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BritGAF |OT| Mad Stacks Beyond Thunderlord

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Hey, you gotta ride those waves when you get them. I do my best work when I get struck by sudden inspiration on a paper or project or am just in a really good 'get shit done' mood.

100% worth it.

I do a lot of work in the 12am-9am period before a lecture and then sit in the lecture with a Relentless or something. Different things work for different people, I guess. I'm just better at working when there's nobody around and it's dark.

Jedeye Sniv

I'll repeat what I said in the thread: Gwen can't be more attractive than MJ. She just can't.

They shot themselves in the foot by casting such a looker for Gwen.

The irony being of course that Emma Stone is almost identical to the Romita version of MJ, minus a few inches in the hips n tits. Her eyes are exactly the same. They should just have recast Bryce Dallas Howard as Gwen, she was super cute in Spidey 3.

Jedeye Sniv

Gerd dermit I just woke up.. No swimming for me -_- I'm actually really angry right now

why can't you go swimming? You should relax into the vampire unemployed lifestyle man, this is far too early to be up if THE MAN isn't making you do it. It's easy enough to get back in the swing of geting up when you have to.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
why can't you go swimming? You should relax into the vampire unemployed lifestyle man, this is far too early to be up if THE MAN isn't making you do it. It's easy enough to get back in the swing of geting up when you have to.

Because I want to get fit, and the early sessions with lanes are from 7-8 8-9 is adults but its all old people and they only keep two lanes in untill 20 to

I cant exercise if im not motivated and im not motivated when i live like a vampire

Jedeye Sniv

Because I want to get fit, and the early sessions with lanes are from 7-8 8-9 is adults but its all old people and they only keep two lanes in untill 20 to

I cant exercise if im not motivated and im not motivated when i live like a vampire

what about 9-10? Or even better, 1-2. Especially when the kids are at school, I shouldn't imagine the pool is super busy at any time of day is it?

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
what about 9-10? Or even better, 1-2. Especially when the kids are at school, I shouldn't imagine the pool is super busy at any time of day is it?

9-10 is public, but no lanes...

Then a massive chunk is school lessons and then personal development for people who have trainers or something

I dont want to swim at 4-6pm

Im cool trying to be sensible, it makes me feel a lot less depressed about my current situation


Jedeye Sniv

9-10 is public, but no lanes...

Then a massive chunk is school lessons and then personal development for people who have trainers or something

I dont want to swim at 4-6pm

Im cool trying to be sensible, it makes me feel a lot less depressed about my current situation


aww diddums. You shall have to set your alarm in future then!

I might get some time to play this week some time. I have a video project I'm still working on along with the usual grownups stuffs. On a normal week I probably only play 2-3 hours on anything as it is. I don't know how I ever played 3 hours of CoD a night, but I'm fairly sure it had a large role in almost breaking up with the mrs, so that's not happening again!

Should be free all night tomorrow?

Jedeye Sniv

Fuck this cold. Fucking shit.

My cat is a little shit. We have no catflap so she likes to go out of the bathroom window. However, she has no concept of 'cold' and that I might not want to open the window at 4 in the morning to let her out. So all she does is stand next to the window and wipe it with her paws - wipewipewipewipewipe. For half an hour. Until you open the window. And then my entire house is freezing cold.

Cats don't understand 'no'. grrrr.


What pisses me off even more about it is that mum just went to sunny Spain to get away from the weather...

...and just when I was annoyed at her, she's gone and bought us 2 tickets to Hard Rock Calling, so now I can't even be mad.

What a devious bitch, right?

Seriously though, am pretty mofuggin' psyched to see Springsteen again - will have to work out with Incontinentia and anyone else who might be going to HRC what we're going to do about meeting up there!


Came back to a freezing flat last night after being away for 4 days and I couldn't sleep because it was so freakin' cold. Heater must be busted or something. Left it on all day while I'm at work so - fingers crossed - I walk in to a toasty flat after the gym. Can't wait until t shirt weather arrives.

Why are they getting a female to play the role of Michael Jackson?



I need to buy some bread and cold meats. I need to cut down on my intake of super noodles and my lack of sandwich material isn't helping me.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
aww diddums. You shall have to set your alarm in future then!

I might get some time to play this week some time. I have a video project I'm still working on along with the usual grownups stuffs. On a normal week I probably only play 2-3 hours on anything as it is. I don't know how I ever played 3 hours of CoD a night, but I'm fairly sure it had a large role in almost breaking up with the mrs, so that's not happening again!

Should be free all night tomorrow?
bloody hell.. Well sounds good, but don't worry if you can't


The sun is out, but I'm not sure whether it's cold enough for 3 layers or not.


Edit: Stuck my hand out the window. 4 layers it is.

Edit2: Forgot to close my window before I got into the shower.


Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
The sun is out, but I'm not sure whether it's cold enough for 3 layers or not.


Edit: Stuck my hand out the window. 4 layers it is.

Edit2: Forgot to close my window before I got into the shower.


I feel like you might just be as bored as I am right now


PC parts seller have a lovely troubleshooting guide they want me to go through before they'll replace the parts. Fair enough. It shall have to wait until after work though.

Pepperoni and tea for breakfast is the best.
Fray Bentos chicken and mushroom pie while watching Jeremy Kyle, motherfucker!

Working the late shift has its benefits.


Im playing fable 2 and watching greys anatomy, think i might have beans on toast for lunch

I found my copy of Fable II at my parent's house in the weekend. Bought it waay back when it was launched but never touched it due to time so I was going to trade it into CEX but they revoked my membership after they found out I didn't trade anything in 2+ years. Is it still worth playing?

EDIT: ha! Britgaf in the IT Crowd/BBT thread. I bailed after that guy didn't understand my post.


Are you a fancy eater or do you go for beans, sausage and beans, alphabet spaghetti or spaghetti and meatballs

on toast

When I first got to uni in September I was eating beans on toast for pretty much every meal. Now I put things in the oven and use the hob. Last time I attempted sausages was horrific though.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
I found my copy of Fable II at my parent's house in the weekend. Bought it waay back when it was launched but never touched it due to time so I was going to trade it into CEX but they revoked my membership after they found out I didn't trade anything in 2+ years. Is it still worth playing?

EDIT: ha! Britgaf in the IT Crowd/BBT thread. I bailed after that guy didn't understand my post.
Well number 3 is a pile of shit but this aint half bad so far

When I first got to uni in September I was eating beans on toast for pretty much every meal. Now I put things in the oven and use the hob. Last time I attempted sausages was horrific though.

I'm a pretty bawse cook, I can't be bothered to most of the time though, it's too expensive... i can spend 15 quid and make an amazing meal...

Or I can have beans on toast and have time to play video games...also no trip to the shop is a bonus


I'm a pretty bawse cook, I can't be bothered to most of the time though, it's too expensive... i can spend 15 quid and make an amazing meal...

Or I can have beans on toast and have time to play video games...also no trip to the shop is a bonus

I might get my Dad to teach me how to cook some stuff over the summer. That said though, I can cook, but it's just a massive pain in the arse to do so when there are 6 people sharing a kitchen. Plus I don't have a casserole dish here.

Might go to Costa for lunch and bring my laptop.
I have a choice, eat lunch with the investment bankers in the building who I loathe, or go outside with my analyst friends and brave the cold getting to the pub. Decisions.

I could probably feed myself on fresh stuff for a week on less than £40, tbh.

At uni my weekly food budget was £25, but that didn't include going out or takeaways.


EDIT: ha! Britgaf in the IT Crowd/BBT thread. I bailed after that guy didn't understand my post.

Can't believe that is not a joke thread, sure I don't run around saying BBT is shit like most people but to claim IT crowd is similar is insane. BBT ruined it's view on me when you can obviously see they just google "what do nerds hate" to make up basis of the jokes. Plus that Halo night episode with Penny is so fucking awful and shows how much they have no idea what talking about
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