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BritGAF |OT| Mad Stacks Beyond Thunderlord

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Jesus wept. Absolutely slaughtered and my body won't let me be sick.

Trying to hit on a straight friend was probably not the best idea. Fuck it.


Ugh, my Facebook feed is full of people who seem to have only just discovered poverty last night watching Comic Relief.

"oh my god as a mother I can't believe how bad things are, if my baby was ill I'd be all liek noooooo blahblahblah, I donated £5 DO YOUR PART TOO"

I'm probably just grumpy this morning, but seriously.
Why are people so unanimously aggravating?
Ugh, my Facebook feed is full of people who seem to have only just discovered poverty last night watching Comic Relief.

"oh my god as a mother I can't believe how bad things are, if my baby was ill I'd be all liek noooooo blahblahblah, I donated £5 DO YOUR PART TOO"

I'm probably just grumpy this morning, but seriously.
Why are people so unanimously aggravating?
It's bad but I don't give any money to Comic Relief as most of the people that work there are cunts.

True story.


dear britgaf blog

omg i gut so hammered last night LOL
, im sooooooooo hung over :)3) why do gurlz keep turning me away? why are there not any boyfriend-free girls who i can turn into my sweet heart from the ground up? (~
life is sooo unfair
~) now i'm sitting at home and omg people r posting stupid stuff on facebook? why don't people not be stupid? sigh... anyway,


It's bad but I don't give any money to Comic Relief as most of the people that work there are cunts.

True story.

I regularly give money to a local dog rescue where my pup came from. I used to give to the NSPCC too, but they kept phoning me up and asking me to up my donation amount - I told them if they carried on I'd cancel the donation but they didn't stop so I did.

dear britgaf blog

omg i gut so hammered last night LOL
, im sooooooooo hung over :)3) why do gurlz keep turning me away? why are there not any boyfriend-free girls who i can turn into my sweet heart from the ground up? (~
life is sooo unfair
~) now i'm sitting at home and omg people r posting stupid stuff on facebook? why don't people not be stupid? sigh... anyway,

A Scathing, Satirical Review by Chinner

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
it pisses me off too bro

it pisses me off too

but you are probably grumpy...i know i am...still ill, there was no chance of me jogging this morning, too cold and itll make me worse...but at the same time...barely exercised all week so im feeling pretty shitty...i just stay away from facebook during these times or i argue with the masses
Ugh, my Facebook feed is full of people who seem to have only just discovered poverty last night watching Comic Relief.

"oh my god as a mother I can't believe how bad things are, if my baby was ill I'd be all liek noooooo blahblahblah, I donated £5 DO YOUR PART TOO"

I'm probably just grumpy this morning, but seriously.
Why are people so unanimously aggravating?

Sounds like you just have shit friends

I don't get any of that crap on fb


don't agree, and don't be smug.

people have lives, jobs and other commitments, it's incredibly simple to forget about shit. in journalism they teach (and they use) a scale of news relevance - simply put, the further away something is, and less related it is to you - the less likely you are to care or remember. the amount of unreported foreign tragedies/ events are insane, and the ones that are reported are only because there are british deaths involved.

these 'shit friends' are being honest at least.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Far Cry 3 is taking the complete PISS!!!

it's just patch after patch after patch!


Now I have UPLAY and an account.. a dlc and some multiplayer patches

i just wana play sum gams

ubi pls

don't agree, and don't be smug.

people have lives, jobs and other commitments, it's incredibly simple to forget about shit. in journalism they teach (and they use) a scale of news relevance - simply put, the further away something is, and less related it is to you - the less likely you are to care or remember. the amount of unreported foreign tragedies or events unreported are insane, and the ones that are reported are only because there some only british deaths.

these 'shit friends' are being honest at least.
Chinner pls

My facebook walll is full of 'lyk dis if u criy everytim .XxxXx
Red Nose Day always brings out the casual racists, one Facebook friend was calling for the compulsory sterilisation of everyone in Africa (apart from the whites of course).


Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Far Cry's running surprisingly well ^_^
We're still teenagers, Tash. We have an excuse to have that crap on our feeds.
Some of the shit i've seen bro

some of the shit ive seen ;_;
Red Nose Day always brings out the casual racists, one Facebook friend was calling for the compulsory sterilisation of everyone in Africa (apart from the whites of course).


fuuuuuuuck :lol


Red Nose Day always brings out the casual racists, one Facebook friend was calling for the compulsory sterilisation of everyone in Africa (apart from the whites of course).

I hope you people (and I don't just mean specifically you, DS) realise that talking about how racist your Facebook friends are doesn't paint you in a positive light by comparison. Quite the opposite, it demonstrates you are more than happy to associate with racists.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
I hope you people (and I don't just mean specifically you, DS) realise that talking about how racist your Facebook friends are doesn't paint you in a positive light by comparison. Quite the opposite, it demonstrates you are more than happy to associate with racists.

That's dumb


I hope you people (and I don't just mean specifically you, DS) realise that talking about how racist your Facebook friends are doesn't paint you in a positive light by comparison. Quite the opposite, it demonstrates you are more than happy to associate with racists.

I was actually going to point out the use of "friend" in his post, tbh.


Going nuts on the dancefloor in a nightclub listening/watching to Jaguar Skills doing what he does best while random gameplay footage of Shinobi, King of Fighters, Street Fighter Alpha 3 and footage of Tatsunoko cartoons are shown on the screen. Didn't get home until 5am. What a night!!


I guess it's just me, but nobody I know who is a racist is someone I would call a friend.

sorry green scar

One person on Facebook "shared" that crappy cry-for-help chain letter about how shitty Michael Gove is turning all schools into academies and how that person's mum is sad. I was close to removing that friendship because I thought it was stupid but meh, it's only a Facebook update. Tomorrow's fish and chips wrapper...


You guys sure have some interesting friends.

Most of the "ugh" moments on my Facebook are from people I used to go to school with.

I accept their friend requests, thinking "oh, I remember you!", then usually end up deleting them when the inevitable "I'm not racist but..." "I don't hate the gays...but you know" or whatever variation of it comes up.


Most of the "ugh" moments on my Facebook are from people I used to go to school with.

I accept their friend requests, thinking "oh, I remember you!", then usually end up deleting them when the inevitable "I'm not racist but..." "I don't hate the gays...but you know" or whatever variation of it comes up.

Aah yes, the new "No offence mate but".
For the record, I rarely get any questionable posts on fb and even when I do its mostly tongue in cheek from people - you know very well - are joke trolling.

Racism is everywhere and at least it is identified correctly in the UK. There are countries where racism is so norm and burned into the sub-conscious that even a person who isn't typically racist don't realise what they say/did was actually racist.
Had a house party with some friends and coworkers last night. What an awesome mess. I'm eating a burrito while in only my pants right now. Drunk texting yorkie girl worked out a lot better than I thought, too. xD


Using the "guilt by association" approach to judge a person is stupid, and is similar to well..racism in a sort-of-ironic way
I don't recall ascribing guilt to anyone.

I was commenting that openly acknowledging you have racist associates is not a good look. If you find their views distasteful, why maintain a social connection?


Oh gosh! Going through my camera and came across a photograph I took of a book at some bookstore we must've been - literally - window shopping at around 4am.

best cover ever? best cover ever! (might be a little NSFW)


Maturity, bitches.
I give money to Comic Relief through buying the red noses. David Tennant can try to guilt trip me about not donating on the night all he likes but I'm guilt free. They've gotten some money off me every two years.
I hope you people (and I don't just mean specifically you, DS) realise that talking about how racist your Facebook friends are doesn't paint you in a positive light by comparison. Quite the opposite, it demonstrates you are more than happy to associate with racists.

I'm not going to take offence at you hinting that I'm guilty by association but I did tell this friend that sterilisation is not the answer, education and religion moving out of the dark ages is.

I can't help it if someone I know makes a dumbass comment but it doesn't mean that I let them get away with it or agree with them.
Never ever again.

Not feeling too bad this afternoon, probably going to head into Cardiff to watch the England v Wales game. Hopefully I won't get beaten up by the populace of Cardiff when England win. XD

I think you'll be fine, you're more likely to be getting sympathetic nods when we pummel you


What a time to not have any money. There's some burger stands set up in the city centre. I wanted to try a Zebra burger lol

Jedeye Sniv

Haircut is gud. I spent 5 minutes shitting on mumford and sons only to hair the hairdresser say it was her and her husband's favourite band lol. It's ok though, she's my regular so she knows I'm not a total cunt.

About to make toasties on my BRAND NEW GEORGE FOREMAN GRILL AWWW YEAH I JOINED THE 90s. I shall also be making a tandoori style chicken thing on it tonight. What are your George Foreman favourites BritGAF? Food not fights.
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