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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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Knows the Score
I've also quit smoking since something like the 7th of January. I had a few last weekend but that's because it's impossible for me not to smoke on a night out. Been off them since then.

Question for other quitters, people who have quit/tried to quit in the past: can paranoia be a side effect?

I'm getting over it slightly now but my head has been a really strange place the last week. You know when you make inconsequential eye contact with someone and you suddenly become convinced that person has been talking/plotting about you when you're not around? I've been getting that so much lately, from co workers, my managers, my housemates, I suddenly started worrying that they know something I don't and it's made me anxious about the longevity of my job. I'm a contractor and I've been here for over 9 months, the contract itself is a year but is renewable and from what my manager has said, it's much better to have a contractor stay on than spend 3 months training someone new.

So rationally, I know there's not a big issue. But that underlying feeling is really pervasive.

So, back to quitting smoking, if the paranoia is unrelated, then I can go back to the comforting reality that I'm just an unhinged person. If it is related, I shouldn't have to put up with it for much longer.

Are you taking SSRIs or similar to help you stop? If not, it might be moodswings manifesting as a side-effect of your body giving up on the nicotine dependency. IIRC it takes something like 3 months for your body to flush nicotine completely so it may just be that it's still working on you.


I just love how picky the girls are then some absolute meat head comes on who looks like he suffers from severe roid rage and the girls are foaming at the gash. And also when they go on a date with the guy but admit that they didn't like him in the first place.

Goddamn, what shallow tripe. It's like Blind Date but a lot more..worse.


daps, I think I know what you mean.

Nicotine calms your nerves, so when your body is deprived of it, a little anxiety is to be expected. Keep going man, it'll subside.
I just love how picky the girls are then some absolute meat head comes on who looks like he suffers from severe roid rage and the girls are foaming at the gash. And also when they go on a date with the guy but admit that they didn't like him in the first place.
Haha, this is the best collection of words posted today. I'm stealing that.

Did anyone ever try that Alka-Seltzer ice cube thing? It's pretty cool...


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
I fall back on the old truism - "A person is smart, but people are dangerously stupid"! And tbh yes, I really have very little faith in our democratic system and the people who run it. And the people who vote for it.

All that means is it is too complicated. And yes, I think a whole bunch of that complication needs to be dismantled - whether it is within the tax system, the employment system. the education system etc etc

For example, there is a "sink" estate about 2 miles away from me, and I would dearly love to put some of my import/warehouse business there - I know a bunch of people who live there and would welcome it. But the planning laws say I can't, the employment laws say I can't selectively discriminate in favour of people who live there (which would be to their benefit), the tax laws give me a disadvantage, the insurance bill would be massive, the local council has no power to incentivise such a move and the valuation office does not want to play.

That's just way too many burdens to surmount for something that would be both socially progressive and beneficial, and profitable.

And yes, the "minimum wage" is a pest as well. As is, from the other side, the marginal tax rate for the un- or under-employed on benefits.

I mean yes, my statement is pretty typical Jed-hyperbole but I think the general public as a mass are incredibly reactionary, easily led and not particularly well informed at all. Most of the public could not even tell you who the leader of the opposition is. I like to think that I'm moderately intelligent, and I readily admit that I know next to nothing about Europe and how it works and the myriad of links between us and the continent. I know enough to know I don't know much at all. But damn, get stuck in a conversation with some anti-Euro zealot and you realise that they know very little too while believing they have all the answers.

Yes, maybe. But that comes with the game. If politicians claim their power and influence on the basis of popular votes, then it should damn well be their job to make sure the public understand it.

Maybe, in order to vote in a referendum you should need to sit a quick quiz just to make sure you have some grasp of the issues? Should eliminate around 80% of the voters!

I'd rather set a quick quiz for the politicians to see whether they are capable of understanding, compassion and letting the other man live his own life than subject the entire population to this sort of institutional crap.

True, but do you think that many people are actually seeking out and joining in on these debates? In a lot of ways, I think the political classes are preaching to the choir. The people who watch newsnight and question time and read newspapers will be aware of the issues, but I think these people are sadly the minority in our country.

Really, I WISH that people were better educated on these things. I wish I was. Politics should be taught as a timetabled subject in schools, political discourse should be part of prime-time TV on the regular. If the general public was actually truly engaged in politics the country would be a very different place I think.

Yes actually I do. I talk and listen a lot to a whole load of different people who all have different opinions. Almost unfailingly they are interested in listening to the other side, to considering the upsides and downsides, to looking at the bigger picture. And I talk to anybody - millionaires, unemployed, farmers, professionals, single parents etc etc. They are all, in general, much more sensible than they are made out to be.


See, I've never ever smoked in my life and I don't intend on doing so. I have no problem with others smoking and respect their wishes to do so but I've just never seen the appeal myself.
Are you taking SSRIs or similar to help you stop? If not, it might be moodswings manifesting as a side-effect of your body giving up on the nicotine dependency. IIRC it takes something like 3 months for your body to flush nicotine completely so it may just be that it's still working on you.

No I'm going cold turkey. So you're probably right it's just mood swings.

Thankfully I consider myself fairly adept at spotting negative mental phases and dealing with them. Knowing it's there and not just assuming that's your life is half the battle I think.

As for the referendum discussion, I think these kind of things really highlight the weaknesses of democracy: it's the best we've got but it's definitely got problems. The independence vote is a perfect example of this; it's just going to be hearts not brains voting YES. I think Alex Salmond swinging it so 16 year olds in Scotland could vote speaks volumes: they're young, they're idealistic, they're less informed, they're exactly the demographic the SNP can succeed with.

Son Of D

See, I've never ever smoked in my life and I don't intend on doing so. I have no problem with others smoking and respect their wishes to do so but I've just never seen the appeal myself.

Yeah that's what I'm like. I'm surprised at myself though, as a fair few people in my family smoke. I'd have at least expected myself to have one out of curiosity.
You got a pretty sexy name though.

I do now.

Today I'm going mad for that Skrillex track from Far Cry 3 (Make It Bun Dem). Can't play it loud enough.

Cos Skrillex is da bomb

I'm job hunting on Saturday, got a few close friends round on Saturday night for drinks and videogames, then taking the little one to see Frozen on Sunday.

Is this the first time you'll be seeing it?

I'm also quitting smoking this weekend.

Good for you! And good luck.

Question for other quitters, people who have quit/tried to quit in the past: can paranoia be a side effect?

No. In general it shouldn't be at all. I never suffered from it, nor did anyone else I know who has quit.

daps, I think I know what you mean.

Nicotine calms your nerves, so when your body is deprived of it, a little anxiety is to be expected. Keep going man, it'll subside.
thing? It's pretty cool...

No it doesn't. Nicotine is a stimulant, increasing blood pressure and heart rate.

The brain is tricked in to thinking it calms you because you are brainwashed from a young age to believe this.


Well shit, I did not know that!

I just did a bit of reading, apparently it can act as a relaxant due to increasing levels of dopamine in the brain. Also, the relaxed feeling mainly comes from quelling your cravings rather than any physiological effect.

Well there you go, my new thing for today.

Edit: Still, it does calm your nerves. It doesn't really matter why.


Is this the first time you'll be seeing it?
It is, yeah, she's looking forward to it but, honestly, I'm probably more excited than her. I was going to just wait for it to be released on Blu-Ray and pick up a copy, but it's not the same as seeing it in the cinema. I can't wait, aha.


boo at folk quitting smoking here. What's up with that? Smoking makes you look so badass like James Dean...and did he die from lung cancer or a stroke? Like fuck he did! Be proud of your "0 fucks given" attitude to life and be a rebel! If you're that concerned about your health then at least quit driving. That shit is lethal. If James Dean was smoking instead of driving he'd probably be still alive today...smokin' a smooth, rich tasty Marlboro light while on life support.

- Message brought to you by a smug, narrrow-minded non-smoker :)

brb, off to cash some cheques.
It is, yeah, she's looking forward to it but, honestly, I'm probably more excited than her. I was going to just wait for it to be released on Blu-Ray and pick up a copy, but it's not the same as seeing it in the cinema. I can't wait, aha.

No you have to see it in the cinema, it's so awesome. I went to see it on my own and I was just sat there full of emotion all the way through. I think you'll love it.


formerly Oynox Slider
I've also quit smoking since something like the 7th of January. I had a few last weekend but that's because it's impossible for me not to smoke on a night out. Been off them since then.

Question for other quitters, people who have quit/tried to quit in the past: can paranoia be a side effect?

I'm getting over it slightly now but my head has been a really strange place the last week. You know when you make inconsequential eye contact with someone and you suddenly become convinced that person has been talking/plotting about you when you're not around? I've been getting that so much lately, from co workers, my managers, my housemates, I suddenly started worrying that they know something I don't and it's made me anxious about the longevity of my job. I'm a contractor and I've been here for over 9 months, the contract itself is a year but is renewable and from what my manager has said, it's much better to have a contractor stay on than spend 3 months training someone new.

So rationally, I know there's not a big issue. But that underlying feeling is really pervasive.

So, back to quitting smoking, if the paranoia is unrelated, then I can go back to the comforting reality that I'm just an unhinged person. If it is related, I shouldn't have to put up with it for much longer.

I can really relate to paranoia. I think I might be the world's most paranoid woman. Not helped by titanic skunk / alcohol intake in late teens / early twenties and hereditary bipolar. So I'm sorry to say it, but they probably are plotting. They're all watching you too. You're best off smoking.

In fact that's my advice to all the quitters. Keep smoking! What the hell are you all playing at? You've made a commitment and you really should see it through. What is the world coming to?!?!
No you have to see it in the cinema, it's so awesome. I went to see it on my own and I was just sat there full of emotion all the way through. I think you'll love it.

Anyobody else ever do this?

In my time I've gone to see maybe 3-4 movies by myself. Mostly because I couldn't persuade friends of mine to see something only I was interested in but last time I did it I was just hungover and thought "fuck it" and watched Pacific Rim.

It's quite a refreshing experience actually, well it's certainly different anyway. Certain things I wouldn't do it for like a comedy where having friends laughing at the film improves the experience. But overall it's not a bad way to see a film.

First time I did it I thought the ticket person would be really awkward about it but it wasn't an issue. The couple that ended up sitting next to me may have thought I was a murderer but that's not my problem.

Blink Me

Anyobody else ever do this?

In my time I've gone to see maybe 3-4 movies by myself. Mostly because I couldn't persuade friends of mine to see something only I was interested in but last time I did it I was just hungover and thought "fuck it" and watched Pacific Rim.

It's quite a refreshing experience actually, well it's certainly different anyway. Certain things I wouldn't do it for like a comedy where having friends laughing at the film improves the experience. But overall it's not a bad way to see a film.

First time I did it I thought the ticket person would be really awkward about it but it wasn't an issue. The couple that ended up sitting next to me may have thought I was a murderer but that's not my problem.

I probably would if there was something desperate I wanted to see. I'm always surprised when people don't go to concerts by themselves. I prefer it since I can stand where I want and don't have to worry about people not enjoying it. I've been clubbing by myself a few times as well. Its good when you pull but when you don't I end up getting very subconscious.

Jedeye Sniv

Anyobody else ever do this?

In my time I've gone to see maybe 3-4 movies by myself. Mostly because I couldn't persuade friends of mine to see something only I was interested in but last time I did it I was just hungover and thought "fuck it" and watched Pacific Rim.

It's quite a refreshing experience actually, well it's certainly different anyway. Certain things I wouldn't do it for like a comedy where having friends laughing at the film improves the experience. But overall it's not a bad way to see a film.

First time I did it I thought the ticket person would be really awkward about it but it wasn't an issue. The couple that ended up sitting next to me may have thought I was a murderer but that's not my problem.

Only ever saw one film by myself, it was a Tuesday in 1997 and I wanted to see Starship Troopers but nobody else was about so I went on my tod. Went into school next day with stories about bugs, amazing cg and copious shower boobies.
I probably would if there was something desperate I wanted to see. I'm always surprised when people don't go to concerts by themselves. I prefer it since I can stand where I want and don't have to worry about people not enjoying it. I've been clubbing by myself a few times as well. Its good when you pull but when you don't I end up getting very subconscious.

I've been to gigs by myself, gone clubbing by myself, hell I've even been on holiday by myself. It helps that I'm a sociable person. I just don't see the point on missing out on something I want to do just because there isn't someone to do it with. Plus it's a great way to meet new people.


Anyobody else ever do this?
I've done it for the final Harry Potter film, Skyfall, Man of Steel and, most recently, the 50th anniversary episode of Doctor Who. It honestly doesn't bother me as I don't have people talking throughout the film like my friends do, for some reason. The screening of Doctor Who was particularly great as the screen as packed with people dressed up and I got talking to a couple of people about Who and stuff, it was pretty cool.


Doing things without other people is awesome, but I'm a social creature by nature (I think shorty called me the most sociable introvert he's ever met) and I get paranoid thinking people are judging me for being on my tod.

It's all mental bullshit though, movies alone makes so much sense.

Blink Me

I've been to gigs by myself, gone clubbing by myself, hell I've even been on holiday by myself. It helps that I'm a sociable person. I just don't see the point on missing out on something I want to do just because there isn't someone to do it with. Plus it's a great way to meet new people.

When I've been looking around Universities I've been thinking of going to I've been out. Birmingham and Canterbury were fun, unfortunately all the students had gone home when I visited York so nothing was really open on a Tuesday. These past few months since I broke up with my girlfriend I've just wanted to go out and have fun but a lot of the time my mates have bailed or don't want to go out so I ended up going out by myself anyway.


I haven't done either, but I think I'd go to the flicks on my own. It's sitting in silence in a large room watching a screen, why not? I suppose I'd go to a gig on my own too, but I'd have to really want to go. It also totally depends on the gig.

Not so sure about going on a night out on my own though, that seems a bit depressing to me. It's all about having a bit of crack with your mates, I'd feel totally out of place and a bit sad standing there on my own!

It's great mingling and all that, but it's the kind of thing that works better with a group mingling with another, rather than some lonely looking dude walking around a club trying to find some people to talk to.

Blink Me

My mates never really liked the same music as me so I've seen loads of bands by myself since I was 16. The only time having friends at a gig was useful was at Reading when we pushed to the front to see blink-182. We got separated anyway as soon as Dumpweed started playing.


I suppose I'd go to a gig on my own too, but I'd have to really want to go. It also totally depends on the gig.
I normally wouldn't go to a gig on my own but none of my mates are into Funeral, and it's been waaaaay too long since I've seen them live or even been to a gig for that matter, so I thought fuck it. It's in the student union, too, so gonna be plenty of people to mingle with.
Not so sure about going on a night out on my own though, that seems a bit depressing to me. It's all about having a bit of crack with your mates, I'd feel totally out of place and a bit sad standing there on my own!

It's great mingling and all that, but it's the kind of thing that works better with a group mingling with another, rather than some lonely looking dude walking around a club trying to find some people to talk to.

Obviously it’s each to their own and depends on your sociability, but I’ve had some cracking nights out on my own.

My Mum and I went to stay with my Uncle in Brighton many years ago, and he just happened to live next door to a rock club. We got back to his from having a nice meal out, I saw the queue and heard the music and told them I’d see them later! Chatted and danced with loads of people, had a brilliant night.

When I was living in S Wales I’d head out on my own to Newport quite often, but I knew there would always be people I knew out.
Got my exam results. Crushed it. YEAHHHHHHHHHHH! Feeling very relaxed and happy right now.

My Pathfinder books came today, so I'm going to dig into those over the weekend. Also ordered the Doctor Who: Dark Eyes 2 set and subscribed to Pathfinder Legends audio dramas.
In some ways going clubbing or seeing a gig has lone elements to it as well. I have a lot of guy friends and none of them have my level of skill on the dancefloor so I'm often on my own there, usually have a good time, meet people sometimes. It's fun. But I wouldn't do that for a whole night, I enjoy cutting loose with people I know too, it's fun to get drunk with mates. Plus there's the group recollections, stuff like that.

Going to a gig alone makes more sense since the likelihood is you'll lose each other anyway and, sort of like the cinema, everyone is focused on the stage, whereas nightclubs are essentially really loud places to mingle.


Congrats Textrax Shards!

Obviously it’s each to their own and depends on your sociability, but I’ve had some cracking nights out on my own.

My Mum and I went to stay with my Uncle in Brighton many years ago, and he just happened to live next door to a rock club. We got back to his from having a nice meal out, I saw the queue and heard the music and told them I’d see them later! Chatted and danced with loads of people, had a brilliant night.
Once I'm in a club, I'll often just disappear for a while and mingle, as long as I know that I have some pals to go and see if I lose interest/crash and burn horribly. It's the thought of having to stand there alone in between meeting people and dancing that puts me off. I need a safety net damn it! Plus I'd hate to have to answer the inevitable question of "so, who are you out with?"

And besides all that, an attractive, outgoing female is always going to be received better in that situation than, well, me. :/
When I was living in S Wales I’d head out on my own to Newport quite often, but I knew there would always be people I knew out.
Oh, I'm well up for doing this. As long as I know people are out, I don't mind just catching up with them in there.
Got my exam results. Crushed it. YEAHHHHHHHHHHH! Feeling very relaxed and happy right now.

My Pathfinder books came today, so I'm going to dig into those over the weekend. Also ordered the Doctor Who: Dark Eyes 2 set and subscribed to Pathfinder Legends audio dramas.

Congrats Tetrax! That's awesome

Blink Me

In some ways going clubbing or seeing a gig has lone elements to it as well. I have a lot of guy friends and none of them have my level of skill on the dancefloor so I'm often on my own there, usually have a good time, meet people sometimes. It's fun. But I wouldn't do that for a whole night, I enjoy cutting loose with people I know too, it's fun to get drunk with mates. Plus there's the group recollections, stuff like that.

That's what I generally prefer if I'm out clubbing losing my mates for a bit then finding them once I get bored. If I've gone out alone drinking then I don't really care what other people think and just spend the night dancing anyway. If I've ever done it sober then I tend to go in somewhere busy and if I haven't met anyone I know or mingled with anyone else I'll bail.

But when it comes to gigs and the cinema like you said people's attention should be on the screen/stage not on you. And if their attention is on you then that's more their problem than yours.

Son Of D

I do a lot of things on my own but one thing I couldn't see myself doing is going to a pub or club by myself. Being as shy as I am doesn't help and for the most part I could imagine that I'd just be standing or sitting in a corner feeling uncomfortable or something. That and seeing a group of people having fun together whilst on my own would make me feel worse.
I do a lot of things on my own but one thing I couldn't see myself doing is going to a pub or club by myself. Being as shy as I am doesn't help and for the most part I could imagine that I'd just be standing or sitting in a corner feeling uncomfortable or something. That and seeing a group of people having fun together whilst on my own would make me feel worse.

It's one of those things where it does help to build confidence, but you have to have a little to begin with to get going. If someone approached you in a pub or club and started talking to you, would you talk back or would you go all shy and quiet?


On the topic of riding solo, I've got a random day's holiday on Monday 10th Feb and fancy spending the day in London, probably mostly on my lonesome. Does anyone have any particularly good recommendations of things to do on your own in London?

I know it's a bit of a frustrating question with London having such broad appeal, but I'm very open minded. The last time I was in London on my own for the day I went to see Boxpark (disappointing), laid in Regents Park for a while (nice, but the weather was a lot better then) and mooched around Forbidden Planet for a bit.

Oh and congratulations to those with good exam/interview news today.

Son Of D

It's one of those things where it does help to build confidence, but you have to have a little to begin with to get going. If someone approached you in a pub or club and started talking to you, would you talk back or would you go all shy and quiet?

I'd talk back. Probably trip over my words a bit or speak in short sentences though.
On the topic of riding solo, I've got a random day's holiday on Monday 10th Feb and fancy spending the day in London, probably mostly on my lonesome. Does anyone have any particularly good recommendations of things to do on your own in London?

I know it's a bit of a frustrating question with London having such broad appeal, but I'm very open minded. The last time I was in London on my own for the day I went to see Boxpark (disappointing), laid in Regents Park for a while (nice, but the weather was a lot better then) and mooched around Forbidden Planet for a bit.

Oh and congratulations to those with good exam/interview news today.

Walking around seeing the sights is always good to do. If it’s a bit chilly head over to South Bank by the London Eye, and pop in to Namco for some arcade gaming fun.

If you like Forbidden Planet try some other Comic Shops, like Orbital on St Martin’s Lane near the bottom of Charing Cross Road.

I'd talk back. Probably trip over my words a bit or speak in short sentences though.

Well it’s a start!
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