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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving



So yesterday at work I'm chillin behind the bar, feelin' a bit rough and bored because I had been having a cool politics debate with a regular until he left to see the family. Later on this guy comes in looking real sad. He's wearing a Portsmouth Uni hoody and rocks a pretty cool beard, he comes up to the bar and asks for a Grolsh. I ask him how is he, to which he replies "I have had one heeelll of a day" I politely ask if he wants to talk about it to see if I could be of assistance and it turns out he just got kicked out a flat he had just moved into.

Now he seemed alright, bit posh, but I kinda had a feeling of trust. I enquire why he had been kicked out and he tells me about this mare of a day where the landlord basically decided after a night of drinking that he didn't like this guy and before he had signed any tenancy agreement he was booted out.

Right now I'm thinking there is a room upstairs to let and that I could potentially help this guy out so I ask more questions and after he tells me that he has a steady employment, no pets and isn't a murderer I call up my boss and tell him about it and well...he lives here now

Last night he invites me out for a drink and I was thinking... meeeehhh but then I realised

this is what I wanted when I first moved here, this is what I wanted to do with Charlie, go out, meet his friends and have fun!

So I go out with this guy and we hit the town, going in a load of awesome student pubs meeting all his cool friends, pretty chuffed to say the least! Obviously I'm weary right now as I have only just met him and he could turn out to be a murderer, but the guy's pretty cool, he loves gaming, music and is a drama graduate he's a bit of a geek and invited me to come along and try out DnD with his buddies who I met last night, think I might give it a go!
He talked about maybe bringing friends back here having little get togethers and stuff!

TL;DR : New flatmate out of the blue, he is a social guy with lots of nice friends and charlie is moving out in a few weeks

Feeling good right now in my Portsmouth side of life

Devon side ain't so great, my sister's now got a bed in a mental institute in Manchester, she's driving up there today I think which sucks

The funeral is on Monday and I decided I'm taking the day off, I know it will harm my pay but I have to do it really

How's everyone else today? Plans for the weekend?
oh hey since you're here. a few GANDAMU questions that may or may not be due to how good the current series is...

1) how decent is that gundam breaker game?

2) do you have any good links to get gunpla essential tools?

1) I found Breaker more fun that Gundam Musou 3, which I loved, but it gets waaaaay grindy for newer parts once you get to later stages. Still fun times though.

2) Hmmm, like what kind of tools? Gundam Markers and the like? http://gginfinite.com/ is pretty robust with Gunpla everything.

Tashbrooke said:

How's everyone else today? Plans for the weekend?

Chillin with the gf and derby practice for a game next weekend in Hull. :O Might look for a dog as well.


1) I found Breaker more fun that Gundam Musou 3, which I loved, but it gets waaaaay grindy for newer parts once you get to later stages. Still fun times though.

2) Hmmm, like what kind of tools? Gundam Markers and the like? http://gginfinite.com/ is pretty robust with Gunpla everything.

1) ah sweet, I saw the PS3 version from a prime seller on amazon, so I might grab that. As great as Versus is, sometimes its nice to just play a PvE gundam game.

2) kinda like, everything? I mean that sort of basics, like are there particular clippers or whatever people swear by. I've only messed around with gunpla twice (HG zeta and Dynamis) and kinda just made do with whatever I had laying around the house.


this is what mikes love life must feel like

My love life took a turn for the better, actually.
Got a date in Sheffield when I'm next up there.

You'll get one soon though, mate - you're a smart duck. Keep putting yourself out there - the interview experience is good for you, so try and take something to think about or something to improve from every application & every interview.




So yesterday at work I'm chillin behind the bar, feelin' a bit rough and bored because I had been having a cool politics debate with a regular until he left to see the family. Later on this guy comes in looking real sad. He's wearing a Portsmouth Uni hoody and rocks a pretty cool beard, he comes up to the bar and asks for a Grolsh. I ask him how is he, to which he replies "I have had one heeelll of a day" I politely ask if he wants to talk about it to see if I could be of assistance and it turns out he just got kicked out a flat he had just moved into.

Now he seemed alright, bit posh, but I kinda had a feeling of trust. I enquire why he had been kicked out and he tells me about this mare of a day where the landlord basically decided after a night of drinking that he didn't like this guy and before he had signed any tenancy agreement he was booted out.

Right now I'm thinking there is a room upstairs to let and that I could potentially help this guy out so I ask more questions and after he tells me that he has a steady employment, no pets and isn't a murderer I call up my boss and tell him about it and well...he lives here now

Last night he invites me out for a drink and I was thinking... meeeehhh but then I realised

this is what I wanted when I first moved here, this is what I wanted to do with Charlie, go out, meet his friends and have fun!

So I go out with this guy and we hit the town, going in a load of awesome student pubs meeting all his cool friends, pretty chuffed to say the least! Obviously I'm weary right now as I have only just met him and he could turn out to be a murderer, but the guy's pretty cool, he loves gaming, music and is a drama graduate he's a bit of a geek and invited me to come along and try out DnD with his buddies who I met last night, think I might give it a go!
He talked about maybe bringing friends back here having little get togethers and stuff!

TL;DR : New flatmate out of the blue, he is a social guy with lots of nice friends and charlie is moving out in a few weeks

Feeling good right now in my Portsmouth side of life

Devon side ain't so great, my sister's now got a bed in a mental institute in Manchester, she's driving up there today I think which sucks

The funeral is on Monday and I decided I'm taking the day off, I know it will harm my pay but I have to do it really

How's everyone else today? Plans for the weekend?

The beginning of the next chapter for Mr Tash Brookington?
Really glad your sister is getting the help she needs - let me know if you want to go & visit her in a few weeks or whatever & either I'll drive up (petrol assistance will be required!) or I can keep you company on the train.

There better still be a bed for me above t'pub so I can visit you in a couple of weeks. Look forward to meeting the new dude.

Plans for the weekend?
I'm seeing Parachute tonight, which shall be epic.
Tomorrow is a day of NaNoWriMo preparing & getting some ideas together for how Musha and I making music together is going to work. I'm really hoping we can get a Postal Service situation going where we can both work from home & still collaborate effectively.
Going to put a bit of planning into the podcast idea too.

Saturday night I'm going for drinks with a girl I used to work with - she left the job, but stayed in contact, now she's split up with her boyfriend and wants to go for drinks... no idea what the intention is there, because it's probably all very innocent, but we'll see.

Sunday I'll be back to the grindstone with music and writing prep.

Exciting weekend, I can't wait.


Quick Secret Santa update:

Hot Coldman
Jedeye Sniv

PM me to join the list of happy christmas elves
1) ah sweet, I saw the PS3 version from a prime seller on amazon, so I might grab that. As great as Versus is, sometimes its nice to just play a PvE gundam game.

2) kinda like, everything? I mean that sort of basics, like are there particular clippers or whatever people swear by. I've only messed around with gunpla twice (HG zeta and Dynamis) and kinda just made do with whatever I had laying around the house.

I just went to hobbycraft and grabbed some sprue cutters and hobby knives. I guess it depends on how intense you want to get into it really. Fine sandpaper is always good as well for random sprues and stuff.

My love life took a turn for the better, actually.
Got a date in Sheffield when I'm next up there.

Awwww shit, not from the Rhino right? xD Take her for some burritos mang. Or if she's into steak, hit up La Vaca. Dem steaks are so good.


Tash, glad things are looking up buddy! New flatmate sounds like a swell guy.

Weekend plans, heading round my pals tonight for a small get together, probably head out around Bonny Sunderland tomorrow night, go see the olds and otherwise chill on Sunday.

they said that im a strong candidate and that theyve put me on the reservoir list for tor the job for the next year incase someone quits or drops out, but they probably say that for everyone
Yeah, I bet they say that to all the birds.
What's everyone's thoughts on the Brand interview with Paxxo? It was interesting to watch - Russel's the kind of character and voice a lot of people need, I reckon, even if he does often just shout the obvious.

Jedeye Sniv


Awesome dude, way to go. The universe opens up for you when you talk to people sometimes. It's a beautiful thing. Here's hoping stuff is looking up for you now fella :)

Plans for the weekend?
I'm seeing Parachute tonight, which shall be epic.
Tomorrow is a day of NaNoWriMo preparing & getting some ideas together for how Musha and I making music together is going to work. I'm really hoping we can get a Postal Service situation going where we can both work from home & still collaborate effectively.
Going to put a bit of planning into the podcast idea too.

If you're about tomorrow afternoon it might be fun to either skype or maybe meet up IRL - talk about some nano shit and whatnot. We could even multitask and play gta at the same time :p

Jedeye Sniv

Übermatik;87411259 said:
What's everyone's thoughts on the Brand interview with Paxxo? It was interesting to watch - Russel's the kind of character and voice a lot of people need, I reckon, even if he does often just shout the obvious.

tbh I agree with him. After the debacle of the last election it would take a damn lot to get me to vote again, it's just utterly meaningless. I firmly believe that there is no real difference between any of the main parties. They're pretty much all centrist and staffed by people with the same educational background, nice middle class families, shit they even talk with the same inflections. Parliamentary democracy is a sham.

The problem when discussing these things is there is a lack of an alternative ideology to point to and say "this is better", and I think the disenfranchised are waiting for a bold new idea to come along. Until then it feels like aimless grumbling. But I do know that none of the main parties are or have ever talked to me and what I would like the country to be. So fuck them.


Übermatik;87411259 said:
What's everyone's thoughts on the Brand interview with Paxxo? It was interesting to watch - Russel's the kind of character and voice a lot of people need, I reckon, even if he does often just shout the obvious.


His hearts in the right place but he seems to just regurgitate things he read online without any idea of the repercussions of what he is saying.

Oh and a revolution? with our level of comfort and apathy? get real.

Fact is, for all it's faults, capitalism is the only system capable of servicing the current population size. Anarchy may sound like fun until your neighbour decides he wants your wife / kids / food. Socialism is a nice idea but it would kill large portions of the economy stone dead, no more iPads and video games.

I am all for a fairer version of our current system, but that takes change from within. Brand should try running for office if he really wants to change things.


this is what mikes love life must feel like

My love life took a turn for the better, actually.
Got a date in Sheffield when I'm next up there.

aww boo Mike! You never told me that on Wednesday night! Still, take that Chinner!


His hearts in the right place but he seems to just regurgitate things he read online without any idea of the repercussions of what he is saying.

Oh and a revolution? with our level of comfort and apathy? get real.

I feel the same. I never liked him as a comedian but he's become somewhat tolerable ever since the breakup with Katy Perry. Thing is, he needs a HUGE image change if he expects me to take him seriously when discussing politics. I still see the idiot from Big Brother's Little Brother calling for a half-assed hallow revolution.
didn't get the job, back to square 1.. fuuuuuck.

Aww that sucks. Fingers crossed you get something soon buddy.




How's everyone else today? Plans for the weekend?

Yeah congrats on the non sucky flatmate Tash.

Tonight I'm meeting up with a friends for wine and cheese at Gordon's Wine Bar.

Tomorrow is MCM Comic Con and the premier of my awesome Daenerys costume. Then the evening is birthday drinks for my mate, should get nice and messy.

No plans for Sunday yet.


Heh, I got confused looking at that list. I seem to always forget how to spell my username, or at least forget the first letter.
To the individual who edited those 20 minute long Manga Entertainment preview clips that play at the beginning of every VHS/DVD back in the 90s/early 00s: Constant 2 second flash cuts coupled with flickering images, generic fast rock/metal music, scrolling text with generic MS Word font and no voiceover explaining the plot? I don't know who you are but you're a goddamn genius. I hope you got paid well for doing those trailers.

I loved those. Perfect Blue, dude. That trailer got me into Satoshi Kon, my favourite anime director that sadly left too soon RIP. These trailers are what got me to check out X. Movie wasn't as good as the trailer, so whoever that guy was behind these, give him a medal.


I loved those. Perfect Blue, dude. That trailer got me into Satoshi Kon, my favourite anime director that sadly left too soon RIP.

Bro, you picking up the blu-ray when it's out? Got mine preordered in anticipation for a rewatch. Proud to say I caught a late-night screening of Perfect Blue for the first time with a friend at the Scotland Loves Anime festival earlier this month sitting between a guy sporting a bow-tie and Salvador Dali moustache on my right and a cute lesbian couple on my left who were making out before the beginning of the film.

Track of the day: Fuck me, this is so so good.
Congrats on new housemate Tash

I'm going drinking with my new housemate Ben tonight, just meeting him and some of his co workers at the pub, they're all big into their coding and what not, could be fun. The only thing dubious about all of it is that, according to Ben, most of them are into Tor and were buying stuff of the Silk Road before it got taken down so I'm not sure what to expect from geeks who've used their technological prowess to aqcuire narcotics.

We'll see.

Also a friend of mine is out of hospital so we might see a movie on the weekend. All his life he's suffered from perpetually sweaty hands. To the extent that he could put his hand flat on a table for 5 seconds and there would little drops of sweat when he lifted it. He decided enough was enough and he had two operations done, one for each arm. Apparently all it takes is 20 minutes to go into the arm and cut one nerve in each bicep and the problem is fixed. I guess he just had sweaty hands all the time because the nerve endings in his arms were confused and kept sending signals to his hands that made them clammy.
Bro, you picking up the blu-ray when it's out? Got mine preordered in anticipation for a rewatch. Proud to say I caught a late-night screening of Perfect Blue for the first time with a friend at the Scotland Loves Anime festival earlier this month sitting between a guy sporting a bow-tie and Salvador Dali moustache on my right and a cute lesbian couple on my left who were making out before the beginning of the film.

Track of the day: Fuck me, this is so so good.

I did not know about this, thank you! Will have to grab that. My sister still hasn't seen Perfect Blue, and she's a fan of current K-pop/J-pop so this will be a perfect cautionary tale for fans like her XD


After about 2 months of doing 7-4, I am having to do the 10-7 again... it sucks, 5-7 I will be on my own... with very little to do I imagine.

Yeah, I am on similar shifts (better hours though) but have to switch randomly. So can go from an early, to a late, to an early shift again... messes me up.

Gets quiet in the job nearer to christmas, no one bothers coming in on time and leaves early for the most part so on my own for a good chunk watching paint dry. Hence getting a Vita, could be an idea for you. :)

didn't get the job, back to square 1.. fuuuuuck.

Unlucky, hope you get something soon.

Congrats on the new room-mate, sounds great. Hope everything else works out for you.

Tomorrow is MCM Comic Con and the premier of my awesome Daenerys costume. Then the evening is birthday drinks for my mate, should get nice and messy.

No plans for Sunday yet.

Heh, was planning on going there as well. Although will decide on the day so don't have any tickets prebooked, thought my daughter would like it but she has been either an angel or a viscous demon child of satan lately so depends what mood she is in.

Dunno what the queues are like so may get there and have to scrap it if they are insane as again, my daughter has no patience. If all goes well though, she will be in a tinkerbell outfit, my missus dressed normal and no costume for me either although I have got a Punisher and Symbiote Spidey T-Shirt. Want to see Thomas Jane if I can so has to be Punisher T-Shirt really.

On Sunday I will hopefully get some TV time to play Batman, would be cool if I could get Troy to sign the case but his signing thing is too late.

Speaking of NiN, have you heard the new Gary Numan album? He was an inspiration for them. I think it's great, makes me wish current NiN was as good.

Not yet, thanks for the heads up, will check it out. :D Yeah, I was lucky and got to see him perform with NIN doing Metal and Cars... sounded amazing except I was in the gods so couldn't see shit. Trent has been sidetracked I guess, although I have liked the odd song, he needed to do something fresh. Tries something new, wins an Oscar... crazy.


Yeah, I am on similar shifts (better hours though) but have to switch randomly. So can go from an early, to a late, to an early shift again... messes me up.

Gets quiet in the job nearer to christmas, no one bothers coming in on time and leaves early for the most part so on my own for a good chunk watching paint dry. Hence getting a Vita, could be an idea for you. :)

I do have a Vita - but I'm IT support so I just browse the internet when it gets quiet. Quite pleasant :) I could also go home as I only live around the corner but I don't wanna risk it with traffic.
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