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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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Just got back a bit ago, few lessons learned if we go next time. I didn't think the general sale queue would take that long, definitely should have bought advanced ones even if I didn't use em. Get there early. And find something to wear with spikes so they get out of your way.

And no matter how amazing something looks to your child (which you buy), it pales in comparison to finding two animal balloons left by someone at the train station.

Good fun though, favourite bit was probably coming across a giant hello kitty which my daughter loved. Missed out on seeing Thomas Jane and troy baker though.

Got to play ass creed 4 on PS4, game seemed shit but only wanted to try out the controller anyway. Waaay better than the DS4, still not 100% on the triggers. Dunno, didn't get long enough to mess around and the staff couldn't answer any questions. Literally had no interest in games.

You have fun?


Yeh it was great, although tiring towards the end. Just bought a pikachu shirt and a BMO shirt (adventure time) for my younger sibling.

Cool atmosphere, although the actual venue choice wasn't great . I also got to try out the Emirates Airline carriage thingy. That was cool.

A Link between Worlds was great, managed to get to the end of the dungeon, I love the 3D usage in the game in terms of graphical effects and the mechanics of the game.

Tried AC4, disappointed honestly, although the DS4 was pretty cool to hold. Triggers are nice, D pad is still not to my liking but better, (always preferred one piece solution), the trackpad felt cool but the click felt a bit odd. Sticks being smaller was odd at first, I need to get to grips with that a bit more. Ergonomically much better though.

Tried some other Wii U games, they were fun.

As for the cosplay, some amazing costumes were on display, but annoyingly my phone ran out of battery before I could get a quick run at then end to photo everyone.

Didn't see Troy Baker, but honestly would only have been interested if there were more prominent celebrities there.

Do some more coke, and we might have to make Donald Duck's eyes a little more bloodshot, and that nose a little more red.

this is scarily apt



Stuck in a hotel room until the other dudes here wake up. Was sharing the double bed with one of them, but he kept hogging the entire fucking bed, so I could barely sleep. Dehydrated as all hell too. I just want a bottle of water or summat.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Stuck in a hotel room until the other dudes here wake up. Was sharing the double bed with one of them, but he kept hogging the entire fucking bed, so I could barely sleep. Dehydrated as all hell too. I just want a bottle of water or summat.

beta man, you should've just kicked the cunt out

unless it was me

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Might have to go and play guitar now just cus im nuts

oh yeah yesterday flatmates now ex was all over me and well pretty much everyone once she got drunk last night

caused quite the stir

beans everywhere


Fuck you quantic dream. I stood behind you when Heavy Rain was getting shat on and you turn around and screw me over. Thanks a lot.


Knows the Score
Beyond: Two Souls. That's what they did. Just beat it earlier today and wow...just wow.

But isn't this the developer whose game previous to Heavy Jason featured someone who was a member of a mayan death cult formed of an AI working with the Illuminati that could fly? Could it be sillier?


To balance it out, I thought Beyond: Two Souls was a phenomenal experience and I can't wait to get back to it and get the different endings.

Graphics, voice-acting, story, soundtrack: all hit the mark for me.


Beyond is fucking terrible , Cage is perfect example of a person who thinks he is more talented then he actually is.

What has blown my mind this weekend is that the writers of Ass Creed can write better Batman stories then fucking Paul Dini. Arkham Origins story and in general the whole game is vastly better then Asylum n City.


Beyond is fucking terrible , Cage is perfect example of a person who thinks he is more talented then he actually is.

What has blown my mind this weekend is that the writers of Ass Creed can write better Batman stories then fucking Paul Dini. Arkham Origins story and in general the whole game is vastly better then Asylum n City.

tbf to dini, he probably just phoned it in because videogames, whereas the asscreed writers have no where to go but up

Welcome back Hystzen! I haven't seen you post in fucking ages.

just avvin a giggle ther m8

dats right bro, dont throw stones in sonic houses
Really? Found City a bit disappointing and hated the Catwoman bits, so if it's a bit leaner than that I'm looking forward to it.

I've played a few hours of it over the weekend, it's good. Don't really like the Dark Knight upgrade system but otherwise it's really enjoyable.

Roger Craig Smith is a bit strange as Batman, but I'm used to hearing him as Captain America in Ultimate Spider-Man and Avengers Assemble. He's trying to "do the Conroy" in the same way that Nolan North is often told to just "do the Drake".


Graphics, voice-acting, story, soundtrack: all hit the mark for me.

To some extent it did for me too. The structure of the story, clunky controls and pointless interaction parts that contributed nothing worthwhile to the story was what spoiled the game for me. Also,
what's the deal with her not knowing that guy she was told to kill was a democratically elected president? You'd think she would've picked that up during a de-brief meeting or fucking CNN


Really? Found City a bit disappointing and hated the Catwoman bits, so if it's a bit leaner than that I'm looking forward to it.

it perfect mixture of both linear asylum for indoors with overworld of City. Enemies are faster and brutal they really go in for kill can't just turtle then counter each fight. Story kicks off really insane after 3 hours roughly and unlike City does not shit itself.
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