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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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Thanks for the recommendations in Newcastle Ninja went to Tiger Tiger last night was awesome. Uni's really nice there as well and there's so many hot women about. If only I looked like one of the dudes from Geordie Shore. There was a titty bar by my youth hostel so I ended up spending nearly £300 there after. Bad move.
Cool blink, glad you had a good one brah.

Tiger tiger is pretty sweet if a bit overpriced. I just like all the different rooms they have, it adds a nice bit of variety. The chill out room thats decked out like a romantic cave or something is good, candles in little alcoves and stuff. They had loads of Bhangra and smooth 90's hip hop on in there last time, an odd mix but it worked a treat to chill your buzz!

And lol at the £300 in a titty bar! As classy as Geordie birds are you probably could've seen as many bewbs by hanging at the bar with a few extra Bacardi Breezers in your hand.

Blink Me

Cool blink, glad you had a good one brah.

Tiger tiger is pretty sweet if a bit overpriced. I just like all the different rooms they have, it adds a nice bit of variety. The chill out room thats decked out like a romantic cave or something is good, candles in little alcoves and stuff. They had loads of Bhangra and smooth 90's hip hop on in there last time, an odd mix but it worked a treat to chill your buzz!

And lol at the £300 in a titty bar! As classy as Geordie birds are you probably could've seen as many bewbs by hanging at the bar with a few extra Bacardi Breezers in your hand.

Next time I'm going out to another city I'll make sure there isn't titty bar right next door to where I'm staying. When I'm sober I always think its a bad idea to pay to get cockteased but when I'm drunk rational thinking goes out the window. They were nice girls anyway.

And yeah Tiger Tiger was pricey kept getting double disaronnos even though they cost £7 each. Yet again wasn't thinking properly.


Knows the Score
Happy Birthday!



Tiger Tiger in Manchester is the chav annex, channex if you will.
Yeah, the one in Newcastle is a chav palace too. It's like the MaccyD's of nightclubs; cynical, soulless and a bit pricey for what it is, but enjoyably satisfying in a self-loathing kind of way.
I went to the Tiger Tiger in the West End with work peeps once. It was horrible, very chavvy.
Don't worry Mush, we aren't going to Tiger Tiger in March, I have much more suitable places in mind for our clientele. Scummy rock bars followed by a cheap, sweaty nightclub is the plan.
Happy Birthday!

You couldn't even bake him the cake? And you say you care.

Poor form 8bit.


Happy birthday Mikeside!

Might play some Outlast tonight so I can shit myself, as you do.

Been waiting for a guitar I ordered all week, gits haven't even sent it out yet. Really worried they will just cancel it, it's this really cool silver guitar that I had to wait until I got paid for except EVERY place started to sell a replacement silver guitar that looks like shit. Went through like 50 sites to find the old one still on sale but now I am worried I missed the boat. Not responding to e-mails either.


Might play some Outlast tonight so I can shit myself, as you do.
I'd bring a couple of pairs of underwear to change into for your playthrough, I promise you. I knew it would be a scary game, but fuck - I've not been prepared for half the shit it's chucked at me so far.


formerly Oynox Slider
I'd bring a couple of pairs of underwear to change into for your playthrough, I promise you. I knew it would be a scary game, but fuck - I've not been prepared for half the shit it's chucked at me so far.


I'm only early in, maybe that's why I'm a bit unscared (apart from a couple of nice jumps.

Going to turn the lights off now though and play it.


formerly Oynox Slider
Happy birthday Mikeside!

Might play some Outlast tonight so I can shit myself, as you do.

Been waiting for a guitar I ordered all week, gits haven't even sent it out yet. Really worried they will just cancel it, it's this really cool silver guitar that I had to wait until I got paid for except EVERY place started to sell a replacement silver guitar that looks like shit. Went through like 50 sites to find the old one still on sale but now I am worried I missed the boat. Not responding to e-mails either.

What kind of guitar is it?? Do you have a photo?



I'm only early in, maybe that's why I'm a bit unscared (apart from a couple of nice jumps.

Going to turn the lights off now though and play it.
I find it to be quite scary but it's been quite a while since I've played a decent horror game. The last one I played was Dead Space 2. I never played DS3 as I heard it's just totally unlike the previous two that it ruined the series. I really hope EA make a new Dead Space game and return the series to it's roots. I also have Amnesia to complete.


formerly Oynox Slider
I find it to be quite scary but it's been quite a while since I've played a decent horror game. The last one I played was Dead Space 2. I never played DS3 as I heard it's just totally unlike the previous two that it ruined the series. I really hope EA make a new Dead Space game and return the series to it's roots. I also have Amnesia to complete.

Hey, maybe it is. I hope it is. It just hasn't been so far.

(I've not played Dead Space or Amnesia).


bitch I'm taking calls.
There is a hole in the retina of each of your eyes where the optic nerve exits and blood vessels enter. This is know as your blind spot. With practice you can actually make people and objects disappear by closing one eye and finding the open eye's blind spot.

The reason vision isn't interrupted is because the brain actively fills in the spot based on a pattern of the area around it.

This light all be basic biology but my juvenile brain never knew it and I think it's cool so don't be smug, CHEEZMO.



Running late since my daughter didn't sleep at all last night, just fell asleep about half an hour ago.

I'd bring a couple of pairs of underwear to change into for your playthrough, I promise you. I knew it would be a scary game, but fuck - I've not been prepared for half the shit it's chucked at me so far.

I decided spending time with the wife was a better option. I will wait until daylight, and busy streets to properly start.... [/pussy]

What kind of guitar is it?? Do you have a photo?

It is just a starter electric guitar, but this is the one I want:


And this is what seems to have replaced them all in the last few weeks:


Really don't like the replacement. :(

There is a hole in the retina of each of your eyes where the optic nerve exits and blood vessels enter. This is know as your blind spot. With practice you can actually make people and objects disappear by closing one eye and finding the open eye's blind spot.

The reason vision isn't interrupted is because the brain actively fills in the spot based on a pattern of the area around it.

This light all be basic biology but my juvenile brain never knew it and I think it's cool so don't be smug, CHEEZMO.



formerly Oynox Slider
Marc, that sucks. It's only a starter though, you've got to begin somewhere!

I just posted on the Outlast OT but just finished it in one sitting (so not been to bed). It's pretty good, you know. But not that scary! It made me chuckle quite a lot too.


Friday fuckers! New van today! No more rattling speakers or alarm going off randomly! Why am I excited about a new work van! Pass!

Jackben, wat?

sploatee, play Dead Space 1&2, fuck awesome.

Morning you sexy mofo's, it's Friday!

u bin steelin' ma gifs DS? Best gif.


This game looks like so much fun!
I literally Googled
'dancing gif' and chose the best gif to represent my mental state.
Haha, I just post that "go Maisie go!" gif all the time. It is indeed the perfect expression of elation and excitement.
What van are you getting?.
Just another Citroen Berlingo, but a brand new one that doesn't rattle and stuff! I'll be able to play my tunes loudly without the whole cab shaking!

It's only moderately exciting I suppose.


I got so rejected last night.
I feel surprisingly happy still. The fear of never knowing is certainly worse than being flat out rejected though. Superman am cry.

On a happy note it's Friday you glorious bunch.


formerly Oynox Slider
sploatee, since you're managing to enjoy soul sacrifice you should check out toukiden!

Thanks, I might just do that!

I need to at least try to platinum Soul Sacrifice first (a bit OCD about leaving a game unfinished). There's so much to bloody do, though. I've not even finished the main story because I keep being distracted by the side quests. And wanting to get a very dark arm.
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