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BritGAF |OT| Mad Stacks Beyond Thunderlord

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Maturity, bitches.
Teacher worked out they didn't do any work so my stance meant bugger all in the end. I believe in the end I gave them some notes knowing they wouldn't know what they were talking about so I did my team bit.


For a weakness I'd probably say presentations because I can follow it up with how I've tried to put myself out there to do more (even if it isn't strictly true). Also I think I come across OK in 1 to 1 interviews quite well so it shouldn't do too much damage as I'm hopefully presenting myself well at the time.

I have an interview with Deloitte in a week, looking over the competences and example questions on wikijobs my biggest problem is probably a lack of extra curricular achievements. My CV is good for academic and work experience, but I'm not involved in any sports or volunteering or shit like that.
For a weakness I'd probably say presentations because I can follow it up with how I've tried to put myself out there to do more (even if it isn't strictly true). Also I think I come across OK in 1 to 1 interviews quite well so it shouldn't do too much damage as I'm hopefully presenting myself well at the time.

I have an interview with Deloitte in a week, looking over the competences and example questions on wikijobs my biggest problem is probably a lack of extra curricular achievements. My CV is good for academic and work experience, but I'm not involved in any sports or volunteering or shit like that.

I've got little in the way of sports or work experience, so you aren't as fucked as me. Thing is I did martial arts for three years before university, and haven't done anything whilst here as I'm not into sport. Can't exactly put I go to the gym can I?

Edit: reckon I could become a Starcraft 2 champion in a couple of weeks so I have a sport of sorts? We're gunna need a montage!


Maturity, bitches.
Forums = engage in online debating.
Crappy shows from Japan = watch a lot of foreign shows.
videogames = like puzzles and mental problems.

Spice it up.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
My worst question was to describe a situation where I was completely wrong in a team based exercise and how did I cope with the team not going with my train of thought. Something like that. My problem is that has never happened to me. I'm not an idiots so I don't blither out stupid ideas and I go with the direction the group is going with. I listen and then speak so I already know my idea should be reasonably accepted before I even open my mouth. That and people often seem to turn to me for reassurance that the ideas we're going with are right.

I ended up using some terrible story from secondary school where the only disagreement was me not agreeing with my two team members that I should share my work because they did zilch.

I need to come up with a better story incase this question pops up again.

Line to take is something like this: "Look, it's a team. There's not necessarily only one way to get things right, so if my way isn't followed I don't feel bad about it - why should I? I suppose if the rest of the team is completely off course I'd have to push my side more but that really hasn't happened to me yet. It's about persuasion, not about getting your own way, that's what teamwork is."

For a weakness I'd probably say presentations because I can follow it up with how I've tried to put myself out there to do more (even if it isn't strictly true). Also I think I come across OK in 1 to 1 interviews quite well so it shouldn't do too much damage as I'm hopefully presenting myself well at the time.

If your weakness is about presentations, try to narrow it down a bit. For example, I'm great at presenting to a small group of say up to 5 people or a big group of say 1,000 but it's the middle sizes that make me uncomfortable. In a small group I can respond to each individual, in a large group I can focus on the reason they all came - middle sized groups are hard because I can't easily keep focus on something that everybody needs out of it.

That's a good answer, because whoever is interviewing you is probably comfortable with small groups, uncomfortable with large groups and will be impressed as hell that you've done (if you have!) any really big ones!

Don't just say that "presentations" is a weakness, think about it a bit more.

I have an interview with Deloitte in a week, looking over the competences and example questions on wikijobs my biggest problem is probably a lack of extra curricular achievements. My CV is good for academic and work experience, but I'm not involved in any sports or volunteering or shit like that.

Even with Deloitte you don't have to be the big guy at the party all the time. What they're looking for is partly some sense of work/life balance (that you've got some other outlet) and partly general getting-along-with-random-people stuff. Take up golf. Now!
If your weakness is about presentations, try to narrow it down a bit. For example, I'm great at presenting to a small group of say up to 5 people or a big group of say 1,000 but it's the middle sizes that make me uncomfortable. In a small group I can respond to each individual, in a large group I can focus on the reason they all came - middle sized groups are hard because I can't easily keep focus on something that everybody needs out of it

That's an outstanding answer to that sort of question.

Also this British invasion threat is full of lunatics...


Thanks phisheep that is good advice.

My problem with not having sports isn't come across as well rounded, it's the specific questions "What goals have you had in the past and how did you achieve them". I mean I have interests but they aren't "goal orientated" so to speak. They ask for 2 examples, so I can say academic achievement (I'm on to get a first) but the 2nd will probably have to be something weak like I built my own computer or I went skiing. Might not even get the question anyway.

I've been thinking over the "Why Deloitte / Why this department" and in my head I have really solid answers (it's easier when it's genuine I guess lol). I don't think my area is as concerned with business interest questions that I know they ask for audit and my knowledge of the general news is fine. Overall I'm pretty confident about the interview, although it's a week out yet so that will probably change.

One interesting question I saw is 'what business do you admire the most?' Interested to hear other peoples answers. I'm sure they get swamped with Google/Apple. I was thinking Red Bull for their unique sponsorships, they aren't into any deep unethical stuff are they?


I was thinking Red Bull for their unique sponsorships, they aren't into any deep unethical stuff are they?
I hope not because that's a really good answer. I've been thinking about Red Bull quite a bit lately. Even though I don't drink the stuff I'm full of admiration for the work they've done in bringing niche (usually X-treme) sports into the limelight. They're cool cats.
ARM perhaps? Pretty big player now.
Samsung? Rapid growth in the past decade in so many areas, challenging the likes of Apple, and in the consumer electronics market all the Japanese giants?

Finished the questions at last! One final check over tomorrow and then I'll finally send the application in!
Samsung are actually scary, they're into everything.

Well on their way to weyland yutani megacorp dominance.

They deserve it really. This Galaxy Note 2 review aroused me way too much!

Insomnia and Twitter really don't mix.

There's now a video of me singing the Skyfall theme in my Wolves top on there. :s

Post it bro!

I went to the Liverpool v Newcastle game while hungover yesterday and immediately crawled into bed afterwards, waking up at 12.30 for maximum sleep cycle fail.

Here's me wearing what's meant to be a Liono costume, trying to play the Thundercats theme on a keyboard: http://youtu.be/94oqzrl0Awk

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I got one day to climb 90 Elo in Lol, this here is srs bsns



Jedeye Sniv

Yeah, back at proper work after the two week half term we just had. After two weeks of coming in at 10.30 and going home at 3, this full day is kicking my arse already. Early night tonight!

Today's work - alphabetise around 1000 certificates. Fuck.

EDIT: also am annoyed at Amazon this morning, got an email from them saying they're having trouble processing my payment for Halo. Check my bank, still got a grand in there so it's not on my end. But this means that I probably can't get delivery until thursday which defeats the purpose of making my wife go out on tuesday and wednesday (ok I'm not making her go out, it's just a happy conincidence). Tempted to cancelled my order and go to town tomorrow lunchtime.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Yeah, back at proper work after the two week half term we just had. After two weeks of coming in at 10.30 and going home at 3, this full day is kicking my arse already. Early night tonight!

Today's work - alphabetise around 1000 certificates. Fuck.

EDIT: also am annoyed at Amazon this morning, got an email from them saying they're having trouble processing my payment for Halo. Check my bank, still got a grand in there so it's not on my end. But this means that I probably can't get delivery until thursday which defeats the purpose of making my wife go out on tuesday and wednesday (ok I'm not making her go out, it's just a happy conincidence). Tempted to cancelled my order and go to town tomorrow lunchtime.

Fuck waiting till tomorrow, Drive/cycle/walk/cab it into tesco tonight at midnight and pick up a copy.

Jedeye Sniv

Fuck waiting till tomorrow, Drive/cycle/walk/cab it into tesco tonight at midnight and pick up a copy.

This is very tempting, but sleep is more important than even Halo! But I wonder if I could pick it up on the way into work instead... supermarkets are 24 hours, right?


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
This is very tempting, but sleep is more important than even Halo! But I wonder if I could pick it up on the way into work instead... supermarkets are 24 hours, right?

Most are. Another reason why supermarkets are better than local shops.

I'l be going to a local asda tonight for it. I wonder what the turnout will be like.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Or buy from shopto and have it today!!

This is halo. Its not the same having it posted when you can stand in an awkward que waiting for midnight.

Something went wrong when i bought GTA IV online years ago and i had to wait an extra fucking day.

Jedeye Sniv

Or buy from shopto and have it today!!

I super do not trust next day delivery fro online now after being fucked around by the usually very reliable amazon. I want it in my hands tomorrow. Or I will maybe not cry but definitely sulk hardcore.

Just buy some Doritos and Mountain Dew.

Swap out Mountain Dew for Irn Bru and you got yerself a deal. Can you even buy Mountain Dew here still?

This is halo. Its not the same having it posted when you can stand in an awkward que waiting for midnight.

Something went wrong when i bought GTA IV online years ago and i had to wait an extra fucking day.

The pain of having to wait another day is so acute for some game. There's only 2 or 3 franchises that I NEED day one, and Halo and GTA are two of em.

I did a midnight launch for Reach and it was my first ever. Both me and the Mrs were off so I convinced her at last minute to come out with me. We were both insanely high and stood in the queue in Game judging nerds, it was great fun. They were the only people I have met that were impressed by the Legendary statue for it... everyone else is like "why the fuck do you have toys next to your xbox?"

My friends are so un-nerdy :(


Kendrick Lamar's Section.80 is fucking incredible! Really brightened up my monday morning.

Also, just got my medical consent forms for my laser eye surgery appointment this friday. Don't wear contacts, no makeup, no loose-fabric clothes blah blah. meh, I ain't even worried. No more glasses ftw.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Kendrick Lamar's Section.80 is fucking incredible! Really brightened up my monday morning.

Also, just got my medical consent forms for my laser eye surgery appointment this friday. Don't wear contacts, no makeup, no loose-fabric clothes blah blah. meh, I ain't even worried. No more glasses ftw.

Were on the same level man, I'm going to listen to it in my car today for the first time. Maad city ain't left my cd player since i got the fucking car :)

so fucking good.


so fucking good.




I couldn't agree more.

The second he announces that he's doing a show in Glasgow; we're going!
Haven't heard Maad City yet but I'm working my way towards it.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Ah motherfuck, can't cancel my Amazon order, will just have to be LTTP for Halo :(

There's no point in getting halo 4 if your going to be late to the party. Everyone will already have tactics on all the maps making you a forever noob.

I'm pretty excited. Its been a while since i have singed on XBL. Its going to be good seeing what all my gamer friends are up to.


Been seriously neglecting this thread recently, sorry guys :(

Went up to Aberdeen to visit a friend for her birthday (and celebrate mine while up there, October birthday GAF woo)...also, Irn Bru.

Caught some crappy illness while up there, been in bed for a week with a fever. Sucks.

Ordered Halo 4 today, hype from 0 to purchase in 1 day.

Not much else new really, how's everyone's Monday dragging out?


You caught Aberdeen depression. Don't worry its perfectly normal. Continue your life as normal and you'll soon be back to yourself. Unfortunately the memories will never leave you.


You caught Aberdeen depression. Don't worry its perfectly normal. Continue your life as normal and you'll soon be back to yourself. Unfortunately the memories will never leave you.
In seriousness it was totally amazing up there. I've been to Scotland before, but never to a city (or since I was old enough to partake in the beverage)

I want to go back, could do without getting snowed on and eventually becoming ill next time though.

Jedeye Sniv

There's no point in getting halo 4 if your going to be late to the party. Everyone will already have tactics on all the maps making you a forever noob.

I'm pretty excited. Its been a while since i have singed on XBL. Its going to be good seeing what all my gamer friends are up to.

I consider myself to be half decent at halo, I think I can catch up with the kiddies. And yeah, I don't think I've played on XBL since reach, I can't wait!

XBL isn't the same as it used to be since party chat. I miss talking with and screaming at random people. Online gaming is about quiet solitude these days rather than the old school party lines of the mid 2000s


Aberdeen isn't even a city! You should try Glasgow if you're into the drinking or Edinburgh if you're into tourist traps.


"Aberdeen is Scotland's third most populous city"


Compared to where I live anywhere is a party capital. I enjoyed the events I went to anyway, I'm not really into club music so your general haunts may not interest me particularly.


Maturity, bitches.
Annual reminder that the Gunpower Plot was led by Robert Catesby not Guy Fawkes.

Remember today is the day when you have a free licence to punch anyone wearing a V mask.


Yeah but Glasgow and Edinburgh are 3rd and 6th in the UK. Its a totally different ball game. Glasgow has a club for everything. And I mean /everything /.
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