Jedeye Sniv
Reason why I like Reach and ODST for no flood crap just Elites being badass. I'm currently making way through them need buy 3 and 4 ever since my 360 broke I never got round to playing them at my house so it nice to finally sit down myself and make way through the series
I'm jealous, I'd say it's my favourite series. Would love to have the time to sit down and blast through them all again. 3 especially is a total treat, there's stuff in that game that nobody ever came close to topping. Scarabs yo!!
IMO Halo is special in that it holds up to repeat plays better than any other shooter. You can jack the difficulty up and play it like a ninja, you can be all snipey and sneaky or you can get really close and personal, or you can play it on normal like a fucking superhero and tear through enemies like tissue paper. All satisfying.