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BritGAF |OT| Mad Stacks Beyond Thunderlord

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Have to leave Scot mini meet early. Fucking buses in glasgow suck.

Used the Glasgow buses once. Compared to the sheer glory that is Lothian Buses, Glasgow buses are rustbuckets with a disregard for the timetables (granted Lothian aren't particularly punctual either, but when they have a £36/month all-you-can-ride-before-midnight option and have signs giving you live, updating estimates of when the next buses of all of the services is going to turn up, it's easy to forgive them). Glasgow's subways are better (and that's really saying somthing).


People that take a full trolley of shopping through the self-checkout should be shot in both knees and then sterilised. And then shot again. Twice.

Mr. Sam

Seconded. Self-checkout is for people like me - people who just want to take advantage of the 2 Lucozades for £2 deal.


The Greater British Euthanasia List For The Improvement Of Her Majesty's Empire

1: People who put any more than a basket-load of items through a self-checkout
2: People who move slowly when in public, thereby causing the herd to slow down with them
3: Pre-teen carol singers who burst into song the split-second you open the door, finish a thirty second medley then shove their hands outward in an expectant manner.
4: The parents of above said carol singers, who hang ten metres in the background, looking on with doe-eyed affection and approval as their undeserving spawn beg for money.

What more can we add?


Unconfirmed Member
I got caught in a vicious cycle at the self-checkout a few days ago.

(1)'Unexpected item in bagging area, please remove item.'

(2)*Removes item

(3)'Place item in bagging area.'

(4)*Places item in bagging area

(5)Go to step 1.


Patrick Moore passed away earlier today. We were talking about gamesmaster last night too. Guys playing the xylophone in the stars for real now.


Patrick Moore passed away earlier today. We were talking about gamesmaster last night too. Guys playing the xylophone in the stars for real now.

I just found out now and was like "woah! We were just talking about him!" Crazy.

Managed to get into Edinburgh 40 minutes late for my eye appointment. Blamed it on the trains.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Got the sorta daughter and the sorta granddaughter visiting tomorrow. Means a lot of the usual love you lots stuff, but also a good deal of baby-proofing the house at short notice. Means I need to spend more time than usual at ground level for one.


2: People who move slowly when in public, thereby causing the herd to slow down with them

I could write a book about how annoying most pedestrians are, mainly in Citys:

Walking slowly 5 in a row making sure no one can overtake (I still do, in the road sometimes)

Zigzagging so you walk into them when overtaking

Walking straight at you as if you are going to de-materialise, they often find that 6' and built like a shed wins that race

Stopping abruptly in the street so you almost go into the back of them

I usually think it's people who drive a lot and just aren't used to being amongst other people on foot, that or they are fucking ignorant pricks.


Good points, Steve.

5: Groups of people who walk shoulder-by-shoulder, taking up the entire pavement, refusing to merge into single file when another pedestrian gets close.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
When walking head on with someone and you both move the same direction to get past. This dance goes on for a few seconds then each of you go on about your day forgetting about the direction dance.

I once seen an older dude signal what way he was going to go to avoid the direction dance.


Unconfirmed Member
Good points, Steve.

5: Groups of people who walk shoulder-by-shoulder, taking up the entire pavement, refusing to merge into single file when another pedestrian gets close.

Groups of fat people that stop and chat and block everyone


Unconfirmed Member
They may be mistaking one fat person for multiple people.

I saw 4 fat girls gather in front of a shop a while back and they blocked the doorway. It wasn't a small door either, it was like one of those double doors. And I've lost count of the amount of times two groups of larger girls meet each other on the street and decide to set up camp and talk for an hour.


6: People who hang outside shop doors, chatting, blocking the way in, especially during lunch rush outside a catering venue.

Also, finished Halo: ODST. Have not yet played Reach or 4, but it is certainly the best Halo campaign out of what I have played. Tons of atmosphere and a great narrative.

Have a choice as to what my next game will be:

Gears 3

Right now I think it's a toss up between Gears 3 and Bayonetta.


6: People who hang outside shop doors, chatting, blocking the way in, especially during lunch rush outside a catering venue.

Also, finished Halo: ODST. Have not yet played Reach or 4, but it is certainly the best Halo campaign out of what I have played. Tons of atmosphere and a great narrative.

Have a choice as to what my next game will be:

Gears 3

Right now I think it's a toss up between Gears 3 and Bayonetta.

If you've played Gears 1 and 2 then go with Bayonetta. Something different.


6: People who hang outside shop doors, chatting, blocking the way in, especially during lunch rush outside a catering venue.

Also, finished Halo: ODST. Have not yet played Reach or 4, but it is certainly the best Halo campaign out of what I have played. Tons of atmosphere and a great narrative.

Have a choice as to what my next game will be:

Gears 3

Right now I think it's a toss up between Gears 3 and Bayonetta.

Bayonetta is super fun. Play that.


6: People who hang outside shop doors, chatting, blocking the way in, especially during lunch rush outside a catering venue.

Also, finished Halo: ODST. Have not yet played Reach or 4, but it is certainly the best Halo campaign out of what I have played. Tons of atmosphere and a great narrative.

Have a choice as to what my next game will be:

Gears 3

Right now I think it's a toss up between Gears 3 and Bayonetta.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Waking up after taking 5-HTP the night before is a refreshing experience. No grogginess or tiredness. I know swear by the stuff.

Starting my WALKING DEAD marathon at 8am because i want to do something worthwhile on my day off


If we're complaining about people can I complain about cyclists who skip red lights?

This is my biggest hate ever. I almost hit a cyclist when I was doing my bike lessons because he skipped a red light. Fucker had the nerve to shout at me too. If you're gonna be on the road you need a license.

Jedeye Sniv

I vote for Crackdown, because nobody else will. Such a good game, pity what happened to the franchise.

Would crackdown still hold up with 2012 eyes though? It was janky and weird when it came out even, I don't know how well it would have aged. Still, collecting orbs is fun even though the rest of the game is boilerplate.

I vote Bayonetta. That game is bizarre and awesome.
Another for the list: people in cars who stop over pedestrian crossings because they were SO SURE they wanted to get past the lights but turns out there wasn't actually room for them.

And then get annoyed you walk round them because they didn't see the light as red because they went too far forward.


Another for the list: people in cars who stop over pedestrian crossings because they were SO SURE they wanted to get past the lights but turns out there wasn't actually room for them.

And then get annoyed you walk round them because they didn't see the light as red because they went too far forward.

Oh God...those people....


The buses in Manchester do this ALL the time, but you can't even get round them, when cars do it I want to spit on the windscreen on the way past, I always walk around the front and often try and go slowly so they get caught having to run the red if they want to move.

I saw the most satisfying thing ever in Melbourne, some cab driver had blocked the pedestrian crossing and about 6 Rugby fans essentially lynched his cab, rolled over his bonnet yelling "the lights are fucking red you prick", doubt he would do that again.

Cunts like Clarkson don't help, convincing drivers that they are A+ citizens and anyone not moving using the power of metal is some kind of sub-species to be ignored / endangered at their will.


I saw the most satisfying thing ever in Melbourne, some cab driver had blocked the pedestrian crossing and about 6 Rugby fans essentially lynched his cab, rolled over his bonnet yelling "the lights are fucking red you prick", doubt he would do that again.

lmao amazing! Yeah, I pull the "trolling" stunt whenever car stops right on the pedestrian crossing. Walk on the crossing towards their car door then smoothly swerve in front of the hood and then back. Should've stopped before the pedestrian line buddy.

I know this one's a given but drivers who don't indicate on roundabouts especially when you're waiting for an opening to get onto it. Can be so frustrating at times.

oh, and cyclists who jump red lights...yeah, screw you too.


6: People who hang outside shop doors, chatting, blocking the way in, especially during lunch rush outside a catering venue.

Also, finished Halo: ODST. Have not yet played Reach or 4, but it is certainly the best Halo campaign out of what I have played. Tons of atmosphere and a great narrative.

Have a choice as to what my next game will be:

Gears 3

Right now I think it's a toss up between Gears 3 and Bayonetta.
Late to the vote...but PGR3!! I'm jealous that you get to experience it for the first time. So good!


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Late to the vote...but PGR3!! I'm jealous that you get to experience it for the first time. So good!

Even better back then with dat graphic leap from the last gen consoles.

If we're complaining about people can I complain about cyclists who skip red lights?

cyclists in general are rage worthy just being on the road. There actions mean nothing when the pure sight of them bring a fury of rage to ones surface. The worse ones are the dudes in full cycle gear that you have to drop a gear to over take the fucks on a 30.

A wall of prams blocking the aisles. Prams in tiny shops. Prams in general.

Tiny shops lol. I wouldn't waste my time. Supermarkets for life yo.

What happened with the franchise? Didn't a sequel get made?

The sequel was pretty much the same game with 100% less fun and 100% more hand holding.

Everyone bought crackdown for the halo 3 beta. Sure the game was fun to level up your dude and collect the orbs that was it.
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