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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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The only thing I can suggest is that rather than feel regret, appreciate the time you had together and take it as a learning experience. You can just as easily feel the way you did about that girl with another but this time you'll know where you went wrong.

Life's all about making choices and dealing with the consequences, but you learn from the mistakes you make and by doing so become a better person.

I'm sorry to hear that things didn't work out between you and your child's mother, though.

thanks man

Yeah, I guess maybe it's the loneliness kicking in. I've been on my own in this house since just after christmas. First time in 7 years this has happened.
thanks man

Yeah, I guess maybe it's the loneliness kicking in. I've been on my own in this house since just after christmas. First time in 7 years this has happened.

Didn't you get back with the mother of your child after you shagged your work colleague or did you realise that it was a shit decision?

Morning BritGAF!

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Morning! My boss is off to BETT today (I'm going tomorrow - there's 4 of us in the department so 2 are going today and the other 2 tomorrow, so that it's not completely unmanned in our absence).

What company do you work for? The guys I work for usually sponsor the lounge. :)

EDIT: The best part of BETT? Loads of free pens!

Jedeye Sniv

That's half the reason that Rosie Huntington-Whitely makes me pop a boner.

The other half being that she's fucking fit.

I don't know what she looks like but dang that is a sexy name. Double barrelled, got an embedded 'ing' sound, the cuteness of the 'ie' on Rosie...

Morning you lovely bunch of cunts

I don't know what she looks like but dang that is a sexy name. Double barrelled, got an embedded 'ing' sound, the cuteness of the 'ie' on Rosie...


Double barrelled does not always equal sexy name. There's a reason I changed mine.

So, it's Thursday, the weekend is just around the corner, and I feel like putting up the question a day earlier.

What's everyone's plans for the weekend?

Tomorrow after work I'm going for a few drinks with Qasiel and a few other friends. Saturday will be mainly spent packing, probably popping out to get a few last minute things, then cooking a lovely dinner for 5 of us that are going on hols - I'm thinking Cottage Pie. Sunday will be getting up and leaving the house at 2am, get to the airport for 4am, on the plane at 7am and land in Spain about midday for a 3 hour coach ride to Andorra.


Morning campers. Saw The Wolf of Wall Street yesterday - bloody excellent it was too. DiCaprio back on his typically excellent form (the last film I saw him in was Gatsby, with the less said about that the better), and his on-screen wife was, frankly, god tier.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Issa bit poncey innit? Crossed that fine line into horsefaced or bad-stripper territory

Hahaha! Penelope doesn't though...?


Persephone sounds like it should be sexy, but all I hear when I see that name is Homer Simpson's brother yelling about how "people don't want their cars named after hungry Greek broads."

Ha! I read that in DeVito's voice, too.

Jedeye Sniv

Morning you lovely bunch of cunts

Double barrelled does not always equal sexy name. There's a reason I changed mine.

So, it's Thursday, the weekend is just around the corner, and I feel like putting up the question a day earlier.

What's everyone's plans for the weekend?

Tomorrow after work I'm going for a few drinks with Qasiel and a few other friends. Saturday will be mainly spent packing, probably popping out to get a few last minute things, then cooking a lovely dinner for 5 of us that are going on hols - I'm thinking Cottage Pie. Sunday will be getting up and leaving the house at 2am, get to the airport for 4am, on the plane at 7am and land in Spain about midday for a 3 hour coach ride to Andorra.

You got a pretty sexy name though.

My weekend is precisely fuck all apart from band practice. Absolutely no money, so saturday will be spent playing Baldur's Gate 2 on my iPad (this month's crippling addiction) followed by Netflix binging and finishing off the christmas beer.

Actually that's not a bad weekend, I ain't even complaining.

Hahaha! Penelope doesn't though...?

Ha! I read that in DeVito's voice, too.

Oh dear, point taken. I bet she was still enthusiastic though.


Disappointingly skinny. With that name I was imagining darker hair and slightly more jubbly, like a young Nigella.

Imaginary girls are always super hot.
Yup, too slim. She's is super pretty, but I like a bit more meat on the bones. But she models underwear, so I guess she has to keep a close eye on her figure.

That Hayley Williams bird wants to get a few burgers in her these days too, she looks better with a bit more chub, it accentuates the cute.

What's everyone's plans for the weekend?
My pal is eventually moving out of his missus' place on Saturday, so there is a leaving do tomorrow night (it's not like it sounds, they've been split up about a year and have been on good grounds ever since) and combined welcome do for her insanely hot new French housemate.

Then Saturday/Sunday just dull shit, gym, parents, maybe a bit of shopping and vidya games. Possibly go to the flicks too, see if people fancy it.


Today I'm going mad for that Skrillex track from Far Cry 3 (Make It Bun Dem). Can't play it loud enough.

Disappointingly skinny. With that name I was imagining darker hair and slightly more jubbly, like a young Nigella.

Imaginary girls are always super hot.
Aye, she is that. I tend to look at her from the neck up, and imagine the rest.


You got a pretty sexy name though.

This is true.

What's everyone's plans for the weekend?

Not too much. Just starting my 4-day weekend now by going to bed. Got studying, website management and a meal out tonight. Tomorrow is gym/swimming, then a mooch around London before drinks with Musha and friends, then the weekend will be spent (hopefully) longboarding, cinema-going and generally chilling out before a bitch of a week at work next week.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
What's everyone's plans for the weekend?

Sadly, tomato-less this time...

Family day Saturday, so I think we're hooking up with a couple of friends to swap baby war stories and act adult. Sunday is band practice day. We're very nearly gig-worthy but need a couple more tunes under our belts. Interestingly, we have access to the CCTV where we practice, so we may record an impromptu live performance. I got a snap shot last week of what it looks like and it's pretty mint.

I do have influence with the budget holder's purchasing though! So it's important to convince me to buy your shit fine products! :)

You were right the first time! I'll let you know if we get anything good in, though :)

Jedeye Sniv

Sadly, tomato-less this time...

Family day Saturday, so I think we're hooking up with a couple of friends to swap baby war stories and act adult. Sunday is band practice day. We're very nearly gig-worthy but need a couple more tunes under our belts. Interestingly, we have access to the CCTV where we practice, so we may record an impromptu live performance. I got a snap shot last week of what it looks like and it's pretty mint.

You were right the first time! I'll let you know if we get anything good in, though :)

That sounds cool man, looking forward to hearing some recordings once you're up and running. We shall have to play together at some point this year.


sorry if this has been covered before, but I'm not in here very often.

Is it just me, or are referendums/da a stupid idea for crucial matters that impact everyone?

i.e the Scotland independence one, and the upcoming 'should we stay in europe?' one.

Both will surely be voted on primarily based on heart/gut instinct and feelings, and a lot of the detail of the practical implications will be mostly ignored.

As much as someone from Scotland might want to be independent, they may not fully understand what that will mean economically etc. And it doesn't just impact Scotland either - how come the rest of the UK doesn't get to vote?

Same with Europe - we're a naturally sceptical population but if we really did drop out of Europe we'd be fucked. Yet people will be going in to vote with the likes of the Daily Mail scaring them about how straight bananas will be if those crazies in Brussels get their way.

Some things - like gay marriage etc - work with referenda. More complex problems don't IMO

Jedeye Sniv

sorry if this has been covered before, but I'm not in here very often.

Is it just me, or are referendums/da a stupid idea for crucial matters that impact everyone?

i.e the Scotland independence one, and the upcoming 'should we stay in europe?' one.

Both will surely be voted on primarily based on heart/gut instinct and feelings, and a lot of the detail of the practical implications will be mostly ignored.

As much as someone from Scotland might want to be independent, they may not fully understand what that will mean economically etc. And it doesn't just impact Scotland either - how come the rest of the UK doesn't get to vote?

Same with Europe - we're a naturally sceptical population but if we really did drop out of Europe we'd be fucked. Yet people will be going in to vote with the likes of the Daily Mail scaring them about how straight bananas will be if those crazies in Brussels get their way.

Some things - like gay marriage etc - work with referenda. More complex problems don't IMO

Yes I agree. The problem is that by and large the public is pretty stupid. And also, the people with the more extreme views are the ones who will probably vote in larger numbers. I'm fairly agnostic about europe but I think you need a hell of a lot of data to even know what goes on over there. Most people I know who are anti-Europe are usually coming at it from a slightly xenophobic level of patriotism. When really, Europe affects British people minimally while still being an important force in trade and politics.


My weekend: get home from Scotland, pick Z up from the station, hang out with her and Kev on Friday night, I'm doing some private work for a few hours on Saturday before a big night in with some movies and alcohol then meeting her mum and brother on Sunday for a pub lunch.

I'm also quitting smoking this weekend.

Jedeye Sniv

My weekend: get home from Scotland, pick Z up from the station, hang out with her and Kev on Friday night, I'm doing some private work for a few hours on Saturday before a big night in with some movies and alcohol then meeting her mum and brother on Sunday for a pub lunch.

I'm also quitting smoking this weekend.

Oooh good luck. I'll be cutting down/not smoking much next month due to being skint as fuck. My least favourite reason to stop.

You can do it man.


My problem with stopping smoking is that I always look towards the next milestone where I can stop.

"Stop after Christmas."

"Fuck it, wait until New Years."

"Well it's your birthday soon, why not stop then?"

So currently, I plan on stopping next Saturday.



I personally found that the whole point of getting over an addiction is not how far you can go without addictive item but how long you can get off it and keep it up. Usually I'd be like "Can I go without X for two weeks? Course I can!" and then two weeks later I accomplish it and then think "Well, that's me done 2 weeks. Now what? Back to the habit I suppose". Whereas, if you just keep at it week after week you'll eventually get to the point where you know that if you go back to old habits you'll break a pretty good streak so that'll just encourage you to keep going. Plus, guilt will also play a bigger part.

Blink Me

I hope I'm going out this weekend but it depends whether my mates flake or not. Anyone been watching the new series of Take Me Out (the best trash TV show)?


Nice avatar Blink Me, I love that record!

I personally found that the whole point of getting over an addiction is not how far you can go without addictive item but how long you can get off it and keep it up. Usually I'd be like "Can I go without X for two weeks? Course I can!" and then two weeks later I accomplish it and then think "Well, that's me done 2 weeks. Now what? Back to the habit I suppose". Whereas, if you just keep at it week after week you'll eventually get to the point where you know that if you go back to old habits you'll break a pretty good streak so that'll just encourage you to keep going. Plus, guilt will also play a bigger part.
Very true shorty. I stopped for 6 months before, without a great deal of trouble. But then I started again (fuck knows why) out of the blue.

I must stop man, it's disgusting, expensive and anti-social.


I'm just at the point where I'm smoking about 20 a day and it's coating a lot of money plus I'm pretty sure I'm going to die of it if I don't quit.

Fuck these delicious smokey bastards.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Is it just me, or are referendums/da a stupid idea for crucial matters that impact everyone?

i.e the Scotland independence one, and the upcoming 'should we stay in europe?' one.

Both will surely be voted on primarily based on heart/gut instinct and feelings, and a lot of the detail of the practical implications will be mostly ignored.


Some things - like gay marriage etc - work with referenda. More complex problems don't IMO

Yes I agree. The problem is that by and large the public is pretty stupid. And also, the people with the more extreme views are the ones who will probably vote in larger numbers. I'm fairly agnostic about europe but I think you need a hell of a lot of data to even know what goes on over there. Most people I know who are anti-Europe are usually coming at it from a slightly xenophobic level of patriotism. When really, Europe affects British people minimally while still being an important force in trade and politics.

I'm in two minds about this.

First of all, if you think "the public is pretty stupid" then you're going to have a hard job defending democracy of any sort. So far as I can tell the public isn't as stupid as all that.

Second, and the really good thing about referenda, is it pushes the political class to actually state their argument clearly rather than doing it all behind closed doors.

But third, all those things that seem obvious now were not obvious at the time. If left to referenda we'd have probably have never had votes for women. abortion, legalised homosexuality or gay marriage, and we'd still have corporal and capital punishment. These things need some push from the centre, from a position of power and influence. And that might argue to the opposite side.

Referenda can work (they work all the time in Switzerland - they have referenda about everything).

But as for the rest of the UK having a say in Scottish independence? No way. How would that have played with Australia/Canada/New Zealand etc? Wrong answer.

Jedeye Sniv

I hope I'm going out this weekend but it depends whether my mates flake or not. Anyone been watching the new series of Take Me Out (the best trash TV show)?

I keep forgetting to watch it, I need to set a series link or something.

Also Big Brother is the best trash TV :) I'm enjoying this year a lot, I think I have a crush on Louisa Zissman. Fit as fuck.

Blink Me

I keep forgetting to watch it, I need to set a series link or something.

I just love how picky the girls are then some absolute meat head comes on who looks like he suffers from severe roid rage and the girls are foaming at the gash. And also when they go on a date with the guy but admit that they didn't like him in the first place.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Anyone been watching the new series of Take Me Out (the best trash TV show)?

Does it involve a gaggle of desperate women, a handful of creepy men, a perpetually gurning host, and a psychopath in the lighting rig armed with a sniper rifle, who decides who lives and who dies based entirely on I-Ching?

'Cos that sounds amazing.

Jedeye Sniv

Phisheep, good points all. Here's some thoughts:

I'm in two minds about this.

First of all, if you think "the public is pretty stupid" then you're going to have a hard job defending democracy of any sort. So far as I can tell the public isn't as stupid as all that.

I fall back on the old truism - "A person is smart, but people are dangerously stupid"! And tbh yes, I really have very little faith in our democratic system and the people who run it. And the people who vote for it.

I mean yes, my statement is pretty typical Jed-hyperbole but I think the general public as a mass are incredibly reactionary, easily led and not particularly well informed at all. Most of the public could not even tell you who the leader of the opposition is. I like to think that I'm moderately intelligent, and I readily admit that I know next to nothing about Europe and how it works and the myriad of links between us and the continent. I know enough to know I don't know much at all. But damn, get stuck in a conversation with some anti-Euro zealot and you realise that they know very little too while believing they have all the answers.

Maybe, in order to vote in a referendum you should need to sit a quick quiz just to make sure you have some grasp of the issues? Should eliminate around 80% of the voters!

Second, and the really good thing about referenda, is it pushes the political class to actually state their argument clearly rather than doing it all behind closed doors.

True, but do you think that many people are actually seeking out and joining in on these debates? In a lot of ways, I think the political classes are preaching to the choir. The people who watch newsnight and question time and read newspapers will be aware of the issues, but I think these people are sadly the minority in our country.

Really, I WISH that people were better educated on these things. I wish I was. Politics should be taught as a timetabled subject in schools, political discourse should be part of prime-time TV on the regular. If the general public was actually truly engaged in politics the country would be a very different place I think.
Saturday I'm doing nothing at the moment but on Sunday the missus's sister and boyfriend are coming over, I imagine that we'll get Chinese at some point too.
I'm also quitting smoking this weekend.

I've also quit smoking since something like the 7th of January. I had a few last weekend but that's because it's impossible for me not to smoke on a night out. Been off them since then.

Question for other quitters, people who have quit/tried to quit in the past: can paranoia be a side effect?

I'm getting over it slightly now but my head has been a really strange place the last week. You know when you make inconsequential eye contact with someone and you suddenly become convinced that person has been talking/plotting about you when you're not around? I've been getting that so much lately, from co workers, my managers, my housemates, I suddenly started worrying that they know something I don't and it's made me anxious about the longevity of my job. I'm a contractor and I've been here for over 9 months, the contract itself is a year but is renewable and from what my manager has said, it's much better to have a contractor stay on than spend 3 months training someone new.

So rationally, I know there's not a big issue. But that underlying feeling is really pervasive.

So, back to quitting smoking, if the paranoia is unrelated, then I can go back to the comforting reality that I'm just an unhinged person. If it is related, I shouldn't have to put up with it for much longer.
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