it is (obviously evolving it, but not throwing it to the lions to keep myself productive) and lose than spoil it to win. That's probably not the attitude to go into the month with, but if I have the enthusiasm for it again next year, the plan is to plan NOTHING until day 1 and just write whatever pops into my head. I bet that's how Chuck Palahniuk writes - it's definitely the impression I get when I read his books.


I wish now that I'd done it years ago. 20-30 years ago. If I had, then I'd be sitting in clover right now (not that sitting in clover is my idea of a good time - allergic and all that).

So don't leave it too late.

Hardest thing is children. Easy to have 'em, not all that hard to bring 'em up right (at least not as hard as it is sometimes claimed), but it is damn difficult to get rid of them! And trouble is children are a longer-term commitment than a mortgage is , and it tends to lock you into whatever career you are in at the time for fear of change/consequences/difficulties.

Yea. Totally hear you on that. Think I would like to find something I remotely enjoy doing before I even think about marriage/house/kids.

Wouldn't mind taking that risk and starting something. Suppose I would have to move back to the states to start though. Give me another 5 years...


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Yea. Totally hear you on that. Think I would like to find something I remotely enjoy doing before I even think about marriage/house/kids.

Wouldn't mind taking that risk and starting something. Suppose I would have to move back to the states to start though. Give me another 5 years...

Thing is, it doesn't matter if you enjoy whatever-it-is. It matters that you enjoy business. I knew bugger all about beads, and customer service, and making necklaces and all that sort of stuff before we got onto this (Mrs P knew a whole lot more thank goodness!). But the vast majority of what we know is what we've learned after starting up and from our customers, neighbours and and competitors.

After all this though, and much to my surprise, I'm reasonably skilled at jewellery-making and repairing and, more to the point, really enjoying helping customers out.

Jedeye Sniv

I think the problem is that the story I'm trying to get written is more important to me than NaNoWriMo, so I'd rather keep it how it is (obviously evolving it, but not throwing it to the lions to keep myself productive) and lose than spoil it to win. That's probably not the attitude to go into the month with, but if I have the enthusiasm for it again next year, the plan is to plan NOTHING until day 1 and just write whatever pops into my head. I bet that's how Chuck Palahniuk writes - it's definitely the impression I get when I read his books.

Well good luck to you, but having it be important like that is a very dangerous way to NaNo. Just make sure you have a bit of wiggle room still, so you can surprise yourself (and your readers) a little.




Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
There's a guy in my city doing a NaNo meetup in a local pub tomorrow. I might stop being a socially awkward penguin and go. My effort isn't going too well though :-/

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
So i watched 4 hours of someone play through Assassins creed 3 and now i want it, i hated all the other games but this one looks boss.
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