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BritGAF |OT| Mad Stacks Beyond Thunderlord

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Watch some Louis Theroux stuff. He's amazing at what he does and there's a long documentary he did on a Miami prison.

Brothel one was good too. Uncomfortable to watch but fascinating at the same time. Theroux documentaries are great.


ParentGAF celebrating here. For the first time in 27 years all the kids are out of the house: two at work and one at college. We got a day to ourselves at long last!

The bad news? It's gonna involve lots of shopping, ironing and doing year-end accounts.

Congrat phisheep! At least you'll get some peace and quiet :)
I'll give it a month before you start missing them. I spent yesterday evening watching some Brian Moore rugby punchup DVD with my dad. Felt good man and here I thought father-son bonding ended when I was little.
Meanwhile, it looks like there's a serious amount of snow over here. There really should be a statute of limitations on this sort of thing: it's heavily snowing in March for Pete's sake.


Maturity, bitches.
Just throw some idea out at the BBC Bloke. Celebrity Lets Get Contracted and Become Magical Girls Reality TV Show with BritGAF favourites like Dave Benson Phillips.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving

ParentGAF celebrating here. For the first time in 27 years all the kids are out of the house: two at work and one at college. We got a day to ourselves at long last!

The bad news? It's gonna involve lots of shopping, ironing and doing year-end accounts.
I wonder if any of them are gaffers
Watch some Louis Theroux stuff. He's amazing at what he does and there's a long documentary he did on a Miami prison.
None on netflix atm, ive probably seen a few though, prison documentaries are like crack..This one was a Nat Geographic, and it was a serbian prison...Makes the American system look like a load of dog shit, these guys dont fuck about.
This sounds like the perfect thing to be doing at 9am on a monday.

This is what it is to be unemployed... documentaries finished.... What else is there to watch...that is the question

Did I just open up too much?
reel it in a bit there bro... ahaha


Brothel one was good too. Uncomfortable to watch but fascinating at the same time. Theroux documentaries are great.

The brothel one is probably my favourite. Second favourite? Probably Louis Theroux and the Nazis.

Theroux is just amazing, really. He's fearless and doesn't seem to give a shit what people think of him when he does what he does.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Well then why have you woken up at 9am?! 9am on a Monday is a time that is mandatory, not one of choice.

It's hard to stay positive when you dont have a regime, that includes a sleeping pattern..I go to bed at around 10pm most days and get up at 6-6:30, go for a jog or a swim and then browse GAF, read, watch documentaries, practise bass/guitar(Probably should be doing that more) apply to jobs and play video games...there isnt really much else to do
apart from draw...

I could go to bed at 4am every day and get up at stupid o'clock...but how do you feel when you've woken up and wasted an entire day...I usually feel quite bad about myself for it


This weather is like that one level of Donkey Kong Country, where it starts out sunny and as you keep going the snow starts up and then as you go it gets worse and worse.


I am 350 pages into this book and I have to close it every 10 minutes because it does something stupid and at this point I'm literally just skimming it because it's nothing but filler and filler and filler and filler and filler.

...and filler and filler.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
I am 350 pages into this book and I have to close it every 10 minutes because it does something stupid and at this point I'm literally just skimming it because it's nothing but filler and filler and filler and filler and filler.

...and filler and filler.

What book is it?


The brothel one is probably my favourite. Second favourite? Probably Louis Theroux and the Nazis.

Theroux is just amazing, really. He's fearless and doesn't seem to give a shit what people think of him when he does what he does.

aargh, you got me on a Louis Theroux fix now. Gonna watch them after work today. The only ones I can remember is the brothel, pro-wrestling and female bodybuilder ones.
Ugh, all this snow but no snow day. The one time I hate it being sunny in England. :S

And I thought I lost penguin to London Town but Musha has secured his safety. Gaf-mum to the rescue again! :D


Are you sure it's filler and not fill her


*gets coat*

There's more filler than there is filling of her, tbh. Absolutely fuck all character development, fuck all plot, fuck all substance, fucking tons of repeated words and phrases, terrifyingly frequent instances of characters spouting the same lines on different pages (as well as different characters doing it) and I think the words 'Holy shit/cow/fuck/hell' in italics feature on at least 1/3 of the book's pages.

I hate this thing with a passion. I'm genuinely burning it once I don't need it any longer.

Jedeye Sniv

There's more filler than there is filling of her, tbh. Absolutely fuck all character development, fuck all plot, fuck all substance, fucking tons of repeated words and phrases, terrifyingly frequent instances of characters spouting the same lines on different pages (as well as different characters doing it) and I think the words 'Holy shit/cow/fuck/hell' in italics feature on at least 1/3 of the book's pages.

I hate this thing with a passion. I'm genuinely burning it once I don't need it any longer.

Why are you reading it?

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
There's more filler than there is filling of her, tbh. Absolutely fuck all character development, fuck all plot, fuck all substance, fucking tons of repeated words and phrases, terrifyingly frequent instances of characters spouting the same lines on different pages (as well as different characters doing it) and I think the words 'Holy shit/cow/fuck/hell' in italics feature on at least 1/3 of the book's pages.

I hate this thing with a passion. I'm genuinely burning it once I don't need it any longer.

so why are you actually reading it?

EDIT: Beaten like a lil' bitch


Why are you reading it?

Because someone decided it'd be fucking brilliant to pick 50 Shades of Grey as a presentation topic when faced with the opportunity to choose pretty much any piece of fiction that can be deemed called popular.

That's the last time I don't turn up to a lecture.


Maturity, bitches.
I used to wear a wide brimmed fedora (so like Indiana's) after my parents got me one years ago. Then this terrible fashion with the short brimmed ones took off and I daren't wear it anymore. Thanks nerds(!)

Jedeye Sniv

Because someone decided it'd be fucking brilliant to pick 50 Shades of Grey as a presentation topic when faced with the opportunity to choose pretty much any piece of fiction that can be deemed called popular.

That's the last time I don't turn up to a lecture.

haha, that's gotta be the worst reason to read it too. What's your conclusion then?

tbh, I think the book's success owes more to a catchy title and the snowball effect of mums thinking they're being risque more than anything else. It's the literary equivalent of a blow up willy on a girls night out.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Because someone decided it'd be fucking brilliant to pick 50 Shades of Grey as a presentation topic when faced with the opportunity to choose pretty much any piece of fiction that can be deemed called popular.

That's the last time I don't turn up to a lecture.
Lesson learned, I'd be fucking fuming if that was me, you shouldnt be paying to read that bollocks..

I do remember this total milf was reading it on her ipad on a train and i was sitting next to her and she was reading a rather erotic bit, i actually read a fair bit beside her and her skirt started to move up her legs slightly, I was quite turned on by the fact she might've been getting off reading this thing in public..sadly I had to get off the train but as I looked back she looked at me...she totally knew what i was thinking

That's my 50 shades experience
My meeting is at 11, all I know is that the position I applied for is one of the subjects.

I have no idea what's going on.
Don't worry about it bro just go on with your work as normal..

But fill us in after!


haha, that's gotta be the worst reason to read it too. What's your conclusion then?

tbh, I think the book's success owes more to a catchy title and the snowball effect of mums thinking they're being risque more than anything else. It's the literary equivalent of a blow up willy on a girls night out.

My conclusion is that it's a piece of shit and I genuinely wish it didn't exist.

Jedeye Sniv

Lesson learned, I'd be fucking fuming if that was me, you shouldnt be paying to read that bollocks..

I do remember this total milf was reading it on her ipad on a train and i was sitting next to her and she was reading a rather erotic bit, i actually read a fair bit beside her and her skirt started to move up her legs slightly, I was quite turned on by the fact she might've been getting off reading this thing in public..sadly I had to get off the train but as I looked back she looked at me...she totally knew what i was thinking

That's my 50 shades experience

Don't worry about it bro just go on with your work as normal..

But fill us in after!

Hawt. Saucy menopause women all up in this bitch.
haha, that's gotta be the worst reason to read it too. What's your conclusion then?

tbh, I think the book's success owes more to a catchy title and the snowball effect of mums thinking they're being risque more than anything else. It's the literary equivalent of a blow up willy on a girls night out.

What a wonderful metaphor. Might steal that line.
Onto second exam of the morning, and so bored am now looking at the stats for the SimCity review.

500+ hits from EA, 200 from Blizzard, about 150 from Ubisoft, 80 from MS and Activision, and a total of 10 from NoE and Nintendo America. Quite fun to go through the network of visitors. Oh, and two from the Houses of Parliament. Get back to work.

EDIT: Just got inspired for the most amazing idea for an FOI from that. FOI the Houses of Parliament about internet use and accessing... 'certain websites', ala this: http://theboar.org/news/2012/oct/31/keeping-tab-pornography/

EDIT EDIT: Something sort of has been done like this to FOI Parliament, but not for those sites - http://www.parliament.uk/site-infor...s-20121/parliamentary-internet-usage-in-2012/ - can't spot any dodgy ones, but can see... Kotaku?!

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Onto second exam of the morning, and so bored am now looking at the stats for the SimCity review.

500+ hits from EA, 200 from Blizzard, about 150 from Ubisoft, 80 from MS and Activision, and a total of 10 from NoE and Nintendo America. Quite fun to go through the network of visitors. None from the Houses of Parliament this time.

How do you identify where the views are coming from?


ar yu trollen me agin jon


Done. I'm not getting the time I spent reading that thing back and I feel sick.

I might read the entirety of Fahrenheit 451 later on today just for the sake of reading something that will be worth my time.
How do you identify where the views are coming from?


ar yu trollen me agin jon

Google Analytics > Audience > Technology > Network.

For most people it'd be like, Virgin Media, but many companies will have their networks set up so they'll be identified as that. It's not 100% by any means, but it's quite good.

Also, it's fun to see when TV production companies use the BBC Three generator.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Google Analytics > Audience > Technology > Network.

For most people it'd be like, Virgin Media, but many companies will have their networks set up so they'll be identified as that. It's not 100% by any means, but it's quite good.

Also, it's fun to see when TV production companies use the BBC Three generator.


Alrighty then..

Jedeye Sniv

What a wonderful metaphor. Might steal that line.

Well thankyou. I had another in there originally but that metaphor sprung to mind fully formed. I like it when your brain gives you a present.

Done. I'm not getting the time I spent reading that thing back and I feel sick.

I might read the entirety of Fahrenheit 451 later on today just for the sake of reading something that will be worth my time.

time for a shufty to release all that tension then, rite? So ewotik.


Who's gonna be that guy? Mike? :O

I'm not sure I'm happy with where my GAF-persona seems to have ended up. The most upsetting thing is it seems to have gone there with me being completely genuine, it's not like I'm creating a character, like Chinner.

Can I get a do-over? Quirky and interesting, not great at hitting on girls ({RECENT, but confident talking to them and DEFINITELY NOT A FUCKING FEDORA WEARING NERDGASM.

Mike may be many things but I can't see him in a fedora. Dude has standards. Even though he wants his hair to be floppier.

Sniv to the rescue.
I'm not sure I'm happy with where my GAF-persona seems to have ended up. The most upsetting thing is it seems to have gone there with me being completely genuine, it's not like I'm creating a character, like Chinner.

Can I get a do-over? Quirky and interesting, not great at hitting on girls ({RECENT, but confident talking to them and DEFINITELY NOT A FUCKING FEDORA WEARING NERDGASM.

You know I love you. I know you wouldn't stoop that low.


I'm not sure I'm happy with where my GAF-persona seems to have ended up. The most upsetting thing is it seems to have gone there with me being completely genuine, it's not like I'm creating a character, like Chinner.

Can I get a do-over? Quirky and interesting, not great at hitting on girls ({RECENT, but confident talking to them and DEFINITELY NOT A FUCKING FEDORA WEARING NERDGASM.

I'm curious. Who is noffles to the BritGAF plebeians?


You know I love you. I know you wouldn't stoop that low.


I actually look pretty terrible in hats anyway, so a fedora is off the cards even without the horrible nerd stigma.

Update on Mike@ScotMeet - not looking great, as I'm down a fair bit of money this month, sorry Musha :(

There's every chance I'll be able to afford it next month, but I'd have to book flight/hotel on payday, so I'm thinking that won't be manageable for us to arrange?

I'm curious. Who is noffles to the BritGAF plebeians?

I've not associated you with a strong personality yet, to be honest - I've decided to drop the whole 'what is your weird fetish' shtick because you seemed uncomfortable with it, but you have interesting things to say & I enjoy that, but I couldn't write a paragraph about who I think you are quite yet.

You're good people, if a bit of a mystery, I guess?
I'm not sure I'm happy with where my GAF-persona seems to have ended up. The most upsetting thing is it seems to have gone there with me being completely genuine, it's not like I'm creating a character, like Chinner.

Can I get a do-over? Quirky and interesting, not great at hitting on girls ({RECENT, but confident talking to them and DEFINITELY NOT A FUCKING FEDORA WEARING NERDGASM.

Sniv to the rescue.

It's another rule of the internet that any stories/anecdotes given will be used to form an exaggerated persona for yourself.

Plus Chinner made the comic, and shit sticks.


Bus it down and literally walk 5 mins to the meetup spot.

Euro Hostel private room from £20


We were going to get a flight to save time, but I'm happy with whatever.

Hostel sounds good to me - I'll wait on gMum to confirm if she's happy with that too

It's another rule of the internet that any stories/anecdotes given will be used to form an exaggerated persona for yourself.

Plus Chinner made the comic, and shit sticks.

My outrage/upset over being typecast is mostly fake, don't worry - I'm not easily upset, I'd just rather act upset than play up to it and look even worse

Edit: dammit, I was going to try posting less in here but look how badly I've failed already.


You'd be glad to know your name did actually pop up during the evening. Hmmm... How to say it nicely? People said you're going to be a future GAF name.

Tell me more. :J

I've not associated you with a strong personality yet, to be honest - I've decided to drop the whole 'what is your weird fetish' shtick because you seemed uncomfortable with it, but you have interesting things to say & I enjoy that, but I couldn't write a paragraph about who I think you are quite yet.

You're good people, if a bit of a mystery, I guess?

Uncomfortable? Nah, I just find it hilarious when people get curious because I then inject the subject with stupid amounts of hyperbole.

I like being a mystery though, that's always nice.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
I'm not sure I'm happy with where my GAF-persona seems to have ended up. The most upsetting thing is it seems to have gone there with me being completely genuine, it's not like I'm creating a character, like Chinner.

Can I get a do-over? Quirky and interesting, not great at hitting on girls ({RECENT, but confident talking to them and DEFINITELY NOT A FUCKING FEDORA WEARING NERDGASM.

Sniv to the rescue.
Mikeside, your persona is fine, you can restart it in my books, but you never know...we may not be as bro'ish...(DRAMATIC MUSIC) I personally think you were alot more confident with the ladies then i thought you would've been, but i wouldnt worry about it, i enjoy the in-jokes

I'm curious. Who is noffles to the BritGAF plebeians?

you are noffles, the junior that dared..at times you bring in aggro fanboyism that i dont approve of but most of the time i enjoy your posting, i think you should disown your GAF dad though

FYI I mentioned you at the meetup, I am still curious to what you're like irl
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