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BritGAF |OT| Mad Stacks Beyond Thunderlord

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1) Gamecube never had an online infrastructure.

2) I'd understand if someone who isn't tech savvy inadvertently broke street date but no one actually going to play the game is going to forget no one else is playing and that they have the game before it is to be released. I think some common sense to not go online with a game before it is supposed to be released would be more prudent than getting mad at your account being suspended for doing something that is genuinely suspicious. Getting your console blacklisted would be awful but from what I have seen that isn't the case, people are simply being suspended pending investigation for doing something that is legitimately suspicious. If' I'm wrong, fair enough, but please hold the ad-hoc insults on your response.

3) I'm not a corporate apologist. I don't even own a 360. But I guess we should give you props for insulting me and say that you are on fire.

You're so wrong on this. What you're defending is abhorrent.
The guy you're talking about had his console banned - that console would never have had access to Xbox Live again, also his gamesaves would have been corrupt (if I remember correctly). Luckily he complained on GAF where somebody in a position to sort it saw it. If he wasn't active in an internet community like this one, he'd likely have to get a new xbox to play online again. That isn't acceptable.

If you get a game before the street date, as long as it's a legitimate copy of the game (as in, you've not pirated the game - which would require a hacked console) then the fault doesn't lie with you, so you shouldn't be punished.

Microsoft should be making the retailer take the responsibility here - you can't start punishing people for wanting to play your game as soon as they get their hands on it.

A far more sensible way of going about it would be to disable multiplayer until release day - obviously there would have to be a system for reviewers and devs to access MP early, but they already have those gamertags on a whitelist, so I can't see that being difficult.


Microsoft should be making the retailer take the responsibility here - you can't start punishing people for wanting to play your game as soon as they get their hands on it.

Was speaking to the owner of an independant video game shop who said he got into a lot of trouble with Activision when they found out he deliberately sold copies of Modern Warfare 3 a couple of days early last year. They threatened to not supply his store with Activision games if he did it again.


bitch I'm taking calls.
If it's the guilty until proven innocent, ban first retract later policy that is of main concern, I won't defend that. Microsoft, Sony and other gaming companies like EA are similar in this kind of heavy-handed philosophy when it comes to suspicion of piracy. I'm against that. My point was that I think it's a bit silly for people to be flabbergasted that there are consequences for doing something they know they aren't supposed to do.


Was speaking to the owner of an independant video game shop who said he got into a lot of trouble when Activision found out he deliberately sold copies of Modern Warfare 3 a couple of days early last year. They threatened to not supply his store with Activision games if he did it again.

Which is fair enough, really - give 'em a warning and if they don't adhere to it then they're SOL. It's not like they don't know they're breaking the rules in the first place. The game has a release date, so that's when you let people buy it.

I mean, I love getting games early when I can, but if I was running a shop and was responsible, there'd be no way I'd break the dates. Professionalism is important, ESPECIALLY when you're a small fish.

If it's the guilty until proven innocent, ban first retract later policy that is of main concern, I won't defend that. My point was that I think it's a bit silly for people to be flabbergasted that there are consequences for doing something they know they aren't supposed to do.

But why shouldn't you play the game? You've got a legal copy of it. It isn't your fault that the shop broke the rules in giving it to you. As the consumer, you've paid for the product and you want to use it. If anything, Microsoft should send a message through Xbox asking where you purchased the game and for a scan of the reciept and informing you that it was not supposed to be sold until x date - though they probably can't MAKE you rat out the retailer.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I remember getting Modern Warfare 2 a few days early in Korea (as soon as they get the games they sell them, they don't give a fuck.)

Thank god I never through the triple whammy of being banned on Live, having my console locked, and then having a gaming forum clamour for me to be hung, drawn and quartered (metaphorically speaking.)


bitch I'm taking calls.
I'm not for anyone being dogpiled or hung out to dry, which is why I didn't post in the original thread as it's currently a huge mess. I just think some common sense would come in handy to have avoided the whole thing. I do hope that guy gets his console back, but from what I've read so far he isn't being very cooperative with the Microsoft rep on GAF asking for details.
But why shouldn't you play the game? You've got a legal copy of it. It isn't your fault that the shop broke the rules in giving it to you. As the consumer, you've paid for the product and you want to use it. If anything, Microsoft should send a message through Xbox asking where you purchased the game and for a scan of the reciept and informing you that it was not supposed to be sold until x date - though they probably can't MAKE you rat out the retailer.
The fault should lie with the retailer primarily and of course anyone would want to play the game early especially since you've already purchased it. There are better ways to go about policing this, such as not even allowing the game to work until X date unless you have a specific code. I just don't understand why someone would go in not expecting any consequences at all for doing something that is at best sketchy and at worse flags you as a possible pirate.

To recap, I'm onboard for changing the policy and focus the heavy handed measures for retailers rather than consumers. But consumers themselves could use some common sense in using their best judgement for whether or not what they are doing is going to get them in trouble in the first place.


IamMikeside said:
Which is fair enough, really - give 'em a warning and if they don't adhere to it then they're SOL. It's not like they don't know they're breaking the rules in the first place. The game has a release date, so that's when you let people buy it.

I mean, I love getting games early when I can, but if I was running a shop and was responsible, there'd be no way I'd break the dates. Professionalism is important, ESPECIALLY when you're a small fish.

Totally agree man. Plus, only reason he was doing it was to get one up against the big boys like Game and HMV. Most of the independant stores were doing it anyway but to a select few. I guess he got his hands burned.

I remember getting Modern Warfare 2 a few days early in Korea (as soon as they get the games they sell them, they don't give a fuck.)

ha, same in Abu Dhabi. I'd go in and ask him when game X is coming and they'd be like "tomorrow inshallah my friend!" and I'd go online to see the official release date isn't until at least a week after. They didn't give a shit at all because everyone was doing it. Sometimes you can even haggle for a good price if all the stores are selling the same game. I could go on and talk about the rampant piracy that went along there too but I'm not sure if that's against TOS. Cut a long story short; they assumed I was a foreign undercover policeman.

Jedeye Sniv

Want me to get it running for you?

edit: this a fairly open invitation to BritGAF, by the way - if you can get it to me, I'm happy to look at it and fix what I can for you. Obviously if you want to buy me a cider or something, that helps :p

Yeah fella, I may have to take you up on this offer in a couple of weeks when I have a weekend free. As I've gotten older my patience for computers has dwindled down to naught. I'll give you a shout when I know my availability. I just need a hand moving my drives over, sorting out windows and getting back up an running. It'll save my wife a savage beartng when I inevitably lose my temper :p


I'm not for anyone being dogpiled or hung out to dry, which is why I didn't post in the original thread as it's currently a huge mess. I just think some common sense would come in handy to have avoided the whole thing. I do hope that guy gets his console back, but from what I've read so far he isn't being very cooperative with the Microsoft rep on GAF asking for details. The fault should lie with the retailer primarily and of course anyone would want to play the game early especially since you've already purchased it. There are better ways to go about policing this, such as not even allowing the game to work until X date unless you have a specific code. I just don't understand why someone would go in not expecting any consequences at all for doing something that is at best sketchy and at worse flags you as a possible pirate.

To recap, I'm onboard for changing the policy and focus the heavy handed measures for retailers rather than consumers. But consumers themselves could use some common sense in using their best judgement for whether or not what they are doing is going to get them in trouble in the first place.

I guess the only thing we disagree on is that you think the consumer needs to be a bit savvy and think about whether s/he's going to get in trouble for playing it early or not, whereas I don't see why the consumer should even be expected to know what the release date for the game is.

If the guy is being sketchy, then I wouldn't be surprised to find out that he works at Gamestop and nicked a copy from the back room or something.

Totally agree man. Plus, only reason he was doing it was to get one up against the big boys like Game and HMV.

See, that's something I can understand, even if it doesn't excuse it. So hard for the small stores to come up with ways to get any kind of advantage over the chains.

If I were going to open a game shop, I'd probably try to make it like a club with weekly competitions where you play newly released games to win a copy, FIFA tournaments that last a few weeks, CoD nights etc etc - just try to bring in a real community atmosphere where you draw people in and make them feel at home & like they want to hang out, buy games and enjoy themselves.

I'd probably sell hot drinks and snacks too, for a bit of extra revenue.

Yeah fella, I may have to take you up on this offer in a couple of weeks when I have a weekend free. As I've gotten older my patience for computers has dwindled down to naught. I'll give you a shout when I know my availability. I just need a hand moving my drives over, sorting out windows and getting back up an running. It'll save my wife a savage beartng when I inevitably lose my temper :p

...crikey. I'd love to know what a beartng is :p

Yeah, give it a couple of weeks for me to settle into NaNoWriMo (first session tonight! Daunting as fuckkk!!!)
Not sure if you want me to go sort it at yours or just hand the hardware over and I'll do it at home or whatever, but I'm easy like a Sonntag morgen


Maturity, bitches.
Didn't mean to come off as insulting, I just find the idea of a company being able to disable your things remotely quite sickening. Yeah he was a bit silly going online early, but he wasn't causing anyone any harm.


bitch I'm taking calls.
It was a bit cold and unthinking to post saying that people just deserve what they get if they go online with their game before they should. I had a feeling of frustration at people not using their common sense about the whole thing but I think it's really lost in that the onus should always be on the company or retailer instead of the consumer. Goes back to the larger argument about banning people from their games for forum posts and restrictive DRM "assume consumer is a thief" attitude which I am against. So yeah...that's my ignorance expunged for today. Bowing in shame.

Roast duck sounds good for dinner tonight.


Iammikeside said:
If I were going to open a game shop, I'd probably try to make it like a club with weekly competitions where you play newly released games to win a copy, FIFA tournaments that last a few weeks, CoD nights etc etc - just try to bring in a real community atmosphere where you draw people in and make them feel at home & like they want to hang out, buy games and enjoy themselves.

I'd probably sell hot drinks and snacks too, for a bit of extra revenue.

There was a place like that in glasgow. Went pretty well for a few years till hmv and gamerbase opened. Was a really good community, met a lot of folks there that I still know today.


If he/she was that desperate to play the game before the release date then just play it offline? It's not like there will be people online to play with anyway.

But yeah, if it's a legit copy that he paid with his/her hard-earned cash then it's the retailer that should get penalised for selling it to him/her. The player didn't do anything wrong here.

There was a place like that in glasgow. Went pretty well for a few years till hmv and gamerbase opened. Was a really good community, met a lot of folks there that I still know today.

Reload? yeah, I remember that place. Similar place called 1 Up Games in Edinburgh too not far from haymarket station. Play the latest games for 50p an hour or something like that. Big, comfy sofas with a wide-screen TV. Sold games as well as sweets and drinks. Sometimes had imported games too. Didn't last long sadly. There's another one just off Lothian Road that mostly focused on PC LAN gaming and had the odd TV for console gaming. That's still there I think. Didn't sell any video games though.


I remember getting all the PS2 GTA's a few days early each time from a local indie shop back in the day. ('Ol Tight Sholing Video) Was the coolest kid in the world.

Edit: Holy shit they still exist and have a Facebook!

Sholing Video
7 minutes ago
Master chief will be arriving tomorrow.....


Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
bloodtests back, all fine ! :D, looks like a regular old infection of the prostate gland though, antibiotics should clear it up fine :D


bitch I'm taking calls.
Mister Cola is okay though. When it comes to the question of health and medical matters, boring is exactly the kind of news you want to hear. The election fever is almost over and I don't live in NY or NJ so I suppose that is some manner of consolement.
I agree with the sentiment that Microsoft being able to just nuke accounts'/consoles' online privileges at the snap of a finger is some nasty bullshit, but the guy it happened to was an idiot for playing it online in the first place.

We all know how MS rolls. It's crap, but it's known.


I wish SO HARD that I was in a really hipster band, playing covers of Beach Boys, Smiths, Beatles, Radiohead and Bob Dylan along with my own blend of poppy tunes.

It's a petty, small dream but I would feel like the most awesome motherfucker in the world.

I haven't written/produced a single track in a couple of years now - I should get back into it. I might have to post one of my tracks here sometime.
bloodtests back, all fine ! :D, looks like a regular old infection of the prostate gland though, antibiotics should clear it up fine :D

Nice one! Since you can't have a celebratory drink, have a wank instead!

Aced one of my start of term tests, other one I sat today went well too! Still hate final year though, I'm just glad I don't have to do a dissertation!


Nice one! Since you can't have a celebratory drink, have a wank instead!

Aced one of my start of term tests, other one I sat today went well too! Still hate final year though, I'm just glad I don't have to do a dissertation!

Read what the prostate does. I dont think he can do that either.


bloodtests back, all fine ! :D, looks like a regular old infection of the prostate gland though, antibiotics should clear it up fine :D

Good stuff mate, very pleased to hear that.

I would be terrible in those situations, convince myself I am a dead man walking at the first sign of anything as it is.
Mister Cola is okay though. When it comes to the question of health and medical matters, boring is exactly the kind of news you want to hear. The election fever is almost over and I don't live in NY or NJ so I suppose that is some manner of consolement.

Yeah I posted before I saw that, obviously good news is never boring and I'm glad it's nothing serious Mr Cola


bitch I'm taking calls.
How did I know that was going to be Brooker before I even clicked? The walky-talky preamble and dowdy kitchen man always make me laugh out loud. Also we need the "chilling facts splayed over a black and white screen" effect for GAF posts, would be brilliant.

The youtube comments on this are uncharacteristically great too:

A seemingly witty comment designed to make you, the reader, click on the "like" button near the right side of this post. The comment typically pokes fun at a young, male Canadian singer (usually by referring to him as being female) or lets the reader know that the comment-writer is a teenager (or younger), who nonetheless appreciates good music.

Comment lampooning a normative behavior of YouTube users, with a self-serving subtext that overtly screams, "Look, I'm being clever!"

Here are some more good shorts:

"Young Girl" - BBC Comedy

"Help The Police" - Rush Hour BBC3

Not on TV but still good:

Gap Yah 2 (was made several years ago but someone pointed out this describes the KONY2012 bullshit quite well)

Sassy Gay Friend: Hamlet (What if Shakespearean women would have had a sassy gay friend?)
Doug Stanhope is indeed funny, though it took me a while to get used to his humour.

On the subject of Brooker, this tweet of his made me very happy. That plus Black Mirror S2. Glad 10 O'Clock live appears to have sodded off in favour of vastly superior content.
It's shown to journalism students at my uni. I hope in a 'don't do this' way rather than an instruction guide.

Oh man, that's fantastic. Ideally, they don't let you on the course until you can prove you've watched both seasons of Newswipe back-to-back, but that's great nonetheless. :p
Oh man, that's fantastic. Ideally, they don't let you on the course until you can prove you've watched both seasons of Newswipe back-to-back, but that's great nonetheless. :p

In my newfound position I will suggest this on the application process.

I did half a lecture today. I'll start going on about 'bloody students' soon enough.

Jedeye Sniv

Wait so it actually hurts when you give the old fella a tug? Or is it not firing properly?

Some people would call your question crass but I would say its very pertinent. All downstairs problems freak me out. Which sucks because every medical problem I've ever had has been about a foot's radius of my dick.


Absolutely. I still laughed at it now even though I've seen it before.

EDIT: Am I allowed to throw praise at Doug Stanhope in this thread? He's funny too!


I am a real Doug Stanhope hipster, in that I was into him years before most people. I saw him on The Aristocrates back in 2005 and was blown away.


As he said himself, he might as well have been telling the joke to a dog, but it still got some peoples backs up.


So I'm over 500 words into day 1 of NaNoWriMo! Am hoping to hit 2,500 today but anything over 1,000 I'll be happy with as I expect to be playing catch-up on Sunday.

I decided to write my book idea which I mentioned before, so I'm glad to finally be on that! Am enjoying my characters already, but I'm starting to worry that my style of writing is a bit slow and drawn out. Even if it doesn't make for interesting reading, hopefully it'll help me get to 50k!

Here's a little excerpt I posted in the NaNoWriMo thread just now:

Me!! NaNoWriMo2012 said:
By day, a customer or two might be sat at this table, reading a book before deciding on their purchase or chatting with Stephen and Thom about literature, the Magisterium and its ridiculous enforcement of ancient rules and customs or even just the terrible weather of late.
But at night this was the table that Thom sat at with his father and enjoyed what little time they had left together. They shared stories with each other, ate their meals together and played the few card games they knew.
This was the table where, two years ago, Juniper - a lady who the Magisterium employed to educate and keep track of children from the poor districts - sat with a heavy heart and told Stephen that Thomas was suffering with rocklung - a sickness with no known cure.

(Yes, I know I stole the name 'Magisterium', but it's a placeholder)

Enough procrastinating! Back to it :)

Jedeye Sniv

So I'm over 500 words into day 1 of NaNoWriMo! Am hoping to hit 2,500 today but anything over 1,000 I'll be happy with as I expect to be playing catch-up on Sunday.

I decided to write my book idea which I mentioned before, so I'm glad to finally be on that! Am enjoying my characters already, but I'm starting to worry that my style of writing is a bit slow and drawn out. Even if it doesn't make for interesting reading, hopefully it'll help me get to 50k!

Here's a little excerpt I posted in the NaNoWriMo thread just now:

(Yes, I know I stole the name 'Magisterium', but it's a placeholder)

Enough procrastinating! Back to it :)

Way to go man! You should totally try to get the wordcount done for the day, I think it sets you off on the right foot for the months. You don't wanna be behind from the get-go.
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