Obsidian fan
What do you think about?
What do you think about?
What do you think about?
I think I'm pretty open about just about everything on here (and in general) and even I'm not answering that one.
Yet you want me to answer the same sort of question.
I think about puppies, walks on the beaches with the sun touching my soft skin and flowers
this hangiver is fuckin horrible
wy fid i drinkk so omuch
words to live by
What do you think about?
Jst to some pub i went to when i was down doing a recce of the placeWhere did you even go?
There's a Louis CK bit that deals with that very subject. There's also a CYE episode that deals with pop in.The other half made the mistake of not accepting my neutral (lie) answer to the question: what do I think of when I have a wank?
He's now sulking that I don't just think about porn and thinks it's damaging to the relationship. -.-
Just spotted SmokyDave in the Gaming Side wilderness.
He jus' doesn't like us anymore![]()
There's a Louis CK bit that deals with that very subject. There's also a CYE episode that deals with pop in.
Ohhh, I love Curb & that episode is fantastic!
Just spotted SmokyDave in the Gaming Side wilderness.
He jus' doesn't like us anymore![]()
Da fuck is this shit?
I think about having sex with famous people
mikeside, with your vast dating knowledge, what do you do when you ask for a girls number and then she tells you that she gas a boyfriend
He is on the iOS thread a lot, much like me he finds this thread not only moves too fast but is rife with "in jokes" from a bunch who know each in irl.
Not whining, just le facts.
mikeside, with your vast dating knowledge, what do you do when you ask for a girls number and then she tells you that she gas a boyfriend
That game sounds like Diplomacy. That was such a fucking amazing game.That Game of Thrones boardgame is super fun.
My advice - be aggressive early on and start forming an alliance with whoever is the least likely to believe you'll screw them over at the drop of a hat.
Where's the new pad? When is my invite to the flat-warming coming through?
You guys all should watch Gogglebox.
Go watch it right now!
Holy shit I haven't laughed this hard in a while!
I've know you for years and not actually known what you do. You're like Chandler from friends.
Sounds like you might be joining Tash at the top of the most thread posts leaderboard in the not so distant future.
Sorry to hear the bad news, Incontentia. Look sharp and you'll land on your feetWould help if you knew a ballpark for what your peers make. And I agree with Darren. You should aim for a reasonable amount along with the long-term feasibility of promotion versus trying to secure a high number from the get go.
I agree with the 'moves too fast' part, but barely anyone in here know each other IRL. Sniv and I live close, Musha and some of the other Londoners (Pizza, Buttocks, others?) sort of know each other, I guess, but it's mostly just that we're all in here so much & talk on Steam and other platforms that we're all pretty familiar.
He is on the iOS thread a lot, much like me he finds this thread not only moves too fast but is rife with "in jokes" from a bunch who know each in irl.
Not whining, just le facts.
Hey bud - hope all goes as well as can be expected up there.
And try to come back via. London, yeah?![]()
The firm beds are always the best, but hotels rarely have mattresses and pillows firm enough.
To be fair, I find the whole of Gaf is like that. Posters who have been around a long time are always making jokes about Gaf 'celebrities' that newbies don't have a scoobies about. Gaf in general can be a bit clicky and some people don't like that. But if you want to participate you just have to get involved, the same applies in this thread.
fuck im still drunk
Jst to some pub i went to when i was down doing a recce of the place
I plaued many games of pool and some lady invited me back to her place,when i got there it was clear she was real lonely, she gave me a beer and then i thought fuck...i think she wants to have sex with me or something...knowing that i was wasted i made an excuse and went back t the pub...had more drinks ( i was already smashed) then when i left I asked a girl for her name and said id add her on facebook, she seemed cool.. as i walked home her boyfriend drove up beside me..i was like aww shit
i cant really explain it all niwo
I think people joining and leaving threads is only natural. Mayhaps we are a tad cliquey, bit that's only cos we've been posting here for ages now and we know each other fairly well. In fact, I'd go as far as saying lots of us are actual friends now as opposed to just names on a forum.
And even though it's close knit, it's far from closed off.
Maybe when I retire I can keep up![]()
JEDLol man, you're one of us fo sho!
I'm much less diligent about reading the whole thread these days though, I just jump in and start yapping.
It's not closed off. I've been posting here regularly enough despite only having been on GAF as a member for about 2 months, but it's a bit daunting to walk into a thread where everyone knows each other stupidly well and just say hello.
But then again, so many of you have been telling me I should go to the meet-up tomorrow. For a cliquey bunch, you sure are happy to welcome in new folk.
It's not closed off. I've been posting here regularly enough despite only having been on GAF as a member for about 2 months, but it's a bit daunting to walk into a thread where everyone knows each other stupidly well and just say hello.
But then again, so many of you have been telling me I should go to the meet-up tomorrow. For a cliquey bunch, you sure are happy to welcome in new folk.
So part 1 of trope 1 (Damsel in Distress) of Anita Sarkeesian's Tropes vs. Women series came out today.
It's amusing that she completely did everything the critics who criticised it before it was even out criticised it of is addressed - well researched, looks to media other than videogames, addresses games that use the trope but are still overall positive, isn't angry, irrational, or "prejudiced against men" or whatever the fuck that was meant to be a criticism of - yet people are still scrabbling to come up with new excuses about why this sucks to hide their own prejudices.
Will certainly watch the entirety of this series. Analysis and criticism such as this is the foundation of improving both art and social equality.
Calm down susan, I never said Brit Gaf was closed off or cliquey, just that there are some posters who talk in code that only their e-friends get, I don't give two shits, it's just why some of us are here less, we still love some of you dearly.
It really is cliquey though. Pretty much everyone here knows when to make a quip about how Mike's love life is less than amazing and there's that Kentpaul fucker who pops in and everyone makes jokes about.
Who the fuck is that guy? Seriously.
Her dismissal of handheld gaming was awful, that's why it sucks.
(I won't watch that thing, gender politics is a subject that I can't be fucking doing with)
mego, im watching this's kinda like inception
The posh couple is brilliant. "Carol Volderman...oh she looks good on a tractor."
*wife's eyes bulge out*
jed can we play some halos
mikeside, with your vast dating knowledge, what do you do when you ask for a girls number and then she tells you that she gas a boyfriend