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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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Supposed to go out with work today, but DITCHED THAT as I shall be in Sheffield tomorrow night until about 8am. It's going to be messy.


If you are pubbing before the film I may be able to pop down to say hello. Depends on the time and if you fancy it obviously!

I think we'll probably pop for a swift beverage after the movie - let me or Tash know what time works for you, would be cool to have a bit of an impromptu meetup.

Jedeye - don't suppose you want to pop down? I'm driving & staying the night, so work that into your plans


What are you gonna be doing in my neck of the woods that late? xD

Corporation followed by Dempsey's I think, which should take us to 6am. Then probably McDonalds Cokes waiting for the train for a couple of hours and lamenting as to exactly why we didn't discover the 4am coach back to Leeds before we booked out tickets.
SICK DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!

Seriously though, I got stung by a fucking wasp on my foot and now I can't walk because my foot is all swollen. D:

Shit hurts as well. D:
Yeah we are at the in laws all weekend,, tomorrow there's meant to be a BBQ and Sunday we are all meant to be going to some farmers fair thing.

I'm expecting to drink copious amounts of alcohol.


Pizza Dog
It's the Notting Hill Carnival this weekend isn't it? I've never been, only lived in London a couple of years and have been away both times. Not sure I can be bothered with the hassle and the crowds though, especially if it's going to piss it down all weekend. My girlfriend's got exams next week so will probably want to stay in and revise for that, so I'll probably take advantage of the downtime to play games and not do very much. Plus I'm effectively broke for the rest of the month due to putting half my disposable funds into a savings account to try and buy a flat somewhere.


It's the Notting Hill Carnival this weekend isn't it? I've never been, only lived in London a couple of years and have been away both times. Not sure I can be bothered with the hassle and the crowds though, especially if it's going to piss it down all weekend. My girlfriend's got exams next week so will probably want to stay in and revise for that, so I'll probably take advantage of the downtime to play games and not do very much. Plus I'm effectively broke for the rest of the month due to putting half my disposable funds into a savings account to try and buy a flat somewhere.

I went 3 years ago. Unless you like large large crowds its not worth it. I just walked through it as it just was a bit to overwhelming for me. The music was good, but it felt like I was 16 and and a concert again. You know the ones where you basically are moving 15 feet back and forth as the crowd sways....


Pizza Dog
I went 3 years ago. Unless you like large large crowds its not worth it. I just walked through it as it just was a bit to overwhelming for me. The music was good, but it felt like I was 16 and and a concert again. You know the ones where you basically are moving 15 feet back and forth as the crowd sways....

Yeah, that's what I figured. If the weather was nice then at least it'd be a sunny day out, but even then it'd mean being stuck in a hot crowd of people. Don't mind giving it a miss.

Jedeye Sniv

this just in: super exclusive BritGAF meet on Saturday.
If you didn't know about it before this post, you're probably not invited.

hmph. fuck y'all then :(

I think we'll probably pop for a swift beverage after the movie - let me or Tash know what time works for you, would be cool to have a bit of an impromptu meetup.

Jedeye - don't suppose you want to pop down? I'm driving & staying the night, so work that into your plans

Actually would love to but am totally skintsville until next friday :( last week of a five week month sucks balls. I shall be playing Dishonoured to cheer myself up somehow
Donkey! Acrid!

Mind officially blown.
Never knew they were hand-painted.
Haha yeah, it's cool seeing them change it every time I drove by when I used to live in LA.
Corporation followed by Dempsey's I think, which should take us to 6am. Then probably McDonalds Cokes waiting for the train for a couple of hours and lamenting as to exactly why we didn't discover the 4am coach back to Leeds before we booked out tickets.
Damn Corp then Dempseys? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTN6Du3MCgI

Good times xD

no angel

I think we'll probably pop for a swift beverage after the movie - let me or Tash know what time works for you, would be cool to have a bit of an impromptu meetup.

Jedeye - don't suppose you want to pop down? I'm driving & staying the night, so work that into your plans

I'll be free from about 2, I'm watching my cousin take his car round goodwood in the morning (should be fun, I've booked a copilot seat). Can pm you my number if that would be easier?


Yarp. Drinks are mad cheap there. Don't remember, but are you from around here too?

Nope, I'm a London(ish) boy. Funnily enough I was invited to a meetup in Sheffield with some guys last night which apparently ended up being a crawl through Corp and then Dempsey's.

It was actually planned as such.

I wish I went.



Today in FTL THE DEATH OF AFONI which I was going to leave but I did some really stupid shit and messed up so I'm going post it today then relax all weekend


hmph. fuck y'all then :(

Actually would love to but am totally skintsville until next friday :( last week of a five week month sucks balls. I shall be playing Dishonoured to cheer myself up somehow

Tenner for cinema, couple of quid for petrol & maybe a tenner on bevvies - I can even float you a few quid if it helps?

I'll be free from about 2, I'm watching my cousin take his car round goodwood in the morning (should be fun, I've booked a copilot seat). Can pm you my number if that would be easier?

Yeah, drop it to me and T-man & we'll arrange something!


Previously during Day 2

Musha had been distant past few hours after seeing a slaves body stuck to windscreen it made her think if this job was worth it. Colman made a tough call but it was right one who knew about the 50 slaves locked in the cupboard even our scanners didn't pick them up. Ninja was able to collect scrap from a few run ins with more pirates and used this to get some more juice out of the ship improved the shields to Lv 2.


Musha takes the ship into Engi space to avoid a sector controlled by Microsoft hoping this sector would give them a respite little did she know this was going to be worst sector yet. Still feeling guilty about the slaves Musha decides to head for a distress beacon maybe trying to ease her mind and that some good deeds will help relive it.

A mantis ship is attacking so Musha eases the ship into attack flight path hoping to take them about before they get aboard

Unfortunately she notices 2 intruders beam into engine room poised to attack Afoni, she tells him to get out and lock the doors while Coldman blasts the ship to pieces. The Manti noticing they where stuck beam back just as their ship is destroyed. Musha notices a communication from the Engi station no doubt to thank them


Good deeds does not pay well

They fly through the sector watching the Engi flee the sector as the Microsoft fleet floods the sector she takes the B GAF into a astroid field while Ninja upgrades the O2 system and blast doors.


Musha hears a sound behind her as 2 boarders from a Mantis Fighter appears she quickly hits auto pilot takes out her pistol and fires at the Zoltan. Musha blasts the Zoltan down with her gun quickly gains control of ship to dodge a astroid about to collide with weapons room. The enemy ship explodes and she notices how quiet the corridor outside is slowly gets up to investigate. What she find is carnage a corridor splashed with green and red blood. A human male slumped in the corner missing his left arm with a smile on his face only then does she notice Afoni missing his front left leg with many wounds around him. She grabs his body dragging it to med bay, she can hear the clicks from his mouth which he uses to talk so he is still alive but who knows for how long

2 hours later

Musha is looking at space map noticing they made a huge mistake her need to do good deeds has meant the jump rely to next sector has been taken over by Microsoft fleet. She calls a meeting and shows the crew

She details that to escape they must fly into the heart of the Microsoft fleet then survive long enough to charge FTL drive to escape. Coldman of course nods his head not giving a shit, Ninja mentions it crazy but they have no choice and Afoni just stares at the map closes it with his remaining arm then heads to engine room.

They knew this was going be a suicide mission but they had no choice. Afoni has a hard job he needs to keep the engine working all with one arm a piece of him died today but he became a better person for it.

Next time the end of day 2 : Escape From Engi Space

or death in Engi Space

Jedeye Sniv

Tenner for cinema, couple of quid for petrol & maybe a tenner on bevvies - I can even float you a few quid if it helps?

Hmmm, soooo tempting, especially since I don't have band practice this week and so have saved myself 20 quid. And I might even be able to snag Rising while we're at it :p what time are you setting off for?


Hmmm, soooo tempting, especially since I don't have band practice this week and so have saved myself 20 quid. And I might even be able to snag Rising while we're at it :p what time are you setting off for?

Will double-check with Mr Tashbrooke, but I think it'll be mid-late afternoon. Rising is sitting in my car, actually - so I don't forget to give it to you next time!

Jedeye Sniv

Will double-check with Mr Tashbrooke, but I think it'll be mid-late afternoon. Rising is sitting in my car, actually - so I don't forget to give it to you next time!

ahhhhh choices choices!! Actually, I might have to skip as much as I would love to come hang, I have plans for sunday that involve riding a bike with the mrs so can't really stay over, and the train home costs £22 (!) and takes two and a half hours (!!). lol fuck that :p

This decision makes me a sad panda, but it is ultimately sensible. Getting old and sensible is such bullshit.


It's weird. So many dudes trying to be hyper-masculine, and yet they end up sounding like an old ladies knitting circle.

Most guys who try hard to be Alpha are a rats nest of insecurity, guys who work out excessively / spend all their time looking jacked so they can look "hard", guys who ask "what ya mean you don't like footy? are you a poof?", guys who date skanky tacky girls just because they need to be seen with someone other guys want to fuck, guys who ask you what car you drive in the first few minutes of meeting you etc...

They are raised to compete with every other man 24/7 and can't hack it because there is always someone "better".

It's never quite been the same since they took Diagnosis Murder off the schedules.

So true, I remember when being off sick meant: Murder she Wrote, Diagnosis Murder, Ironside and if you were lucky Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea.


Previously FTL DAY 2 PART 2

Afoni lost an arm, Musha shot a guy in the face, Coldman gives no shits and Ninja did some upgrades but none that matters as due to a fuck up they have no choice but to fly into the full Microsoft Fleet to escape.

Musha will have to be a leaf on the wind to dodge the hail of lasers and missles, Coldman will have to send a hail of lasers to any blocking the way, Afoni with one arm will have to make sure the engine stays online and Ninja needs keep that shield up or it all over.

Sensors are down when it his hit by a missile so they have no clue what the damage to other rooms are like but they hear no fires or hull breaches. Coldman starts his attack aiming to assualt the shields but the fighter has lvl 2 shields meaning our lasers chip away damage after shields are breached. The MS fighter has BFM launcher which Musha barely avoids and 2 sets of heavy lasers. The dogfight continues for minutes they just need hold on a bit longer and FTL drive is ready for jump but then the shields are breached as a laser takes out the O2 system and a BFM hits engine room.

Dramatic background music for this battle
Hull is ripped to shreds, O2 levels are falling and worse the FTL drive is knocked offline with a fire. Afoni hating the fact he moaned about having nothing to do during first day is regretting this choice as he tries to put out the fire. Imagine a Mantis hold a fire extinguisher now imagine it missing its left front claw shit is going be hard. Afoni has no choice due it alone, Musha needs to fly as the last time she switched to Auto Pilot she woke up with DUI charges, Coldman needs to fight the attacker and Ninja needs keep shields up as a direct hit will kill everybody.

Coldman takes down the attacker but a missile hits weapons bay damaging it luckily Coldman had left to quickly help repair the engine.

Engine is repaired, Afoni is barely alive and they not out of danger they need get out of the sector. Musha quickly FTL jumps into Zoltan space, the crew quickly head into med bay due to O2 levels being dangerously low the crew is now suffocating.

Everybody groups together to repair the system as 4% oxygen is left they need it or everybody is dead (why does Ninja need oxygen he is a being made of pure energy).

With a ship full of oxygen the B GAF limps into a repair station to fix the hull

Ninja takes care of dealing with his kind hoping to get some deals while everybody gets some rest. They barely made it out of alive and still got far to go before they can finally reach the goal.

Coldman can't sleep so heads to the soothing weapons bay along way he pases Afoni's nest in engine room he see that the bug bastard is asleep.


Coldman is startled by Afoni shouting this for 3 reasons
1) The buggy eyed bastard only speaks in clicks
2) Its a alluring english voice
3) why has Afoni got a human left arm


That battle was intense it last about 6 minutes due to us both having lvl 2 shields we had a better pilot so dodged shots while we had issues breaching the shield. When the engine room went down I pretty much freaked out as the FTL drive was just about be ready. It reason love this rogue like even though death is just a experience and you start again when you create a little narrative it really draws you in which is why bugging you lot with it.

Now can spend weekend finishing off my Rome play through


Most guys who try hard to be Alpha are a rats nest of insecurity, guys who work out excessively / spend all their time looking jacked so they can look "hard", guys who ask "what ya mean you don't like footy? are you a poof?", guys who date skanky tacky girls just because they need to be seen with someone other guys want to fuck, guys who ask you what car you drive in the first few minutes of meeting you etc...

They are raised to compete with every other man 24/7 and can't hack it because there is always someone "better".
If truth were coal, this post'd be a diamond.
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