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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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bitch I'm taking calls.
Apathy benefits the status quo. As such disengaging yourself from the process doesn't really do anything by itself. Like Jon says, I would encourage people to get involved in the ways they can, talk about what you're doing or not doing and why. Generations age, people die and power shifts. Keeping yourself involved in some way ensures you are aware of these things and have a better opportunity to actually make a difference.

That's my 2 cents anyway.

Cue "nah screw shit bag cunt politics fuck everything edgy apathy ftw"

Jedeye Sniv

Please give examples of how politics can be improved by voting for a cunt wearing eyeliner.

ah but I didn't say that. But I do disagree that somehow voting means you have a voice. No you don't, you have a choice of maybe three people but in reality probably only one person in your constituency who is going to win, who always wins and has won since 1986. It's a yawnfest. And even worse, when you look at government at a local level - who are these people, what are they about? The literature is full of party buzzwords, the independents haven't got a snowball's chance of winning.

The way is see it, if I vote anything but tory in my area, then my vote is not counted and means very little. And even if I voted for anyone else... does it really matter, is one well educated person of non specific gender any better or worse than another, really?

Much like football, it's a game I neither understand or wish to associate with the people involved. It's fine, the bins will get collected without my say in the matter.

Jedeye Sniv

Apathy benefits the status quo. As such disengaging yourself from the process doesn't really do anything by itself. Like Jon says, I would encourage people to get involved in the ways they can, talk about what you're doing or not doing and why. Generations age, people die and power shifts. Keeping yourself involved in some way ensures you are aware of these things and have a better opportunity to actually make a difference.

That's my 2 cents anyway.

Cue "nah screw shit bag cunt politics fuck everything edgy apathy ftw"

In reply to this, British local politics is mostly run by quite well meaning middle aged, slightly grey people. Maybe when I get like that I will want to join in. As it is, there is nowhere in this system for a 20 year old who isn't a freak like young William Hague, or a single mother of two from a council estate. There are whole swathes of the country that politics does not speak for, simply because the institutions are not interesting for people other than well meaning middle aged, slightly grey people.


Obsidian fan
I've pretty much relegated my political activities to the Internet. Gives a much bigger audience than I could ever hope of having IRL. At least I'm not a seventh-type liberal this way.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Only got about half way through the video. Why does foreign interpretation of Western culture always make it seem a lot more fun than it really is?

Also that's a fair assessment Jed.
i got fired yesterday

Maaaaan. After all that shit you went through? Were they just waiting a certain amount of time since your breakdown so it didn't look like they fired you right after?


After all that shit you went through? Were they just waiting a certain amount of time since your breakdown so it didn't look like they fired you right after?

Yeah, essentially. I had another breakdown at work the Saturday before last on a 5:30 to 14:00 shift. Was on my own as the only other available member of staff was too hungover to work, had a three cage delivery, 300 papers delivered AFTER the store opened, and it was busy as hell. I had chest pains, and signs of a panic attack, and when the store got really busy, the tills froze on me. Out of frustration, I hit it...and it smashed. uh oh

About a half hour after that, my chest pains were unbearable, and I ended up passing out. Next thing I knew, I was on the floor and an ambulance had been called. Went to hospital, and was diagnosed with low blood sugars (didnt have a break or anything to eat all day) and muscle trauma from a pretty severe panic attack/fit. After that, I had a week off on scheduled holiday.

On monday I went back to work and suspended on the basis of criminal damage. Yesterday I was fired.

I'll be taking them to court, on the basis of failure to provide adequate care for staff. But yeah, I've got £700 a month rent, bills, debt and a baby daughter to provide for. Can't afford any of it now.

I've sold almost everything I own and my car is being sold next. That'll cover my debts, and then it's just rent and bills I have to work out.
Sorry to hear that richisawesome, hope it all works out for you.

I'm ready for Comic Con!



Holy shit Rich, that's tough man. I hope you get yourself sorted out.

Musha, very cool. The outfit is well done (the shoulder things look particularly good) and the dragon is an amusing touch. Your hair looks lush too.

Have a great time!

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Charlie (Flatmate number 1) Kicked off again last night when he was pissed, he absolutely HAS to get fired although his gf text me saying he's going to quit

He is banned from drinking in my pub whilst his gf is working but he came in, started on a well established regular and when the gf wouldn't serve him he lunged at her and all the locals fucking swarmed the cunt. I wasn't there but the landlord brought the gf back to the pub she lives in where I was working last night and told me all about it, then he turned up and acted like such a stupid fuck basically crying about how sorry he felt for himself, I dare him to come in and say "I'm so sorry, I can't even remember-" a man who lays their hands on a woman with malicious intent gets no fucking respect from me, and if he does it in front of me I'll fucking deck the cunt

Smoked a few ciggies last night so I feel a bit guilty, with the illness my jogging and gym went to shit this week, gonna just leave it for Monday and get back on it ^_^

Gonna fucking tank GTA today in the hopes I can finish it before no angel nicks his copy back :p

1) I found Breaker more fun that Gundam Musou 3, which I loved, but it gets waaaaay grindy for newer parts once you get to later stages. Still fun times though.

2) Hmmm, like what kind of tools? Gundam Markers and the like? http://gginfinite.com/ is pretty robust with Gunpla everything.

Chillin with the gf and derby practice for a game next weekend in Hull. :O Might look for a dog as well.
What doge?!

My love life took a turn for the better, actually.
Got a date in Sheffield when I'm next up there.

You'll get one soon though, mate - you're a smart duck. Keep putting yourself out there - the interview experience is good for you, so try and take something to think about or something to improve from every application & every interview.

The beginning of the next chapter for Mr Tash Brookington?
Really glad your sister is getting the help she needs - let me know if you want to go & visit her in a few weeks or whatever & either I'll drive up (petrol assistance will be required!) or I can keep you company on the train.

There better still be a bed for me above t'pub so I can visit you in a couple of weeks. Look forward to meeting the new dude.

Plans for the weekend?
I'm seeing Parachute tonight, which shall be epic.
Tomorrow is a day of NaNoWriMo preparing & getting some ideas together for how Musha and I making music together is going to work. I'm really hoping we can get a Postal Service situation going where we can both work from home & still collaborate effectively.
Going to put a bit of planning into the podcast idea too.

Saturday night I'm going for drinks with a girl I used to work with - she left the job, but stayed in contact, now she's split up with her boyfriend and wants to go for drinks... no idea what the intention is there, because it's probably all very innocent, but we'll see.

Sunday I'll be back to the grindstone with music and writing prep.

Exciting weekend, I can't wait.
Haha there will be space, HOW WERE PFG?
Tash, glad things are looking up buddy! New flatmate sounds like a swell guy.

Weekend plans, heading round my pals tonight for a small get together, probably head out around Bonny Sunderland tomorrow night, go see the olds and otherwise chill on Sunday.

Yeah, I bet they say that to all the birds.
Thanks! Take pics of sunderland if you go out, i want to see what this place looks like
Awesome dude, way to go. The universe opens up for you when you talk to people sometimes. It's a beautiful thing. Here's hoping stuff is looking up for you now fella :)
I know right?! What were the chances? So kool init
Yeah congrats on the non sucky flatmate Tash.

Tonight I'm meeting up with a friends for wine and cheese at Gordon's Wine Bar.

Tomorrow is MCM Comic Con and the premier of my awesome Daenerys costume. Then the evening is birthday drinks for my mate, should get nice and messy.

No plans for Sunday yet.
Cheers mush :D Awesome costume btw!
Congrats on new housemate Tash

I'm going drinking with my new housemate Ben tonight, just meeting him and some of his co workers at the pub, they're all big into their coding and what not, could be fun. The only thing dubious about all of it is that, according to Ben, most of them are into Tor and were buying stuff of the Silk Road before it got taken down so I'm not sure what to expect from geeks who've used their technological prowess to acquire narcotics.
Cheers mate, How old is this guy?
halloween ideas for next year

green scar:

donkey show and i:


Quite upset I was excluded from this

Congrats on the new room-mate, sounds great. Hope everything else works out for you.
Cheers mang, where's your avatar from btw?
Glad to hear it Tash, guy sounds great. Let me know if you want I can send you some materials to read up on unless you'd rather just go in blind (which is probably more fun).I can't tell which is better, that costume or your avatar. I can feel bearded Luigi staring at my soul.
Hehe, think I'll take my chances and go in blind, I reckon it'll be a right laugh ^_^

i got fired yesterday


I know this may suck, but that's the best thing that could've happened, you needed to leave that horrible hell-hole of an occupation one way or another


Knows the Score
Charlie (Flatmate number 1) Kicked off again last night when he was pissed, he absolutely HAS to get fired although his gf text me saying he's going to quit

Was that the guy that had the untidy basement? I'm amazed he's got a job or a girlfriend at this point.

Sorry to hear about your job rich, hope something comes up for you soon.


ah but I didn't say that. But I do disagree that somehow voting means you have a voice. No you don't, you have a choice of maybe three people but in reality probably only one person in your constituency who is going to win, who always wins and has won since 1986. It's a yawnfest. And even worse, when you look at government at a local level - who are these people, what are they about? The literature is full of party buzzwords, the independents haven't got a snowball's chance of winning.

The way is see it, if I vote anything but tory in my area, then my vote is not counted and means very little. And even if I voted for anyone else... does it really matter, is one well educated person of non specific gender any better or worse than another, really?

That's fair enough. Not voting does not mean not having a voice. That is complete nonsense as a no vote does not mean you're exempt from giving political opinions. Everyone's lives is in someway affected by politics. "If you're not turned onto politics, politics will turn on you" Interestingly, I believe independent parties in this country have a slightly better chance than in other countries.

My initial point was that you had an asshat who got chosen to edit some political magazine, then given an interview on TV and suddenly he's perceived as a saviour of British politics just because of his celebrity status. Nope, I refuse to take that guy seriously. If Brand wants to talk about political change then set up a party/movement, write a manifesto, hand out flyers, attend meetings, talk to average people. Have SOMETHING to back up what you said to Paxman. Don't give me your "I did a shit Hollywood remake with Helen Mirren therefore revolution!!!" bollocks.

Edit: Onto another subject, gonna see if I can beat Beyond: Two Souls and watch S3 of Louie.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving

Charlie has announced he is joining the navy to escape the bed he has made for himself!

I am also talking with my boss about running his pubs cellar along with my own once he has departed

Was that the guy that had the untidy basement? I'm amazed he's got a job or a girlfriend at this point.

Sorry to hear about your job rich, hope something comes up for you soon.
I don't think he'll have either for long, girlfriend has ended it apparently but who fucking knows what quill happen there
So optimus

wow prime

Transformers are go be ware piracy for I am shadow of night
is this the same guy whose parents bought him ikea plates?
Nah Ikea knees


Anyone at comic con London today, I'm here,

Just got back a bit ago, few lessons learned if we go next time. I didn't think the general sale queue would take that long, definitely should have bought advanced ones even if I didn't use em. Get there early. And find something to wear with spikes so they get out of your way.

And no matter how amazing something looks to your child (which you buy), it pales in comparison to finding two animal balloons left by someone at the train station.

Good fun though, favourite bit was probably coming across a giant hello kitty which my daughter loved. Missed out on seeing Thomas Jane and troy baker though.

Got to play ass creed 4 on PS4, game seemed shit but only wanted to try out the controller anyway. Waaay better than the DS4, still not 100% on the triggers. Dunno, didn't get long enough to mess around and the staff couldn't answer any questions. Literally had no interest in games.

You have fun?

Cheers mang, where's your avatar from btw?r

Hotline Miami game, came across a drawing someone did and tried making it more realistic.

Sorry to hear that richisawesome, hope it all works out for you.

I'm ready for Comic Con!


Cool costume. :)

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
that's not Transformers damn it
wow so cold man
Freesinh hott n boil cold

Go green and u get scars
Just got back a bit ago, few lessons learned if we go next time. I didn't think the general sale queue would take that long, definitely should have bought advanced ones even if I didn't use em. Get there early. And find something to wear with spikes so they get out of your way.

And no matter how amazing something looks to your child (which you buy), it pales in comparison to finding two animal balloons left by someone at the train station.

Good fun though, favourite bit was probably coming across a giant hello kitty which my daughter loved. Missed out on seeing Thomas Jane and troy baker though.

Got to play ass creed 4 on PS4, game seemed shit but only wanted to try out the controller anyway. Waaay better than the DS4, still not 100% on the triggers. Dunno, didn't get long enough to mess around and the staff couldn't answer any questions. Literally had no interest in games.

You have fun?

Hotline Miami game, came across a drawing someone did and tried making it more realistic.

Cool costume. :)
It's scary as fuck

Haunts me in my dreams


If anything can prove that I am easily pleased, it's Iceland knocking £15 off my shopping because one of the bags of chips had a tiny cut in it and they were two minutes later than they said they'd be. I didn't even say anything but I'm not going to turn down a £15 refund.


If anything can prove that I am easily pleased, it's Iceland knocking £15 off my shopping because one of the bags of chips had a tiny cut in it and they were two minutes later than they said they'd be. I didn't even say anything but I'm not going to turn down a £15 refund.

That's awesome. My local Iceland is shit. There's virtually nothing in it.

So, how's everyone doing? Y'all ready for Halloween celebrations? I'm just going to be in bed playing Animal Crossing and doing the Halloween tasks on that.

Also, like my Halloween appropriate avatar? :D


bitch I'm taking calls.
That's awesome. My local Iceland is shit. There's virtually nothing in it.

So, how's everyone doing? Y'all ready for Halloween celebrations? I'm just going to be in bed playing Animal Crossing and doing the Halloween tasks on that.

Also, like my Halloween appropriate avatar? :D
I like it. Pigtacular.
Kebabs are awesome

Only some kind of turbo pleb would deny the comfort and enjoyment of eating dubious meat in the early hours of the morning.

I posted on friday I think that I was going out with a housemate and his chums: who it turned out were big into doing coke.

My policy around these things is more or less "I'll try anything once" except for trully horrendous things.

I turned up, was already smashed and hadn't eaten since lunch so I had a feeling it wasn't going to go well. And since these guys knew there stuff sure enough the puff going around knocked me senseless into that wide, pink eyed paranoid zone where you're fully aware everyone in the room knows that you're gone.

It got to a do or die point where I was like, I'm fucked already, either this is going to fuck me up or save my night. Turned out the latter.

Probably wouldn't go it again though, something about crossing that line carries a bit of shame with it for me, it's like admitting you slept with a prostitute, it's not something you want to shout from the rooftops.


Kebabs are awesome

Only some kind of turbo pleb would deny the comfort and enjoyment of eating dubious meat in the early hours of the morning.

I posted on friday I think that I was going out with a housemate and his chums: who it turned out were big into doing coke.

My policy around these things is more or less "I'll try anything once" except for trully horrendous things.

I turned up, was already smashed and hadn't eaten since lunch so I had a feeling it wasn't going to go well. And since these guys knew there stuff sure enough the puff going around knocked me senseless into that wide, pink eyed paranoid zone where you're fully aware everyone in the room knows that you're gone.

It got to a do or die point where I was like, I'm fucked already, either this is going to fuck me up or save my night. Turned out the latter.

Probably wouldn't go it again though, something about crossing that line carries a bit of shame with it for me, it's like admitting you slept with a prostitute, it's not something you want to shout from the rooftops.

Charlie is probably my least favourite drug. Expensive and short lasting? Get the fuck out. Mandy is my favourite by far. When I was young speed and booze was my favourite combo. Still would rather do that than charlie despite the horrendous comedown speed gives you post twenty five.
Charlie is probably my least favourite drug. Expensive and short lasting? Get the fuck out. Mandy is my favourite by far. When I was young speed and booze was my favourite combo. Still would rather do that than charlie despite the horrendous comedown speed gives you post twenty five.

Either I got it early or the comedown is even worse than I thought because fuck me if a day after a rave wasn't a complete and utter write off when I was 19.

But yeah from my one night with it I could already see the danger comes from how perceptibly short lived and moreish it is. And at that price? No way.

Good night though.

I knew it was going to be dubious before I even went out since he had been going on about how they all use deep web to acquire stuff, it all sounded shady as fuck. My expectations of the kinds of people that take it and what they would be like on it were definitely challenged though, they were all a solid bunch of mid 20's middle class programmers who were very accommodating and friendly.

There was just one Polish guy called Radec living in the house we ended up at who was dancing around topless in his basketball shorts, sock and sandals and kept fucking around with the decks who was a bit abrasive.
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